Blog: Orgone Rife
by #129102

INFO: Body Alchemy

Never buy a refill of your favorite supplements again! Just send yourself its energy over and over instead!

Date:   9/12/2010 6:42:40 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 46236 times

What if I told you you could send yourself the energy of any supplement - without having to actually take it internally? What if I told you you could send it to yourself, over and over, without having to buy more of that supplement ever again?

What if I told you all you needed to do this is a $10 zapper, a piece of metal, and a chicken egg?

The following is very, very experimental, and it may not work for everyone.


-Zapper running at 30 KHz. Even a cheap $10 Ebay one will work, but it MUST run at least 30KHz!

-Chicken egg (organic)

-Supplement (tablets or capsules)

-Copper plate or pipe (only one needed)

-One alligator clip wire

-Optional- pure silver plate or wire (can be used instead of copper)


1-Connect zapper to copper plate with alligator clip wire, coming from the Positive output of the zapper. Use ONLY the positive (+) connector. The negative will not be used.

2-Place chicken egg on copper plate

3-Turn on zapper, frequency must be at least 30khz or this will NOT WORK.

4-Now hold your supplement with your forefinger and thumb, against the chicken egg. Hold it there for at least 20 seconds, but no more than 30 seconds.

5-Turn off the zapper. Done!

You will absorb the energy of the supplement, straight into your blood stream. People who have malabsorption issues will have no trouble absorbing any supplement with this method.

Why the chicken egg, you ask?

Egg shells are composed of calcium carbonate, which is naturally a very good conductor of electricity. It is why the Egyptian Pyramids were made of limestone!

If you held the supplement against the metal plate directly, without the egg inbetween you and the metal, you would absorb the energy of the metal too. Besides causing heavy metal poisoning, let me give you another example of why this would be very harmful.

Say you want to send yourself the energy of N-Acetyl-Cysteine.

This supplement is known to bind to Copper.

If you held it against the copper plate, the copper in the plate would just bind with NAC as soon as it enters your blood stream! It would render it useless.

The metal that you hold the supplement against will always combine with your supplement once the energies enter your body.

Example: If you send yourself Alpha Lipoic Acid, the acid will bind with Copper and cause Copper Toxicity in a jiffy, because ALA is not a real chelator of copper - it binds to it temporarily but then lets go, and to top it off it stops the liver from detoxifying the metal!

But with the chicken egg... You are dealing with Calcium, not Copper. Calcium is not a heavy metal! It is completely safe (and beneficial, even) to send yourself acidic supplements like Ascorbic Acid or ALA, using Calcium as a base. NOT COPPER.

Silver can be used instead of copper. You will still want to use a chicken egg placed between the silver plate and your supplement.

One can get creative with this and instead loop a (pure, 99.99%) silver wire around a chicken egg, nice and tight. Then attach the zapper to the wire. Now just hold your supplement against the chicken egg's shell. The electricity will travel from the zapper to the silver, then to the calcium, then to your supplement. Because your supplement is not touching the silver directly, only the calcium, it will combine with the energy of Calcium once it enters your body's energy field.

There are, of course, Cautions to keep in mind.

-There is no way to know what dosage you are receiving.

-There is also the possibility that the energetic charge of the supplement may eventually be depleted - but I have yet to see this happen.

-You will be absorbing unknown amounts of calcium. If you have health conditions that worsen when you ingest too much calcium, you will want to be conservative in how much you use this method. -All impurities in the supplement will be sent to you, potentized. That means that you will also absorb any heavy metals and benzene in the supplement. Use pure supplements. If you want to be really careful, stick to using natural herbs in powder form that you encapsulate yourself. Buy some empty capsules and fill them with herbal powders. Buy only from sources that do not irradiate their herbs. The least synthetic the substance, the safer you will be.

This is very experimental. However, I have been doing this for 2 months and have made tremendous progress in my health journey. For years I have dealt with severe malabsorption issues and leaky gut, but with this method, I absorb everything directly into the blood. I can send myself ALA and within minutes I am sent to the bathroom to pee out the mercury.

In contrast, when I take ALA orally I hardly ever absorb it - I have to take cayenne to stimulate stomach acid production and then take some olive oil to get the ALA to "kick in". Even then, this sometimes doesn't work and the pills just end up going to waste. I've lost a lot of money on supplements that go completely unabsorbed.

It's really a hassle doing it the old fashioned way. You will never want to go back once you start doing this regularly, trust me. Let me know your results and if this helps you!

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