Blog: LifeMojo
by #107897

Bounce Back

Life, with all its twists and turns, presents us many opportunities, challenges and obstacles. These are unavoidable truths. However, the way we react to them results in us either overcoming them, learning from them or being totally defeated by them. Usually the magnitude of the obstacles hardly matters but the magnitude of the reaction does.

Date:   1/29/2010 3:28:21 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1542 times

Life, with all its twists and turns, presents us many opportunities, challenges and obstacles. These are unavoidable truths. However, the way we react to them results in us either overcoming them, learning from them or being totally defeated by them. Usually the magnitude of the obstacles hardly matters but the magnitude of the reaction does.

Everything in life is all about hard work. Sometimes years of effort goes into building something like a relationship, for example. And when things don't necessarily turn out the way we expected, do we just quit and walk out? Or do we take the wheel and steer ahead knowing that the future is just as uncertain? Each one of us is a unique person and our attitudes and reactions are just as unique. However, there are a few techniques that all of us can use to better the way we handle the hard knocks in our lives.

Tips we can all use to "Bounce Back"!

  1. Be objective. Step out of your circle and then look at the situation. There could be several positive possibilities you may not have noticed before.

  2. Take responsibility if you're in the wrong but do not blame others. This may be a difficult step but following through will only offer you the maximum benefit.

  3. Come to terms with the situation as soon as you can and then plan your next move. The next step isn't always easy but if you're going to get ahead then that's what you will have to do.

  4. Ask for help. Don't ever be afraid or ashamed to do so. You will be pleasantly surprised how many people - friends, relatives, professionals - who would be willing to be of some assistance to you. Many of them would even be helping with advice, having been through a similar situation. Remember no one is perfect and that's ok.

What next?

  • Revive your goals from the beginning. Rework the details with different ideas and approaches. There's got to be more roads to the same destination. Always!

  • Make sure your goals are specific and realistic. This will help you achieve them faster and alter your course if you need to. They may be flawed again but they're flexible because you will keep them that way.



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