Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Hilton's PR Lady=Vegan Raised

PR Notes to complete this week
for HIlton's PR lady. She will
attend the Conference.
She was raised as a Vegan!

Date:   6/27/2005 8:08:42 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1102 times

Got a call today from Rayna,
who works PR for the Hilton,
the site of our upcoming international
Feng Shui Conference.

We talked.
She has great local contacts with the Media.
She asked for some bullets for the Press
Release she will write.

This is here to remind me of what I need to do,
after I get some mundale financial stuff handled this week,
and catch up from my energy blitz last week
for the conference:

Main IdeaL

* Let's Meet Over Lunch
at the "Organic Celebration at the HIlton"
and Design together the Future of San Diego

* The Conference is an opportunity for the residents
of San Diego to learn and interact
with 60 of the most innovative leaders
of Sustainable Living from around the world,

Time for Lunch?

* The Enchanted Garder's Lunch-- Challenge the creativity of one of Southern
Cal Award Winning Chefs with Out- of-the-Box foods seldom in
a Hotel Setting. The food will be coming right from the farm into the HIlton Kitchen from San Diego local organic and biodynamic farmers.

* The Hilton to become gourmet natural food restaurant for three
days of lunches during international Feng Shui Conference.

Photo of Leslie Goldman, with Hermann Chef Schaefer of the Hilton San Diego Resort

*Some of The Enchanted Gardener's photos of foods
will be featured in a Photo Exhibit.

See sample Here, Rayna...will be lo go...
I will give you some for the Union Tribute, I would like a story in the food section. sample photos to have with stories.
Papers can print these:

Farmers' Market Foods:

Tierra Miguel Foundation and Farm:

Fruit assortment, local San Diego, Farmers' Market Produce
available from the Hillcrest Farmers' Market:

Lettuce as Art:
add photo here:

The Conference is open to all--August 5,6,7,
$350.00 with preconferences Aug 4-8.
The exhibit area is free to all August 5,6,7.

Lunch will be at and people can come for the lunch...
RSVP only. Book with the Hilton
by...we will need a date..The food for the Conference is growing in the field now....

See all Speakers Bios here:

The Conference includes:

Gareth Cole, Australias most famous Eco Architect,

Janus Welton is Design Principal of Eco-Arch DesignWorks where
she combines a thorough knowledge of Feng Shui with Environmentally Sustainable Planning, Architecture, and Interior Design.

Patricia Michael, Environmental Consultant
Over twenty years experience using a whole-systems approach to ecological design
        Landscape and site design
    Landscape management
    Organizational dynamics and development

One of her specialties is "Greening" commercial and residential spaces. She can help you save money, protect the environment, and enhance your enjoyment of your space.

Leslie Goldman,
known internationally as Your Enchanted Gardener, local San Diego resident,

His mission is growing the Enchanted Garden, a name for our Renewed Earth that he encourages each of us to plant with heirloom organic seeds and fragrant herbs growing in harmony with our deepest seed dreams. Leslie was given a U.N. Peace Medal in 1982.

see speakers page:
Super Ripe Images:

The Seven Love Cure Site:


Class Times? Will get...

Can we arrange leaders of Hilton Management being
at Lunch...
Can we invite Paris Hilton???
Any way to reach her...that would be a story!!!


Other Anchors I would like to create:
* Leading Eco-Architects to interact with Hilton
Management....helping to give keys to define Future Healthy Buildings
for Hilton San Diego Resort.

Janus Welton's new book she will be bringing out
at the conferene is called , "The Living Elements of
Healthy Bulilding Design"

Love from Your Enchanted Gardener,

Yes, draw from this for Press Release, Rayna,

Organic Celebration
at the Hilton
August 5-7, 05

Foods grown locally from
San Diego's premiere biodynamic and organic farmers
as well as "Heart and Soul" natural food companies
will be served at the Hilton San Diego Bay Resort
during the 6th International Feng Shui Conference
August 5-7, 2005.

The "Enchanted Gardener's lunch" is the brainchild
of Leslie Goldman, who calls himself Your Enchanted
Gardener. It is in co-partnership with the Hilton
and its Executive Chef Hermann Schaefer. This
special event program is named
"Organic Celebration at the HIlton."

Chef Schaefer is familiar with the kind of "Out of the Box"
Unconventional Foods that Goldman plans to offer
the Award Winning Chef on his palette of menu ingredients.
Scheafer, as a youth in Austria, was exposed to organic foods
through his father who raised grapes. Schaefer, is one of
Southern California's top creative Chefs. He has been awarded
seven consecutive Gold Medal Awards from the Southern
California Restaurant Writer's Association.

"A top chef enjoys the finest of ingredients for his menus.
My goal is to deliver to Schaefer varieties of foods that have
never been served before in a commercial setting.
The end result I am seeking here, is to further
establish an ongoing alliance
between local farmers and the Hilton."

The five-day meeting of the International Feng Shui Conference
--including pre-and post conference
workshops August 4 and 8, will draw together an estimated
400 participants and 60 teachers in areas of
Ecological Architecture, Solar and Green Designs,
Space Clearing, and Geomancy to name to a few.
The Vendors exhibit area --open during the main
conference--is open to the public regardless of

"The Conference is called "Heaven, Earth, and Humanity."
The Feng Shui movement has become
a convergence point for vital energy systems
from diverse cultures that encompass earth wisdom," said Goldman.
"It only made sense to have the finest foods possible
served at the conference. Visionary Roger Green,
conference developer, choose San Diego for the site
because of its dream location as well as array of farm
fresh foods." Said Goldman, "We wanted to work with the
Hilton. They are very Avant Garde when it comes to
inviting in new innovations."

"In the 80's San Diego was one of the birthing places
for Holistic Health. We have gone beyond the body, mind, spirit model.
Our 21st century health model now encompasses
sustainable living. Agriculture is at the core of this.
The most successful real estate agents I know
are Feng Shui consultants," said Goldman.
"Their work is influencing the design of new hospitals
and birthing centers. Health Design is a whole new
field with major symposia each year. Vital energy principles--
aspects of Feng Shui--are at the core of these new economic realizations.
Out of this conference will emerge new definitions for what we will call
healthy buildings 20 years from now."
said Goldman.

"This Conference is a benchmark of the field.
It is not to be missed. It is for everyone who wants to explore careers that
will be popular as sustainability continues to take hold
of our profit motive. The hospital and insurance
companies of today realize they benefit when
they adapt to the principles that will be featured
heard at this very timely meeting."

"This conference will impact
the future of medicine, and the variety
of foods served at High Quality Hotels," said Goldman.

Goldman has a website called Friend of the Farm
where he sees art in farm fresh produce.
The site also shares his interest in local organic farmers
whose produce is offered at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market
9 AM-1 PM, Sundays, at the Department of Motor
Vehicles, 3i70 Normal St., San Diego, 92103.

His art images are also featured on his evolving web site:
Super Ripe Images:

"Biodynamic Foods at the conference will come from Tierra Miguel
Foundation Farm and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).
San Diego County's leading education center for sharing
gardening, and ecological living principles based
sacred earth wisdom," said Goldman.

Tierra Miguel now delivers
more than 250 weekly boxes of food through
San Diego, Orange, LA, and RIverside County,
There is now a growing waiting list for families and
individuals who would like to support Community
Supported Agriculture and have these fine foods
delivered to neighborhood drop off points.
Biodynamic foods from Tierra Miguel are now
served at the La Jolla Hilton.

Samples of foods from locally grown farmers
as well as sign-ups for the CSA waiting list
will be offered at the Enchanted Garden Altar
for the Conference.


To view the full International Feng Shui Conference Program please see:

For Leslie’s Web site for the Conference and related
sites, please see:

I have got a seat for lunch reserved for you at
the International Feng Shui Conference,
August 5-7, 05 in San Diego!!!
Make plans to be there NOW!

The Seven Love Cures:


Plant Your Dream Blog:
Your Enchanted Gardener:

Contact information for Your Enchanted Gardener

Leslie Goldman
c/o Enchanted Gardener
6006 Arosa St.
San Diego, CA 92115



Excerpt from:
"Healing Homes" with Feng Shui and Ecology
by Janus Welton, A.I.A., Architect, EcoArch DesignWorks
edited by Liora Leah

To Read the Whole Article, go to:

ECOLOGY-Healthy Building Design Principles

Indoor Air Pollution The Problem:
Until 25 years ago- indoor air pollution was a limited phenomenum. Two things have basically changed to contribute to this increasing health problem.

- First of all, thousands of chemicals and plastics have been incorporated into building materials since WWII.
- And secondly, Since the Energy crisis of the 70's , super- insulated and sealed buildings were built with the intention of energy efficiency, and could not "breathe" out the chemicals and in with the fresh air.

The Solution: Two basic Schools of Thought have arisen to solve Indoor air pollution.
- The first concept known as isolation and filtering is best applied to isolate from a toxic outdoor world. There are some people with such severe health problems living in areas where the outdoor pollution is magnified where this technique makes a good deal of sense. The concept is to eliminate the pollutants from the building envelope and seal the building tightly from within. Then clean , filtered air is mechanically pumped in -keeping the structure under slightly positive pressure to control air infiltration.

- The second concept has been the natural and historic approach in indigenous buildings through-out the world. This has also been re-introduced and popularized by the German Bau-Biologie (Meaning literally Building Biology)movement. In this approach, the building is thought of as a third skin and viewed as a permeable organism and constructed of natural, non-toxic materials that breathe. Thus the building skin interacts with the natural world and facilitates a balanced exchange of air and humidity. This methodology is preferred by Environmental Architects and Building Biologists.

Common Sources of Pollution in Standard Construction
The Problem:
Standard building and construction materials have been developed that contain toxic, volatile organic compounds , and petrochemicals that will out gas when newly constructed or installed . Such common building materials do have non-toxic , but these need to be specified by the architect and it takes a TEAM committment from the Developer/ Owner, Architect Designer, and Construction Contractor to achieve the goals of creating a non-toxic project that is healthy and free of sources of indoor air pollution. Specifications can be made by certified Environmental Architects or Bau-Biologists and Costs for such substitutions can run anywhere from 0 to 25% over standard construction costs depending on the strategies and specifications.

Common Building materials in standard construction that that can cause health problems are broken down in the following categories:
The main sources of such pollutants are:
VOC's = Volatile Organic Compounds are chemicals with carbon hydrogen bonds at the molecular level. These chemicals found in carpets and all kinds of products out-gas and release a slow dose of chemicals into the indoor environment and continue to do so for months. Most VOC's are synthetic petrochemicals used in formaldehyde, phenol, acetone, etc. and are used as adhesives in plywood, particle board and other wood composite products. Composite wood products are chemically treated woods such as particleboard, chipboard, plywood, sill plates, and chemically treated manufactured sheathing products. Presently about 80,000 synthetic Voc's are commercially available and found in standard products:

- Solvent based Paints, sealants, finishes, adhesives, solvents
- carpets and carpet pads
- plywood , particle board, wood paneling
- insulation
- Asphalt and products containing asphalt such as impregnated sheathing, roofing tars, asphalt driveways, etc.
- Building materials containing mildew, mold, or particles which will create an environment that prevents mold growth.
- Toxic Cleaning products and Solvents
- Pollutants from Combustion By-products such as gas, oil, coal; woods and fuels burned indoors consume valuable indoor oxygen unless outdoor air is added. All combustion appliances contribute to indoor air pollution especially in airtight energy efficient buildings. Fireplaces, woodstoves can give off hazardous fumes and need to be well ventilated. Garages should be isolated from the living spaces to prevent noxious fumes
- synthetic fabrics, dry cleaned garments
- air fresheners, aerosol products, cleaning products and body care products
- insecticides , moth balls , pesticides are classified as Voc"s but are even more of a health threat

Health Risks: Can create toxic overloads in any organ of the body and threaten the immune system. Some of the more common symptoms include :
Common symptoms include rashes, headaches, eye irritation, chronic cough, chronic sinus infections, joint and muscle pain, memory loss, inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue , anxiety, depression, and increasing number of allergies
- Also immune system disorders for the more sensitive and neurological problems, especially with babies on new carpets, are recorded .

- Alternate building materials, techniques, and finishes should be designed and specified and constructed to minimize Voc's. Use of natural and non-toxic materials - Replace finishes with non-toxic ones. Discontinue use of toxic household and personal care products.

Insecticides, Mildew-cides, Herbicides, Biocides
Insecticides, mildew-cides, herbicides, biocides,both found in building materials and applied on site can present very dangerous health risks. These are poisons that were first developed as offshoots of nerve gas in WWII. Most are synthetic and made from petroleum and are designed to kill a variety of plants and animals. They are odorless and often invisible and difficult to detect. They are composed of active ingredients to kill the target organism and inert chemicals to deliver , preserve, or make application easier. Many people assume that they are " safe " and that government and the EPA are protecting them. In fact the EPA bases approval on "EFFICACY" or the ability to kill the targeted pest , and not on SAFETY. Pesticides and herbicides can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or swallowed.

Health Risks:
The health risks have been well documented.
- The National Cancer Institute study indicated the likelihood of of a child contracting leukemia was more than 6 times greater in a household that uses herbicides for lawn care.
- The American Journal of Epidemiology reports more children with brain tumors and cancers were found to have more exposure to insecticides than healthy children.
- According to the new York State Attorney general's office, 95% of pesticides used on residential lawns are considered probable Carcinogens. by the EPA.
- Pesticides have been linked to the alarming rise in the rate of breast cancer.
- Besides causing cancer, pesticides have the the potential to cause: infertility, birth defects, learning disorders, neurological disorders, allergies, multiple chemical sensitivities, and immune system dysfunction.

- In new construction you can lower pesticide exposure by not treating soil under the building and by eliminating standard building products containing biocides and instead create construction techniques that create physical barriers.
- In all projects, eliminate the use of pesticides.

EMF's -
Electro Magnetic Fields Electromagnetic Energy is ubiquitous. Sunlight produces natural electromagnetic waves. But there are a variety of man-made sources that are not benign.
- 60 hertz Electromagnetic fields are reffered to as EMF's are generated by all electrical devices that operate off our electric power system. These include power lines, lights, appliances, and computers. Electric fields can b measured in Volts/ Meter and in many cases can be reduced. Magnetic filelds are measured in Gauss or miligaus.
- We also have waves generated from radio and Transmittors, cellular phones and other wireless devices called RF waves.
- Microwaves and microwave appliances are known to change the cellular structure of food. Microwaved food is not recognized by the body cells in the normal way. Health risks: There can be serious health risks from exposure to any of these EMF's while the issues have been hotly debated for many years US studies disagree. Studies in Europe have indicated the following nervous disorders, insomnia, depression , anxiety. But other research suspects EMF's of contributing to Cancer, especially leukemia, Lymphoma, thyroid and brain cancers.

The methodology is too exhaustive for this discussion however, a few tips are suggested:
- Transformers in low voltage lighting put off large magnetic fields- Locate tranformers in a remote location away from human sleeping and working areas.
- Keep a 4-6 foot distance from appliances with transformers on the wall plug and keep safe distances from computer screens, tv's etc.
- The ballasts in flourescent lighting emit EMF fields. Avoid flourescent lighting in work areas or on a ceiling below a bedroom.
- Shield refrigerators and put them on dedicated circuits and away from sleeping . living work spaces.
- We are surrounded by grids of Electric currents that are carried on all improper wiring, conduits and the pulses of current always vary. Avoid sleeping or working over main water , sewer lines , near metal conduit , and avoid metal beds and box springs which conduct electric current into the human body.
- Bau-Biologists take a body voltage measurement of humans in their beds to determine how much voltage is transmitted into the body and provide methods of Grounding and shielding beds.
- Electric currents in existing homes can often be controoled by simply shutting off the circuit breakers at night . There are even devices that can be installed near the bed to do that.

Naturally Occurring Pollutants
Some naturally occuring substances such as radon, radioactive contaminants, trace metals, house dust, molds and pollens can have harmful effects on humans.
- All buildings should be tested for High radon levels are mitigated by radon specialists
- Heavy metal can build up in the body tissues and cause damage to brain , liver, and kidneys. Test drinking water for contaminants and use water purification devices.
- Biological pollutants include pollen, house dust, and mold spores, and pollens need to be detected and eliminated.
- Air filtration systems , cleaning ductwork and preventing moisture / mold build-up are all common solutions.

The Solution:
Strategies for Source Reduction of Indoor Air Pollutants
1. Eliminate sources of pollution
2. Substitute healthier materials
3. Exercise prudence when using unavoidable toxic substances
4. Cure materials before they are installed within the building envelope
5. Seal materials so they will off-gas less

Eco- Design Principles
In this current time of diminishing natural resources and escalating building costs, it has also become the responsibility of those who design and build homes and public or workspaces, to pioneer ecologically harmonizing, responsible, and sustainable buildings and environments.

Strategies and Eco-Design Principles:
- Orientation and Site Design Strategies to maximize solar exposure and utilize wind currents.
- Use of Daylighting strategies and passive Solar design and cooling
- Design building with Climate Design Strategies customized to prevailing climate
- Implement Energy Efficient design and renewable energy strategies
- Specify "Green" and Sustainable Materials.


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