Blog: How to Become the Healthiest You
by PaisleyH

5 Things You Should Do if You Get a DUI

Getting a driving under the influence, or DUI, charge is a serious thing, and it can be confusing and distressing to deal with the aftermath. If you get a DUI, here are five things you should do.

Date:   5/18/2022 7:52:29 PM   ( 3 y ) ... viewed 167 times

Getting a driving under the influence, or DUI, charge is a serious thing, and it can be confusing and distressing to deal with the aftermath. If you get a DUI, here are five things you should do.

1. Get Confirmation for Picking up Your Car

When you get pulled over for a DUI, you'll be asked to leave your vehicle so the police can take you to the station. Typically, the person who is suspected of driving under the influence will have his or her car towed. It's likely a police officer will be the one to call a towing company, but you will be the one to pay for the tow. When this happens, you'll need to get the company's contact information and coordinate picking up your car.

2. Get an Attorney

You're entitled to legal representation if you need to go to court. As with any charge, you'll have the choice of the court appointing your lawyer or hiring one yourself. If you choose the latter option, make sure you find a defense attorney who is experienced in DUI or DWI law. Your lawyer should also be experienced in the traffic and driving laws of the jurisdiction in which you're being charged. For example, you should contact a Seattle DUI attorney if you were charged in or near that city.

3. Complete Court-mandated Programs And Report on Them As Required

There are a few different consequences that you may need to deal with, depending on whether you're charged and the severity of the charge. The legal consequences can range from paying a fine to jail time, with the severity decided based on how intoxicated you were, your age and your driving and criminal record. Whatever you're required to do after you're charged, make sure you do it as expected. If you're fined, pay it well before the deadline, for example. The most common punishment for a DUI is a combination of educational programs and community service, which you will be expected to complete within a certain amount of time and report on your progress to the court.

4. Be Polite But Restrained When Speaking to Police

Police officers will be the first people you deal with after being pulled over for a suspected DUI. You need to be polite and respectful. If someone is belligerent or unnecessarily uncooperative when pulled over, he or she may be putting his or her safety at risk due to the training police officers undergo in order to protect themselves. Rudeness can also make the situation worse for you. However, this doesn't mean that you need to be completely submissive. Make sure you know your rights, particularly your right to remain silent and to refuse breathalyzer and field sobriety tests at the scene. You will need to submit to a chemical test when you arrive at the station, but you don't need to take any other tests.

5. Prepare for Any Other Consequences

DUI charges remain on people's records for a long period of time, though they are removed from it eventually. Having a DUI on your criminal and driving records can have consequences outside of court-ordered programs or fines. Future employers will have access to your criminal record, for example, so it's important to be upfront about it when seeking a new job. Your car insurance premium will also likely increase a significant amount and won't fall for some time. Make sure you prepare for these circumstances as best you can.

There are many things that need to be done if someone gets a DUI. The things you need to do depend on several factors, including if it's your first DUI and how serious an offense it is. Make sure you talk to your lawyer about your options and requirements.


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