Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refusenik: Conscientious Objector
by rudenski
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Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore   13 y  
John Prine -Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore
Your Flag Decal Won’t get You Into Heaven Anymore   visit the page

Religion w/ "Extreme Caution!"   14 y  
I had a Near Death Experience over two decades ago. I had huge problems with my own religion but I faced raising my children without the beneficial parts of my religion.
God(or whatever name one wants to give to the light)= the sum of all love asked me personally if I had learned enough about love and the peace part was just an extension of the love... I believe anyone choosing Christianity as the path to love and peace should perhaps do the using love and peace to find the tiny bits and pieces of it that are revealed within Christianity to add to that understanding. At the very least, if one’s goal is to follow the guidelines of love and peace, I would say to approach Christianity with ”EXTREME CAUTION,” capitalized for emphasis... but fo ...   read more

AVATAR- Sequel   14 y  
I thought about a sequel Avatar movie where the humans attack again but this time using nukes.
I thought about a sequel to the Avatar movie where the humans attack again but this time using nukes. The universe responds and invades earth with ’grinch’ looking aliens who storm all of the video game stores, movie stations and toy stores, taking all of the movie makers, preachers, politicians, and generals who promote war with them, put them in a stadium with guns and all the ammunition they can use... The grinch looking aliens lock the doors to see if they will use the weapons they promoted to get them out.... but if they choose to negotiate instead then they would have to p ...   read more

Letter from Santa(Post Christmas)   14 y  
One time I visited Toys R.... accompanied by a team of elves. It was a few days after Christmas so the symbolism was still solidly implanted in people’s brains.
One time I visited Toys R.... accompanied by a team of elves. It was a few days after Christmas so the symbolism was still solidly implanted in people’s brains. I entered the store with my staff of elves and immediately requested the manager to remove violent war toys from his shelves. I explained to him how dangerous the toys were and that I had determined that the bad toys must be permanently removed for the safety of children. He replied that what was on his shelves was not my business to which I replied that toys are always my business. We then used the shopping carts to load assort ...   read more

Peace Crane   14 y  
"Peace Crane, I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world." ~Sadako Sasaki, age 12
I envision a day like this ahead   visit the page

The Movie Avatar or A song of Peace   14 y  
"A particle on its own can be many cannot affect anything with large mass; however, if enough particles are together they can affect things with mass." - Author Unknown
”A particle on its own can be many cannot affect anything with large mass; however, if enough particles are together they can affect things with mass.” - Author Unknown I do not watch television but I will rarely watch a movie. I went to see the movie Avatar and while I felt strong feelings for the oppressed in the movie, it ended with a predictable good guys getting angry enough to finally slaughter the bad guys... I had just hoped for more... In the movie, mankind had ruined her planet and then moved on to ruin another. There must be a solution to this world’s problems be ...   read more

'Forward', they cried   15 y  
'Forward', they cried
” ’Forward’, they cried from the rear, and the front rank died.” Pink Floyd   visit the page

Amazing War Veteran   15 y  
I was in the military as we planned the invasions of Muslim Nations 30 years ago. It is all going according to plan...but I knew inside that what we were doing was not what was meant by serving the military for God & Country... that I joined to defend. Listen to this brave young man speaking truth to power.
Military Recruiting in Kindergarten   15 y  
Lowering the Bar: Kindergarten Recruitment Lowering the Bar: Kindergarten Recruitment Tuesday 17 November 2009 by: Jon Letman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed How old is old enough for students to be approached by military recruiters? High school? Junior high? Fourth grade? How about ten weeks into kindergarten? Last week at the dinner table, my five-year-old son announced blithely, ”Soldiers came to school today.” He then added, ”They only kill bad people. They don’t kill good people.” He made the announcement with the same levity he uses in recalling the plot line of Frog and ...   read more

Motörhead - 1916   15 y  
16 years old when I went to war, To fight for a land fit for heroes, God on my side, and a gun in my hand, Counting my days down to zero, And I marched and I fought and I bled and I died, And I never did get any older, But I knew at the time that a year in the line, Is a long enough life for a soldier,
16 years old when I went to war, To fight for a land fit for heroes, God on my side, and a gun in my hand, Counting my days down to zero, And I marched and I fought and I bled and I died, And I never did get any older, But I knew at the time that a year in the line, Is a long enough life for a soldier, We all volunteered, and we wrote down our names, And we added two years to our ages, Eager for life and ahead of the game, Ready for history’s pages, And we fought and we brawled and we whored ’til we stood, Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder, A thirst for the Hun, we were foo ...   read more

Everyone's a pacifist   16 y  
Everyone's a pacifist between wars. It's like being a vegetarian between meals.
-Colman McCarthy Everyone’s a pacifist between wars. It’s like being a vegetarian between meals.   visit the page

Love and the 5th World   16 y  
When I was in the military many years ago I heard a message of American control over the world from men of great power.
Give love when the the world is most grim and you will find yourself ready for what is to come. Give love... When I was in the military many years ago I heard a message of American control over the world from men of great power. America was then part of a Conspiracy to destabilize every Muslim nation in the world to keep them from joining each other to form alliances and to have control over their resources. The way they described how to defeat Muslims was all about divide and conquer. If the economic hit men can keep us fighting tribe to tribe and nation against nation then we will be ign ...   read more

Don't Go   16 y  
The truth is silenced in the United States and Israel...and everywhere... Americans and Jews...and their counterparts on the others side of every war or land grab are being recruited today for wars abroad and today Americans are also being prepared for a civil race war here at home. Don't go. Published on Friday, June 27, 2008 by The Black Commentator Welcome Home, Soldier: Now Shut Up by Paul Rockwell
There are two kinds of courage in war — physical courage and moral courage. Physical courage is very common on the battlefield. Men and women on both sides risk their lives, place their own bodies in harm’s way. Moral courage, however, is quite rare. According to Chris Hedges, the brilliant New York Times war correspondent who survived wars in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans, “I rarely saw moral courage. Moral courage is harder. It requires the bearer to walk away from the warm embrace of comradeship and denounce the myth of war as a fraud, to name it as an enterpris ...   read more

US soldier refuses to serve in 'illegal Iraq war'   16 y  
Matthis Chiroux is the kind of young American US military recruiters love. "I was from a poor, white family from the south, and I did badly in school," the now 24-year-old told AFP. "I was 'filet mignon' for recruiters. They started phoning me when I was in 10th grade," or around 16 years old, he added.
Chiroux joined the US army straight out of high school nearly six years ago, and worked his way up from private to sergeant. He served in Afghanistan, Germany, Japan, and the Philippines and was due to be deployed next month in Iraq. On Thursday, he refused to go, saying he considers Iraq an illegal war. ”I stand before you today with the strength and clarity and resolve to declare to the military, my government and the world that this soldier will not be deploying to Iraq,” Chiroux said in the sun-filled rotunda of a congressional building in Washington. ”My decision is based ...   read more

Support which troops?   17 y  
Plain and simple; troops are not being supported when they come home. As long as they are murdering civilians in Iraq, the worst troops are considered heroes to the religious right and dumbed down Americans for atrocities that are neither religious or right. By comparison, Nazis were supported by the German people even while the German "troops" in World War II were killing Semites just as troops are killing Semites in Iraq and Afghanistan for being Semites. The false reality in Iraq is not lost on returning veterans who come home and one by one kill themselves for their conscious knowledge that they murdered innocent human being, mostly civilians, who never did anything to them. 15,000 troops have committed suicide since the war began. Those troops are supported by the American public but their own consciousness is their judge.
When they come home maimed there is very little support for troops but the lip service for combat troops goes on. The jingo, ”Support the Troops” eliminates any discussion of disrespecting any ”troop” for anything he does while in a uniform but every day in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocent human beings are being butchered by some of those ”troops.” The abuse is widespread and condoned by the Religious Right but where is the Religious Right when the ”troops” claim Conscientious Objector status for just being a Christian or for just having a conscious? Instead of releasing troops who realize t ...   read more

Forget your faith   17 y  
Forget your faith; be ready for whatever it takes to win: we face annihilation unless all citizens get in line."
......   visit the page

JFK: Consientious Objectors   17 y  
War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
Medicine Man: Conscientious Objector   17 y  
Navajo Marine given conscientious- objector status By Electa Draper Denver Post Staff Writer Denver Post Article Last Updated:01/25/ 2007 12:31:51 AM MST Durango - The Marine commandant reversed his earlier decision Wednesday and granted conscientious- objector status to Pvt. Ronnie Tallman, a 19-year-old Navajo from Tuba City, Ariz.
Navajo Marine given conscientious- objector status By Electa Draper Denver Post Staff Writer Denver Post Article Last Updated:01/25/ 2007 12:31:51 AM MST Durango - The Marine commandant reversed his earlier decision Wednesday and granted conscientious- objector status to Pvt. Ronnie Tallman, a 19-year-old Navajo from Tuba City, Ariz. Tallman believes his newfound calling as a medicine man makes it impossible for him to go to Iraq without spiritually harming himself and his community. Tallman learned late Wednesday afternoon that Gen. James T. Conway reversed a Jan. 13 dec ...   read more

This is the field where the battle did not happen   17 y  
This is the field where the battle did not happen This is the field where the battle did not happen, where the unknown soldier did not die. This is the field where grass joined hands, where no monument stands, and the only heroic thing is the sky. Birds fly here without any sound, unfolding their wings across the open. No people killed – or were killed – on this ground hollowed by the neglect of an air so tame that people celebrate it by forgetting its name. by William Stafford USA (1914-1993)
Speaking: The Hero   17 y  
Speaking: The Hero
I did not want to go. They inducted me. I did not want to die. They called me yellow. I tried to run away. They courtmartialed me. I did not shoot. They said I had no guts. I cried in pain. They carried me to safety. In safety I died. They blew taps over me. They crossed out my name And buried me under a cross. They made a speech in my home town. I was unable to call them liars. They said I gave my life. I had struggled to keep it. They said I set an example I had tried to run. They said they were proud of me. I had been ashamed of them. They sai ...   read more

Marine Quits War for Conscientious Reasons   17 y  
San Francisco Chronicle SAN JOSE Judge orders discharge of an anti-war Marine Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer A federal judge has ordered the Marines to discharge a San Jose lance corporal as a "conscientious objector" who had an aversion to killing and participating in war.
Robert Zabala, 23, must be released from the Marines Corps Reserves by mid-April, U.S. District Judge James Ware said in a 21-page ruling Thursday. ”We’re very pleased with it,” Zabala’s attorney, Stephen Collier, said Monday. ”I think it’s a good decision and that it makes clear to the armed services that they can’t deny conscientious-objector discharges from the military.” Zabala, a UC Santa Cruz student, began boot camp in June 2003. During a three-month period that summer, one of Zabala’s superiors repeatedly gave speeches about ”blowing s -- up” or ”kicking some f- a-,” which ca ...   read more

Iraq Violence Drops!   17 y  
British General: Our Presence ‘Instigated’ Violence In Iraq, ‘90 Percent’ Reduction After Withdrawal
bushandbrown255.gifAfter Britain partially withdrew forces from southern Iraq in September, the White House slandered its “closest ally,” claiming “British forces have performed poorly in Basra” and suggested “it’s best that they leave.” The White House should take notice of what has happened in Basra as British troops have left. According to Maj. Gen. Graham Binns, commander of British forces in Basra, the presence of British troops instigated violence. Now, violence has reportedly dropped to one-tenth that of earlier levels: The presence of British forces in downtown Basra, Iraq’s ...   read more

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I was in a near death experience over 20 years ago and came to realize that war is just murder by another name. This blog will explore what is known about Conscientious Objection of war.… more...

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Created: 18 y   Aug 09 2006


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Comments (10 of 71):
Shopping Sydney dymocksbu… 5 y
Re: Religion w/ "E… shali… 14 y
Re: 50-to-1 Money … kermi… 15 y
Re: Medicine Man: … kermi… 15 y
Re: Amazing War V… infin… 15 y
Re: Amazing War V… tellu… 15 y
Re: Military Recru… ruden… 15 y
Re: Support which … white… 17 y
Amen. eom #36 17 y
Jesus only gave on… White… 17 y
All Comments (71)

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