Blog: One
by Lapis

Divine Human

The patterns that we accept as our conscious reality are quite interesting as they weave and connect in a deep spiritual tapestry.

Date:   3/28/2006 12:19:53 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1338 times

Whole Man - Divine and Human


The development of the physical form is activated at conception by
the incarnating soul on the astral plane. As the physical form develops
in the womb, so do the etheric threads, the "silver cord," which
connects them and through which the seed atoms travel. The physical seed atom
arrives about the fourth month, the time called the "quickening," to
reside in the heart. The physical body, as it is forming in the womb
according to the DNA pattern of its heart seed atom, attracts energy into
itself. The physical atoms conform to the atoms of the etheric body
which holds its pattern. Everything on the physical plane has its
counterpart, its image, its real part, on the etheric planes. That's why the
astral world is so familiar to us. It is the ghost image of electrons that
disappears when we open our eyes. The emotional seed atom slips down
the silver cord to reside in the liver, or solar plexus region, and the
developing fetus begins to experience sensations and to express itself
with activity. The mental seed atom travels down during labor and enters
the pineal gland in the brain at the moment of birth to awaken
consciousness and ensoul the new human being. The etheric and the physical
systems are superimposed at seven energy centers along the spinal column
and in the center of the brain. Each chakra of the etheric body
superimposes an endocrine gland of the physical body. The chakras can be
visualized as colorized spinning wheels of energy, which draw the life force
from the etheric form into the glands to be distributed into the
bloodstream. The chakras are:

7 Crown Chakra - at the top of the head; pineal gland (mental
seed atom); illumination Christ-Consciousness, Enlightenment
6 Brow Chakra - at the forehead; pituitary gland; Third Eye
Center, ESP, intuition, clairvoyance Spiritual Man; Higher Consciousness;
wisdom, empathy, compassion, kindness, love
5 Throat Chakra - at the throat; thyroid gland and medulla
oblongata; center of creativity
4 Heart Chakra - at the chest; thymus gland and pulse point of
heart (physical seed atom); love center Midway point between 3 lower and
3 higher chakras; higher emotions, love of self and others, awareness
of God
3 Solar Plexus Chakra - at the waist; liver; point of contact
between physical and astral bodies (astral seed atom); emotional brain
Carnal Man; lower self; animalistic nature, aggressions; base emotions,
selfishness, lust, greed, hate, anger, jealousy, power and revenge
2 Spleenic Chakra - at the navel; spleen; major connection to
etheric form
1 Root Chakra - at base of spine; prostrate/uterus; root brain,
lower consciousness

The three permanent seed atoms contain all that an individual human
is (just as an acorn contains all that will become the tree). They
remain within the soul after the physical body is discarded and are returned
each time the soul projects a new body and personality. They are the
focal points of energy from the physical, astral and mental planes.

When the endocrine system is balanced and supplying the body with all
the proper hormones in the proper dosages, the body manifests perfect
health and evolutionary progress. Until the spiritual centers are
developed to maintain a balanced endocrine system, however, disease and decay
persist. This means the body, the mind and the spirit of the individual
have to function as one unit-- one self-organizing, self-maintaining,
self-perpetuating, ecological system. The endocrine glands are
reflections of the chakras, which mirror the spiritual progress of the soul.
Balancing the chakras improves the functioning of the endocrine system,
which perfects the physical form.

Most people are stuck in one of their three lower chakras-- root,
navel or solar plexus. They have raised their kundalini energy to the
point of being caught up in their sexua| desires, emotions, and material
seeking. To develop further, they must balance their creative energies
and direct kundalini to their heart chakra by expressing increasing
degrees of love for self and others. It is through helping others that we
help ourselves. If the intellect has been overemphasized, kundalini will
rise to the throat chakra, by-passing the heart, and express as
self-pride and intellectualism instead of compassion, humility, mercy and
kindness that comes from the heart. Empathy with others' suffering raises
kundalini to the highest chakras in the brain. Opening the brow chakra
and, finally, the crown chakra awakens the consciousness to Divine Love.
Divine wisdom comes through the awakening of Divine Love. Without Love,
there is no wisdom or truth in what we say or do.

Young children are in closer touch with higher dimensions. They don't
know adults are unable to see what they see. They often have
"imaginary" friends, see colors or auras around people, or "know" ahead of time
that something is going to happen. In the past, they have been burned as
witches, locked away in mental institutions, tortured, ostracized and
generally seen as aberrations after they innocently spoke of their
visions and voices. We come into the world of matter with our Third Eye
partially open. It's not until around age 7 that the pineal gland in the
center of the brain begins to atrophy and the pituitary turns its
attention to sexua| maturation that it closes altogether, and the visions
usually cease (except in cases of highly evolved souls coming in on a
special mission). Children who are punished for seeing the unseen become
fearful, confused and insecure. Some later turn to the evil side where
their visions, no matter how bizarre, are accepted as real. We would do
well to encourage visionary children to explore those other dimensions
instead of making them feel they don't belong in this one. They are our

When the pineal gland is reactivated by kundalini later in life
through spiritual development, the visions from childhood may come back into
conscious awareness and the person begins to get back in touch with
higher dimensions. When kundalini joins pineal and pituitary
(masculine/feminine, positive/negative) into Divine Love, the Third Eye re-opens and
duality disappears. This may be called conversion or awakening, being
born again. The soul's birth into the world of matter is consciously
remembered and the consciousness experiences illumination, the down
pouring of Grace. The person recognizes his connection to his Higher Self and

The astral body is connected to the physical body and the etheric
body at the solar plexus chakra near the liver, which forms the emotional
center. It is the "gut-feeling" center. Its energy field extends about
a foot beyond the physical body. Most humans at present are operating
under the influence of this powerful center, which is connected to the
subconscious mind-- desire is the motivating force. It is manifested in
the struggle so many are experiencing with stress-- the fight or flight
conflict between the desire to possess something and the desire to
escape something.

We function unconsciously on the astral plane in our astral body when
we dream. On this plane we develop our higher astral senses all of
which are the more finely tuned counterparts of our limited physical
senses, but are used differently. Matter-energy on the astral plane travels
more rapidly so the astral senses aren't limited by particular organs or
nerve channels as is the physical body. The whole body sees, hears,
tastes, etc. The astral brain remembers experiences on both planes, but
the physical brain is prevented from remembering all but glimpses of
astral plane experiences until the consciousness is prepared to withstand
the higher vibrations.

It can be dangerous to blow this protective veil off suddenly by
unnatural psychic means, which is why we must develop our intuition to warn
us about unscrupulous spiritual or psychic healers who would not have
our best interests at heart. Many people in mental institutions today
may be exhibiting symptoms of psychosis because they were exposed
prematurely to higher vibrations. As we learn to expand our consciousness
gradually, the protective veil disintegrates slowly and we begin to
remember more of our astral travels without ill affects. This process can be
accelerated by practicing certain yoga disciplines and meditation

At death, we drop our physical and etheric forms, and exist in our
astral body. In our astral body on the astral plane, both our lower and
higher desires are intensified and we may remain for a long time in the
mess we left for ourselves by not overcoming our undesirable habits
during our physical lifetime or we may rise to great heights of ecstasy if
we learn to transmute our sexua| energy in life. Our astral body has to
compensate and undergo purification before we can continue our journey
to higher planes.

The mental body of Man is a force field which surrounds the upper
part of the body and an area above our body. Its physical counterpart is
the brain, spinal cord and nervous system. The pineal gland is the seat
of consciousness, and the link between our subconscious and
superconscious minds. This gland, which atrophied at puberty to allow for sexual
development, is able to regenerate. When we are able to transmute
passion into compassion, sexua| energy into creative energy, a shift occurs
in our consciousness and our nervous system, which opens us up to our
Higher Self and our Divine nature. Kundalini energy, rising from the root
chakra up the spinal column and into the brain centers, raises the
physical body's vibrations, through the chakras, from the lower level of
desires to the heart chakra of love, to the throat center of divine
creativity, and through the crown chakra to connect with the Higher Self.

The causal body is the home of the soul, which is the projection of
the spirit and the projector of the physical body. The soul is the link
between two worlds. The causal force field includes the mental body
because it is the higher mental field and extends far above it to include
the Oversoul. It is the soul that is developing through physical
incarnations to learn what it needs to learn about handling pure energy on
the physical plane-- or transfiguration, in order to return increased
vibrations and wisdom to its spirit. The spirit is the Oversoul, the
Higher Self, the God-Self, the Whole Man-- the REAL you.

©1989,2001 Diane Goble

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Comments (25 of 166):
Re: Critique of Ch… Espri… 15 y
Mayas- Phillip Wit… #7760… 17 y
So then... thomas 18 y
We think then life… kermi… 18 y
Add Lapis and stir daizy4 18 y
Re: Love is a verb… kermi… 18 y
Victims #62456 18 y
Great Advice #63338 18 y
Love is a verb..... daizy… 18 y
So Very True hopinso 18 y
thanks, that was t… Wrenn 18 y
nice post n/m Wrenn 18 y
tears in my eyes! … Wrenn 18 y
Nice Sunday Though… YourE… 18 y
I agree thanks n/m Wrenn 18 y
very nice, thank y… Wrenn 18 y
Everyone should wa… Wrenn 18 y
all signs of ´a hi… thoma… 18 y
Some Advice Please hopins… 18 y
This article is to… kermi… 18 y
precisely correct.… kermi… 18 y
Thanks #47569 18 y
A great story, Lap… Owen 18 y
I really do think … JeSui… 18 y
beautiful! bkcrazy 18 y
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