Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

Years gone by...

This Lady has been thru the " Ringer " so to speak, but seems to be winning her battles! This shows that help and cures are possible and needed for a better life! I am aware that Hydrogen Peroxide used correctly will help kill many infections!
Try it, we have used it for years! Amen!

Date:   5/1/2022 3:10:09 AM   ( 3 y ) ... viewed 964 times

Blog: BV - Bacterial Vaginosis
by #42412

Years gone by...

And still no closer to a cure

Date: 2/2/2012
... viewed 14046 times

So, after all these years gone by that I have been dealing with my "little problem" and all the research I've done... and I think it was around 7 or so years ago that I posted about BufferGel, which I still think sounds like a promising treatment and possibly a cure, that I am still here.

Still treating it myself at home, still managing a problem that, in theory, should be very easy to resolve. It boggles the mind that a poisonous drug like AZT can be rushed onto market without any testing in a matter of months but something like Buffergel, which essentially is completely natural, takes 10-15 years and is still in the testing phases with nothing new or updated on it since 2005.

Would it be that the medical community reaps more by "treating" rather than "curing".... well, that's why I don't go to doctors anymore unless I have NO other choice. I haven't taken an antibiotic since the last time I posted in here over 2 years ago that I was going to take one again. Since that time, here's what happened...

I started dating someone new almost 2 years ago and decided to go back on the pill, so of course I had to go in for an exam. We had unprotected sex and I used a Vitamin C tablet for birth control because the acidity kills the sperm. That was about 2 days before my Gyn appt.

I had a little blood tinged discharge after the sex and just assumed it was because it had been awhile :). Got to the Gyn and she tells me I have a perfectly round lesion that is oozing a little. She thinks its Herpes and wants to test me. I know what it is, it's the Vit C tablet, but I let her test me.

Herpes of course came back negative, but she wanted to take another look at it. I didn't tell her that I knew what had caused it but let her give me another exam. She said it had healed up but I should come back if I had the discharge again. Anyway, lesson learned, The Vitamin C tablets are too acidic to be against the mucous membranes. So, no permanent harm caused but I have quit using them.

I rarely have to treat myself for BV anymore, it seems the longer I go without antibiotics, the better I get. I use a Hydrogen Peroxide douche a couple times a month, after period for a couple days and follow up with the L. Reuteri tablet and no problems. It seems after period is the time I notice the odor more than anything and it just takes a couple days to clear that up. I bought some disposable douches at Walmart, dumped out the vinegar or whatever was in there cause it's useless, and just reuse them for the hydrogen peroxide.

I have heard doctors say sooooo many times that hydrogen peroxide kills living tissue also but I can say that is just not true. It can't be, I have been using this method for like 6 years now and every time I go the Gyn everything is fine. There is no cell damage, no scar tissue.

I once was told I had HPV, precancerous cells and had to go in for a biopsy. I of course used the Hydrogen Peroxide because that's the only thing that keeps the odor away, and when they did the biopsy they found nothing. She took a sample anyway which came back completely normal, and aggravated the BV when they go fooling around in there!

Anyway, to those folks out there suffering through it, there are ways to manage it yourself at home with very minimal effort, just stay away from those stupid doctors if you don't want to make everything worse!

Medical opinions are changing but they haven't figured it all out yet.

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