Stone humans,sports,Kii peninsula,
The recession of the seas 7 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from
Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
Stone humans,sports,Kii peninsula, The recession of the seaside,Persepolis
#)The beings that came down to the earth became
Stone humans who were the alter egos of Stone Gods and they
were able to move freely.
The atoms of Stone Gods changed into all necessary items.
Therefore they could meet their wishes and enjoyed peaceful
peri ... read more
About the change of a reader's feelings 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
About the change of a reader’s feelings read more
Burning vision No2 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Burning vision No2
By Takashi
From the information of ”THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA”
Burning vision No2
The previous burning vision and also this one seems to indicate that the earth burns out.
1. A black-green lattice overlaps several layers on the background of one screen of black screen.
Lattice is the consciousness body of the universe
2. Black and white circles appear alternately on the grid and disappear.
Is it Missile?
Black represents evil, and white represents good.
... read more
Burning vision 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Burning vision
By Takashi
From the information of ”THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA”
Oct. 4, 2017
Burning vision
I’ve forgotten the first part.
1.Shape of thin green U shape
2.Part of the yellow-green color darkens, moves and rises to the upper left.
The rest on the left becomes thin and disappears.
3.The remaining part turns red, burns out and disappears.
Is it because there is no more spirits ’ world that there is no left side?
Because the world of spirits can not burn.
https:/ ... read more
(Postscript on Dec. 4, 2008)From the prince of Sagittarius 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
(Postscript on Dec. 4, 2008)From the prince of Sagittarius read more
Correction about "spaceman" clay figurine from about 500 AD 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Correction about ”spaceman” clay figurine from about 500 AD |How to make the spine | Zoroaster
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
April 3, 2006
Correction about ”spaceman” clay figurine from about 500 AD |How to make the spine | Zoroaster
April 3, 2006
Though I asked the meaning of ”spaceman” clay figurine from about 500 AD, I was not able to get the answer readily.
”Spaceman” clay figurine from ... read more
The deep pot which shows how the spine is made | The vision 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
The deep pot which shows how the spine is made | The vision which shows the previous stage when the spine is made | The stone which shows the spine | Izu island of Onagawa-town, in Miyagi Prefecture,
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
April 2, 2006
The deep pot which shows how the spine is made
Buried Cultural Property Investigation Center in Hokkaido, Japan
I was shown the below vision↓. ... read more
The introduction of a mail
8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Crop Circle No.563---No.584 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Crop Circle No.563---No.584
By Takashi
This is the information from ”THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA” about Crop Circle.
Strike a daunting pose
The word ”Take that!” came out of my mouth and I thought this Crop Circle looks like striking a daunting pose.
The head is as big as the small hand and feet.
They show it seems that the head, hands and feet work as much a ... read more
This info is translated into English from Let's solve the e 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Vatican | The stone pagoda of Emperor Kan
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
Feb. 23, 2011
Five lappets(???)expresses the heads of serpents.
↓The stone pagoda in China have the same thing which is described as the head of Dragon.
The pillar is also spiral and looks as if a snake were climbing up.
There is a basement under these four pillars and the energy body of the star of th ... read more
Former Prime Minister Sharon in Israel | The notice by the s 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Former Prime Minister Sharon in Israel | The notice by the signal given to both the wrists
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
Jan. 30, 2006
Mt. Hakken
We can see Mt. Hakken on the way to Jyozankei, Hokkaido, Japan.
I was given the signal in my knee before reaching Jyouzankei
Mt. Hakken told me he is related to the spirit of Former Prime Minister Sharon.
When I tr ... read more
The being with the sound of 'S' | cirrocumulus | the Korean 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
The being with the sound of ’S’,cirrocumulus, the Korean Peninsula,hieroglyphs, winged goddess of victory
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
Nov. 10, 2007
The channeling was started at dawn.
”You will realize how much Greece was ruled by the being with the sound of ’S’.
They did discourage the appearance of Stone gods.”
---------------------------------------------- ... read more
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion read more
Mt. Ararat | The king of Sagittarius in Middle East | The ch 8 y
"Atoms have consciousness" with images
Mt. Ararat | The king of Sagittarius in Middle East | The change of the thought of the Ohmoto (the central consciousness of the universe) | The image to take care of the earth
Mt. Ararat | The king of Sagittarius in Middle East | The change of the thought of the Ohmoto (the central consciousness of the universe) | The image to take care of the earth
By Takashi
This info is translated into English from Let’s solve the enigma of the earth
Jan. 9, 2005
Mt. Ararat | The king of Sagittarius in Midd ... read more
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