Blog: ”Atoms have consciousness” with images
by Takashi

The ruins of standing stones in Kara Danish ruins in Isle o

"Atoms have consciousness" with images

Date:   7/18/2016 5:08:32 PM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 933 times

The ruins of standing stones in Kara Danish ruins in Isle of Lewis

By Takashi

This info is translated into English from Let's solve the enigma of the earth

Aug. 30, 2013

The ruins of standing stones in Kara Danish ruins in Isle of Lewis

(Postscript on Sep. 1, 2013)

There are standing stones which are lining up in a row on the outside of the circle.
I was told through the channeling they were the atoms which had the memory of Stone humans whose atoms were waiting for the order to get back together in order to become the human.
I was told they had turned into the stones while they had been waiting for the order.
The reason why their size of the stone is big is that much energy could not be produced if many atoms were not bound.
Therefore the stone circle seemed to rejoin in the place surrounded by the stone wall.
It seems to have been the beginning of Nugera and stone pagoda of BROCH.

Even though I went there, my mouth did not move in order to emit the words, because the subconsciousness of Stone human went up into the sky after he descended to me in 2000↓.

(Postscript on Sep.1,2013)

I saw Kara Danish ruins on TV in the middle of the night of Oct. 30, 2000.

"Please wake up as I'd like to inform you about the cross of Kara Danish ruins.
Let me tell why stones are arranged in the form of the cross around the stone circle.
I wanted to go to the other parallel world.
Stone god speaking.
I went along the long line of the cross, went into the sea and died by drowning.
That's why the body of Stone god was lost.
I was not able to go to the parallel world.
I hated to stay here as there was nothing here.

(Though I wrote down what was told through the channeling at night, the characters were blurred because I was too sleepy.
Therefore I would like to write together what I have remembered.)

(The stone circle expresses the round shape of Stone god) the reason why I made the cross around the stone circle is that I heard the king of Sagittarius was crucified at Cygnus(?) .
Moreover I wrote so as Sagittarius is in the center of the universe.
I'm the pathetic thing.
I'm the thing which broke up with stars.
Even though I had once been a star, I was invaded by the satanic being as I came to the earth.
I'm one of Stone gods.
When I descended to Kara Danish ruins, it was in the rich plain.
However the earth was not the star on which we Stone gods should live.
Therefore I became the satanic being and hoped to die earnestly.
That is why the earth became wasteland by the Earth's axis movement(?).

(I can't read the characters because they are distorted from here.)

I drew the cross as I cursed the earth and wanted to come back to Sagittarius earnestly.
Now I succeeded in coming back to Sagittarius.
I invited you on behalf of Celtic who live in the northern land where I once descended.
Stone gods were given the satanic power by Sirius.
It made the north wind keep giving suffering breath and the tears of sadness turning into rain.
I sincerely try to inform the horror of Sirius.
This is the story of mine who descended in the ends of the earth.

This story was given to me as requiem of Stone god who was the divided star.

I'd like to return to the energy body of love.
I'm not Stone god who died by being spared.
The descendants of mine became the Viking who are causing conflicts now (in Ireland(?)).
When I broke up with star, I was a kind star being.
I'd like to apologize because I haunted those who live earnestly in peace and made them fight.
I'd like to apologize for that.

(Stone god seems to grudge against Sirius here.
However the subordinate of Pleiades seems to tell me so as he wanted to make me believe Sirius is the bad star.
As Stone god seems to have been forced to write by the subordinates of Pleiades, the characters which formed the part of the cross were unknown.
The things which are seen to the left are connected to the sea. )


Aug. 30, 2013

The ruins of standing stone of Kara Danish ruins in Isle of Lewis

There is smaller stone work in the stone circle.


Aug. 30, 2013

The ruins of standing stone of Kara Danish ruins in Isle of Lewis

The central part became the stone circle.


Aug. 30, 2013

The ruins of standing stone of Kara Danish ruins in Isle of Lewis

The reason why I have visited ruins this time is I happened to see this Kara Danish ruins on TV in 2005.
I was given the word through the channeling 'the requiem of Stone god' as if it had been told by an old man.

As it was informed to me those things I found there are lots of ruins in the farthest small islands.


Aug. 30, 2013

Shetland Islands ・Jarlshof

Is it for the bird-type Stone humans (?)

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