Blog: Twisting the Cat’s Tale
by Savagegrace

Ode to Fravia

And his greatest failure.

Date:   11/6/2011 9:35:09 AM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 2801 times

On Sunday, 3rd May 2009 Fravia passed away.

I believe it was in '97 that I came across Fravia's reverse engineering site.

I remained a lurker for almost a year before starting to post, as I really had no skills to benefit what he and his followers did.

The gist of it?

Fravia was about expanding people's ability to think.

He started with software reversing (which was reversed itself to help software developers understand the limits of software protection), going into internet searching which blended into Reality Reversing.

There are essays from slavemaster reversing, philosophical cracking and human behaviour to reversing trends.

Or "How people are controlled, manipulated and lied to".

Simply put, "People are fed a line of crap" and because of how it's fed to us, you and I willingly line up for the slaughter.

Reading and interacting with his website allowed me to grow and expand my perception on many fronts.

I became aware of how severely limited my thinking was.

I now know that our education system was developed for and by what I call Literals.

Literals love playing with words. It is why "legal-ism" has come to the forefront of our legal system.

So much so that word play is more important (to Literals) than guilt or innocence.

I'm a full Cognitive, the complete opposite to a full Literal.

Around a decade ago during a 3 month period I had numerous gestalts of understanding and I became aware.

Being male and becoming aware is amazing in itself (the ladies will laugh at that one.....;-).

But being a full Cognitive, realizing you're different, but until you become aware, you don't understand the why and how different.

Fravia was a Literal, graduated from the University of Venice (1994), Fravia had a masters degree in history and philosophy. Even though he could reverse and look at many different avenues he had the most common failure of thought a Literal has.

The belief that "educated" men, like themselves, know what they're doing.

So, I come to Fravia's failure:

"Ok, so all the cures I had to undergo for almost two years: two complete and quite debilitating chemotherapy cycles, 4 operations, many biopsies, uncounted PET scans and MRIs, months spent inside a clinic... did not work out."....Fravia

Taken from:

Those who have read (widely) about cancer know his failures.

His belief in his educated literal Doctors, sealed his fate.

But then, when you're under the gun, one looks for the closest door.

Fravia changed my life forever and for the better.

I think now, when you read my simple writings, you'll understand perhaps, that a wee bit more, is going on.

I thank you Fravia, I hope this gives you a chuckle.

To his family and friends this is about his teachings and I mean no disrespect, only the best for all.

Your Humble Servant,

Gracefully Savage

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