Blog: One
by Lapis

Bathroom Epiphany

The idea of "The Dream" and how it impacts us.

Date:   9/13/2006 4:16:39 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 6651 times

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Short Circuit Victimhood

"We are disturbed not by what happens to us, but by our thoughts about what happens.”
~ Epictetus ~

Byron Katie, founder of "the work" ( a way of using internal defuse one's story) told this story. I think we can all relate to this way of thinking.

"Once as I walked into the ladies room at a restaurant, a women came out of the singles stall. We smiled at each other and as I closed the door she began to sing and wash her hands. What a lovely voice I thought. Then as I heard her leave I noticed that the toilet seat was dripping wet. How could anyone be so rude I thought. How did she manage to pee all over the seat? Was she standing on it? Then it came to me that she was a man. A transvestite singing falsetto in the women's restroom. It crossed my mind to go after him and let him know what a mess he's made. As I cleaned the toilet seat, I thought about everything I'd say to him. Then I flushed the toilet. The water shot up out of the bowl and flooded the seat and I just stood there laughing.

In this case the natural course of events was kind enough to expose my story before it went any further. Before I found enquirey I had no way to stop this kind of thinking. Small stories bred bigger ones. Bigger stories bred major theories about life. How terrible it was and how the world was a dangerous place."

What Byron Katie is talking about is how we program our subconscious mind with uninvestigated thought forms which then goes to make up what people like Katie and Author Don Migeul Ruiz of "The Four Agreements" calls "The Dream." The dream is a lie. It is a fractured reality that takes on a life of it's own. It runs your life with much power as it continually seeks to validate itself. It is a story that filters your experience from the pure expression of reality and keeps you trapped from the and unconditional love.

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Comments (15 of 166):
Re: Critique of Ch… Espri… 16 y
Mayas- Phillip Wit… #7760… 18 y
So then... thomas 19 y
We think then life… kermi… 19 y
Add Lapis and stir daizy4 19 y
Re: Love is a verb… kermi… 19 y
Victims #62456 19 y
Great Advice #63338 19 y
Love is a verb..... daizy… 19 y
So Very True hopinso 19 y
thanks, that was t… Wrenn 19 y
nice post n/m Wrenn 19 y
tears in my eyes! … Wrenn 19 y
Nice Sunday Though… YourE… 19 y
I agree thanks n/m Wrenn 19 y
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