Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

** Everybody knows that there is a God -

** Before any work of the Lord was begun, the Holy Spirit was present **

Date:   1/4/2019 4:16:01 PM   ( 5 y ) ... viewed 1554 times

** Everybody knows that there is a God -

A new year is a great time to reflect and realize the truth in your life!

We need to realize the truth is that actually everybody knows that there is a God. And that He is the Creator, not manipulator, of nature.

There is an intuitive knowledge of God on the inside of every single person who has ever lived. Read this narrative and Bible study to learn how and why God created what we know of!

This is not just tradition or the imagination of man but the absolute truth.
Genesis 1:1

Note on Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God... The Scriptures don’t try to prove the existence of God. They begin with the truth that everyone knows there is a God. This is exactly the point of Romans 1:18-20. There is an intuitive knowledge of God on the inside of every single person who has ever lived. We shouldn’t argue with anyone about His existence. We just go past their heads to their hearts and touch the part of them that knows there is a God.

God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last (Revelation 1:8 and 11). He existed before anything else. He created everything else that exists (John 1:3). Some sci-fi fanatics try to present God as nothing but a superior alien, but that’s not what this scripture says. God doesn’t just have superior intellect and knows how to use natural law more than we do. He is the Creator, not manipulator, of nature.
Genesis 1:2

Note on Genesis 1:2

Of course, no human was present to witness the creation. This knowledge was given to Moses by divine inspiration (2 Peter 1:21) and thus is not just tradition or the imagination of man but truth. No doubt this is some of the revelations that came to Moses in his face-to-face encounters with the Lord. Not a huge amount of detail is given, but it’s enough to occupy our thoughts and answer our questions.

In just the second verse of the Bible, the Holy Spirit is introduced. Before any work of the Lord was begun, the Holy Spirit was present, “brooding” over the elements from which all life would be created. God does nothing without His Holy Spirit. Likewise, no one can come to the Father but through the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 6:44 and 1 Corinthians 2:14).

The Hebrew word that was translated “moved” in this verse means “to brood; by implication, to be relaxed” (Strong’s Concordance). This is a word picture of the Holy Spirit brooding over the waters in the way a mother hen broods over her chicks. The Holy Spirit was hatching the potential of what God had created.

Many people have made major doctrines about what happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. I guess it is possible that the Lord could have created the heavens and the earth of Genesis 1:1, and then beginning with Genesis 1:3, Moses might have been describing a re-creation of the world after some cataclysmic destruction of a pre-Adamic civilization that Satan ruled over. I can’t conclusively prove that didn’t happen, but I don’t think anyone can prove that did happen by speculating on what occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.

It seems to me that Genesis 1:14 disproves this long earth theory.

This account says the earth existed before God created the sun, moon, and stars.

That shoots evolution in the head!

Andrew Wommack's Living Commentary.

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