Transformation via Gratitude! 3 y
A personal recommendation whenever you are feeling depressed about anything in the past.
September 10, 2022 - Steiner on Gratitude -
”...the subconsciousness develops a certain feeling of gratitude towards every impression — irrespective of its nature. It is not inaccurate to say that while we might see someone concerning whom our conscious impression may be very unpleasant — he might insult us to our very face — the subconscious impression would still be a certain feeling of gratitude. The simple reason for this feeling is that everything in life which approaches the deeper element of our being enriches our life, really enriches it, including all unpleasant experiences. Th ... read more
Transformation Through The Shadows 7 y
"Decisions" are mental and very limited to just the mind. In contrast: "Conscious-choice" is akin to nine-centeredness which is all-inclusive of our whole being!
November 23, 2022 -
”...The transformation through Bach into Beethoven offers a kind of Memory of the deed of Vitzliputzli; and a foretelling of the higher human being of the future, who will bring Harmony between the rhythms of world communities and the Melodies of Eternal Individuality.”[15]*
March 5, 2020 - ”... the Automatic Activation of Type.
As you raise the frequency of your DNA beyond the Shadow patterns of the not-self, you bring yourself naturally into a higher harmony with all creation. The higher your frequency rises in the spectrum the more impeccably you mov ... read more
Transformational Sessions 8 y
The great work of personal transformation can be very well supported with both aura-to-aura sessions as well as with written reports.
Personal Transformation sessions can begin with an introductory session (or more sessions as needed) for the Individual to understand their nine Human Design centers.
An Individual with an undefined Spleen Center who is also interested in being healthy needs to be completely familiar with the limitations and sensitivity of having an undefined Spleen Center. A good friend whom I’ve been working with for several years has an undefined Spleen Center. I just complied a twelve-page description of the an undefined Spleen Center especially with my friend in mind.
October 12, 2018 - Ce ... read more
Transformation - The "Mother" of Prevention 8 y
12 Steps to Preventing Illness
If we realize that we have multiple dimensions to our being (most simply stated in the trinity of mind-body spirt) and that these dimensions intercept and interact with each other then we can understand how suppressing our thoughts, feelings and/or emotions can impact the body via the mind-body channels. I’m familiar with how this works from life-long personal experiences of suppression that began as of about age one. My initial impact manifested in my speech.
”... if you let fear sink into the body, you have war in the body. Inflammation develops, so you use antibiotics and antipruriti ... read more
Preparing For The Great Mutation 8 y
To everything there is a "season" including a time for your personal transformation!
May 30, 2022 - ”We are heading out beyond - In a cascade of cosmic consciousness -
There are many ways we can express and experience love. This week they all collide, creating a new reality.
... With Jupiter and Chiron sitting in the Channel of Initiation this week, we have to trust in love as we leap into a whole new version of ourselves. We might not know where we are headed, but we can feel the intention for change and the commitment to action clearly forming within us.
This channel takes the old dutiful comfortable version of love and sets it alight into a fiery blaze of poss ... read more
Reiki Plus Communication Dyads 9 y
The importance of client feedback
July 9, 2024 - Our Ability to Communicate -
”...We need to understand how something as ordinary as a basic assumption can block our ability to communicate and how this can mess up our relationships.”[5]*
April 6, 2023 -
October 7, 2022 -
”...Nothing shows off the quality of our love better than our listening skills, and in essence, listening is what keeps people together. People who listen to each other end up wanting to be and stay together, for nothing connects us better than our listening to each other’s world of feelings and e ... read more
Transformations With Omraam Mikhael 9 y
Communicating with the languages of light that convey the truth of self, life and others sets us free!
January 13, 2023 -
”...The voice of a singer who leads ... a high ideal ... ally themselves with the spiritual entities...”[22]*
Comment: With the above quote of Omraam - this blog-writer is reminded of a voice that he heard over fifty-two years ago that was singing with total alliance with the spiritual world and that occurred in the midst of a traumatic experience that altogether pierced open his father wound right in front of a carnival in the inner city of Chicago located where this writer did want to go. Hearing this singing voice reminded him of an awesome other-worldly gre ... read more
The Human Design System 9 y
Its History, Its Organization, and References
April 25, 2022 - Transformations with Planetary Transits -
”The Individual Circuitry is the key to huge evolutionary shifts for humanity between now and 2025,
and timing is key. Individual transformation has it’s own cosmic timing.
If you are trying to rush things (or hold them back) you are out of flow,
and your are missing important creative opportunities.
What is this moment asking you to engage with? .........
There’s something about self respect here.
If we cannot find the people who share our goals and values, and who support our good efforts, we must go alone until we do. ... read more
Be Still and Become Amazed! 9 y
Still racing after all these years?
February 15, 2020 - Beyond ”Silence” -
”... The true function of silence is to enhance our powers of thought and imagination.”[2]
April 16, 2016 - Silence: Stillness
”If we could slow down and stop for 10 minutes a day, we’d be amazed by the transformation.”[1]
I just came across this site - however I was thinking earlier today about the need to be still (at least a moment or two) during the day.
Even at home I witness housemates who essentially run around the house. They pass by me with hollow words like: ”hey. how’s it going” without making any eye contact and not ... read more
Transformational Communication for Self and Other 9 y
How dialogue relates to transformation.
May 27, 2024 - High Level Communication! -
When incorporating these: “ten principles of authenticity in communication proposed and examined by Bishop (2006):
communication should be:
receptive to feedback;
and timely.”
November 21, 2023 - The Transformational Potential of Authentic Dyads -
According to Gene Keys author: Richard Rudd - there are three ”classic paths” to Truth: Meditation, Concentration and Contemplation.[18] Authentic Dyads[19]* synthesize all thre ... read more
Your Sun-Rise! 9 y
Identify the first Siddhi in your Human Design!
January 4, 2023 -
”We have to struggle against the weight and obscurity of our own being every day.”[4]
Comment: Both ”the weight and obscurity” can be used as objects of contemplation with the intent of knowing the truth of each individual contemplation and then expressed in dyad communication cycles with another. Each complete communication cycle will raise understanding - an essential element for managing the ”obscurity.”
December 14, 2022 - ”Face and Embrace”! -
So glad this blog-writer is reconnecting with this blog post now after having shared the acronym F.A. ... read more
Manifesting Miracles - 101 10 y
Thought is creative. You can focus your creative thought into written goals that you program into your subconscious mind.
I have the booklet by this title by Stuart Wilde.[1]
Once you have written your goals you can accelerate your daily practice by encoding each goal with a code word or short phrase. Then program your subconscious with the codes and from then on you can simply speak the code words to recharge the goal! Doing that further activates the magnetism of the subconscious. Especially when you’re working with the awareness of your higher self as you speak your code words.
March 25th, 2016 -
”In any situation in which you are uncertain, the first thing to consider, very simply, is ‘What ... read more
Right Timing 10 y
Transformation is at the core of understanding that I offer individuals regarding right timing.
Have you heard that there is a time/season for every purpose?[1] If so then it follows that our timing of our urges for immediate action can be synchronized with the optimal time in accord with the true purpose. Omraam teaches: ”wait for the right time”. I agree! Otherwise our action for something we want may be likened unto picking fruit before it’s fully ripe.
Patience may be required (although it may be the one thing many people are a ’smidgen’ short of). A deep universal reason for impatience is due to ”the raw force”[2] of our natural human desires. ”Desire” is the Shadow of the 30 ... read more
The Mayan Cross 10 y
An ancient light for modern day realizations!
Inspired with a birthday card I had received that has two elephants on the cover both with their trunks extended and grasping a stick together. The elephants inspired me to discover the Mayan sign of the sender: my Dutch daughter! After generating the ”Mayan Cross” for my daughter I did the same for myself. From my reading I’m now inspired to make special note here of the following.:
Acceptance -
”You may find a heightened ability to accept negative or challenging traits in a partner or family member simply because you now understand them, and yourself, at the soul level.”[1]
Tha ... read more
Transformational Contemplations 10 y
The essence of autobiographical work in dyad communication.
10:53 PM PST - I just conceived of something new for my transformational work with dyads. I call it the Autobiographical Dyad Series(ADS). I thought of this while I was blogging a moment ago at: ”Creme de la Creme”.[1]
The ”series” can essentially take two forms. One would ideally be weekly dyad sessions. The other form could be a one, two or three-day intensive.
My suggestion is to focus on one particular seven-year cycle for each series and (if possible) starting with the first seven-year cycle - from birth up to age seven. I’d also suggest allowing about twelve hours or so of actu ... read more
Transforming Our Relationships With Food 10 y
Food for thought and for the renewal of mind & body: aka transformation.
Transformations, in my life, have impacted all my relationships - including all aspects of my relationship with food. My relationship with food has become sacred. The blessings are countless! I wish to share the blessings with others.
I’m designed with idealism. Idealism is part of how I think as a ”chef” and when I write on the subject matter of food and all our relationships to food. The following written piece is inspired by my vision for a shared transformational experience with food. It includes some of the benefits that this kind of transformation can offer people in general and e ... read more
Change Is Continual! 10 y
By way of the circuitous routes of Mercury; now Retrograde and at other times as well.
This second entry comes 14 days (half a lunar cycle) since my initial ”Welcome”.
Now with Mercury retrograde in Gemini and in light of all its aspects - ”we are facing a philosophical transformation.”[1]
That means it is a most excellent time to think, to deeply contemplate and allow this ”messenger of the gods” to work his quicksilver through our lives. Change is inevitable now. You can locate this change in your Human Design Body Graph as Mercury is now in Throat Gate 35: The Gate of Change! According to Lynda Bunnell the influence of this Gate activation can allow ”clear sharing ( ... read more
Welcome to "Transformations with Chef Jemichel"! 10 y
Celebrate Being transformed by the daily renewal of your psyche!
February 23, 2023 -
Your work toward your own personal growth and transformation is probably the most valuable work that any individual can possibly do. It is essentially ”unpaid work” and yet it’s not without its ”benefits”! You may know this to be true yet if you aren’t acknowledged for the work of personal transformation that you do then that may possibly be discouraging at times.
However, acknowledgments can be had! You could possibly have communication ”dyads” that are devoted to acknowledging your personal transformation!
March 14, 2021 - Long Term Patterns of Decay - ... read more