Blog: ”Atoms have consciousness” with images
by Takashi

The Arabian Peninsula=The boot which shows the mankind's w

"Atoms have consciousness" with images

Date:   6/4/2015 10:35:29 AM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 957 times

The Arabian Peninsula=The boot which shows the mankind's way forward

The Arabian Peninsula expresses the foot by which the mankind's way forward.
Dragons which had been in Dead Sea entered into the underground lake in the Arabian Peninsula and they are harassing Iran with the thorn at the tip of the toe in order to cause conflicts.
I was told through channeling the beings which sent Dragons to Dead Sea is Ohomoto (religious sect founded in 1892 as an offshoot of Shinto) and Buddhism in Japan.
Actually, the being from the sky said that Loyal Families and leaders of religions of the countries except Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula support people of Islamism secretly.
They support to fight by Islamic fundamentalism to protect Islam.

I felt a strong sign on my body.
Channeling started:

"The first thing I want to tell is that I was deceived by bad stars.
So Stone gods became lions and others.
Stone gods of UAE told this to Iran by kicking.
But the Arabian Peninsula which became a boot was controlled by bad stars later.
It is related to Dead Sea in Israel.
Bad beings of Dead Sea are dragons which came to Arabian Peninsula.
So Stone gods of the Arabian Peninsula became a desert to protest it.
Bad beings of the Arabian Peninsula harass Iran by kicking with the foot.
Bad men who like to fight (Loyal Families(?) leaders of religions(?) in Arabian Peninsula) give the money to bad men.
Dragons of Arabian Peninsula are too bad.
They lurk in an underground lake of the desert."


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