Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

The Biological Intelligence of Cold and "Flu Viruses"

Another perspective on the idea that people "catch" colds, the flu, etc. and the need to allow the body to cleanse itself as it needs to.

Date:   10/31/2009 7:56:43 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 3731 times

August 4, 2020 - The "Spanish Flu" -

"The Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 ... actually began in the United States, at the Naval Radio School of Cambridge, Massachusetts, with 400 initial cases. This epidemic rapidly spread to 1,127 soldiers at Funston Camp (Kansas), where wireless connections had been installed. What intrigued the doctors was that while 15% of the civilian population were suffering from nosebleeds, 40% of the Navy suffered from them. Other bleeding also occurred, and a third of those who died did so due to internal hemorrhaging of the lungs or brain. In fact, it was the composition of the blood that had been altered, as the measured coagulation time was more than twice as long as normal. These symptoms are incompatible with the effects of the influenza respiratory viruses, but totally consistent with the devastating effects of electricity. Another incongruity was that two-thirds of the victims were healthy young people. A further atypical flu symptom was that the pulse slowed to rates of between 36 and 48, whereas this is a common result of exposure to electromagnetic fields." -
"The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life" by Arthur Firstenberg[9]*

June 17, 2019 - The Two Biological Phases of Healing After Experiencing Shocking or Stressful Events -

"... our body is mostly in a sympathetic state during the day to be awake, and then at night, we enter the parasympathetic state when we sleep. After a shocking and stressful event, however, the body stays in the sympathetic state until a solution occurs for the issue. The body then goes into the parasympathetic state. At night, if we’ve experienced a shock earlier in the day and continue in the sympathetic state, we may find that we can’t sleep well; we’ll toss and turn and sleep lightly, not getting a good restorative sleep.

While under stress, there is a growth of fungi, bacteria, or a virus that will generate but remain dormant until the regeneration phase. Microbes will be created in direct proportion to fix the tissues damaged during the stress stage.

Bacteria, viruses, and fungi produced during the stress phase support the actions of the regeneration phase depending on the type of tissue affected.

In some organ tissues there is an increase in cell growth during the stress phase, so during the repair stage, the extra cells are eaten away by bacteria or fungi to return to homeostasis. So when you have extra bacterial or fungal imbalances it relates your need for a cleanup crew to come into your cells to get rid of extra cellular waste you produced during the stress stage.

Remember, we have ten times more microbes in our body than actual organ tissues. Each of these microbes has a function to help repair or rebuild tissues after a stress response. Viruses are brought into the cells to help in the rebuilding process.

So if you get the flu, it is because you need to strengthen your cells that were damaged earlier during the stress phase.

The regeneration phase generates 'sick' symptoms of pain, congestion, edema, and fatigue as part of the healing process. We feel like we need to rest more, and we should, to keep the regeneration phase moving forward.

I believe it is essential to understand your symptoms and if you are in a stress or regeneration phase, so you can support yourself correctly."[3]


There is a physiological impact generated through the mind-body at the cellular level when we experience "a shocking and stressful event." This has been known for decades however the extent of the biological response to the shocks and stresses hasn't been well explained until Dr. Geerd Hamer investigated and realized the purpose and function of each biological survival program. His discoveries and insights led to identifying five biological laws that cover the full spectrum of the "program" from onset to resolution. The fourth of these laws is regrading microbes (bacteria, viruses) as they assist in healing. Dr. Hammer is not the only individual who came to realize the biological purposes that microbes have within the body. What might be considered as an "evolution of consciousness" regarding microbes - bacteria and viruses - has been ongoing over since the time of the great controversy between Pasteur and Bechamp.[4]

January 26, 2018 - Natural Allopathic Emergency Medicine for Flu - By: Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P) -

This is the man who gives to the public most generously of his knowledge in medicine and without hype! IMO - this particular article includes the 'creme de la creme' of good medicine with the following extended quote:

Infrared Therapy – Too Good to be True for the Flu -

If it is possible to love a medical device one will fall for their infrared Biomat[1] because it keeps you warm on cold nights and takes away pain. This is especially true if one is suffering from the flu. Everyone deserves a Biomat just as everyone deserves love. I call them medical love machines. Biomats are that good and that helpful. I wish everyone could afford one!

When FIR heat penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light to heat energy, dilating blood capillaries and assisting the body in eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating. Activated by heat, the FIR energy is absorbed by human cells in a process known as “resonance” or “resonant absorption.”

The adaptive capacity of a cell ultimately determines its fate when it comes under stress. Far infrared treatments reduce the stress on the cells by not only nourishing them with light and heat but also by increasing nutritional sufficiency of oxygen and by increasing cellular respiration so more toxins and wastes leave the cells.

This is the device that is best for elevating internal body temperature to melt away old waste products, increase circulation and reduce and eliminate pain. It is only a couple of inches thick, designed to put on top of a firm mattress or on the floor. You can adjust the temperature to your liking and it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world.

It is different from an ordinary electric heating pad. The surface is not warm to the touch, but when you lie down on it you feel warm on the inside. It’s a lying down sauna that will make you sweat without you having to move a muscle if you turn the settings up. You can sleep on it all night!

Far infrared heat is beneficial to people in many ways:

FIR heat expands capillaries, stimulating increased blood flow, and aiding in regeneration, improved circulation and oxygenation.

Far infrared heat speeds cellular metabolic rates by stimulating the activity of mitochondria, and triggering enzyme activity, therefore promoting the killing of many pathogens: bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. FIR energy strengthens the immune system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus gland.

Far infrared heat promotes the rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for repair) and it increases the growth of cells, DNA and protein synthesis necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.


This blog-writer is asking to have one of these mats! He's already been convinced about the good medicine of sweating. (In recently reviewing his history he saw he was only lightly "under the weather" one time in the past nine years which he attributes to regularly inducing a sweat with hot baths.) The mat would not eliminate baths for this writer however it would increase his frequency of sweats! That would be so wonderful during the cold season!

He considers sweats as the number one natural approach to cleansing and a main pillar in the "temple of healing". He considers the other main pillars as: decreasing inflammation (which this mat excels at), stabilizing blood sugar, and healing digestion. All of these are part of my ideal for "the chef-doctor" that can fill the gap that exists in conventional medicine where nutrition is virtually non-existent (as it was edged out by big pharmaceutical interests). This gap is also present in conventional nutrition that functions primarily as an extension of food manufacturers.

October 24, 2018 - Dr. Carolyn Dean - "It's that time of year when the news is full of stories trying to scare people into vaccinating. ...

... If you have no choice but to vaccinate, here's what you can do to mitigate unwanted side effects.

Helen Saul Case, bright and beautiful daughter of Dr. Andrew Saul – Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular News Service, shares her experience of vaccinating her daughter and protecting her with Vitamin C. In her article Don't Vaccinate without Vitamin C, Helen says:

'At fifteen months old, hours after she received two shots for four diseases, DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), my baby daughter was screaming, falling over and uncoordinated, and spiked a fever that registered as high as 103.5 degrees on our temporal thermometer. Knowing that in large doses, vitamin C is an antipyretic (fever reducer) in addition to being an antibiotic, antiviral, and antitoxin. I acted fast and got the fever under control with very large doses of ascorbic acid and calcium ascorbate, or buffered vitamin C, to bowel tolerance, and a tepid bath. At bowel tolerance of vitamin C, she was no longer screaming and uncoordinated. Within the first hour her fever was down by a degree; in the second hour, another degree. For the remainder of the evening her fever hovered around 100.5.'

Along with Vitamin C, I would use ReMag, and Pico Silver (in case the your child was given a Live vaccine). I've had many occasions where patients, family, customers, clients say they or their children are having a toxic reaction and a fever – to any number of things – and I tell them all the same thing, take 2-3 tsp in ReMag in sea salted water and within a few hours you'll get your body back!

Sidebar: I'm not advocating vaccination, but if you are "forced" to vaccinate, don't wait for a reaction. Before and after the shot take ReMag, ReAline and Vitamin C to weather the storm. When I was forced to take a vaccination for my Green Card application – I asked for the dregs from the vaccine vial and made a homeopathic remedy from it to antidote the poison. The directions for Making Your Own Remedy are in my Future Health Now Encyclopedia."[2]

December 7, 2019 - Another Perspective -

A Big Change in EMFs Preceded Each Pandemic - By Tom Cowan, M.D. -

I recently finished reading a very sobering book on the history of electricity and its effects on life called "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg. During the coming weeks and months, I will share revelations I gained from reading this masterpiece, as in many ways it supports and extends the primary thesis of my last three books.

Health is all about the state of the water in our bodies, and, crucially, the health of our water is strongly influenced by the environment in which we live. One of the most profound influences on the water in our bodies is the electro-magnetic environment. This electro-magnetic environment, to which humans and all living beings evolved over the eons, has been radically altered in the past couple of centuries through the introduction of man-made electrical devices. There is no clearer place to see these effects than in a thorough investigation of the history of influenza in the past 150 years. Here are summaries taken from Mr. Firstenberg's book describing the events surrounding the four major influenza outbreaks in recent times:

1889: First appearance of a global electrical system, thousands of miles of electrical tracks laid down, first appearance of alternating-current generating stations. Then, the first modern global influenza pandemic started in the fall of 1889, killing more than 1 million people and appearing simultaneously all over the globe, faster than any transportation at the time, suggesting contagion[6] played no role in the outbreak.

1918: The great flu pandemic. At that time, the U.S. installed 13 giant radio and communications transmitters throughout the world. They all went live in late 1917 through the end of 1918. For the first time, radio signals could be heard in every part of the globe. At that time, the "Spanish flu" affected one-third of the world's population, killing tens of millions of people. It occurred in places like the Antarctica, which had no contact with the outside world. The first known cases were 1,127 radio operators at Camp Funston, Kansas. They were the first to use wireless transmitters. Patients mostly died because of changes in coagulation of the blood, a known and recognized effect at that time of "electricity sickness." The other interesting point is that the most affected were the young and healthy, not the old and infirm. Attempts to prove contagion of the illness were uniformly unsuccessful.

1957: Asian flu pandemic. This outbreak coincided with the installation of the White Alice Communication systems installed throughout Alaska with signals powerful enough to cover the globe. It went live in November 1956; the flu pandemic started in the fall of 1957.

1968: Hong Kong flu. On June 12, 1968, the U.S. went live with the first global military satellites called the Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program. It was the first time a global communication system was inserted directly into the earth's outer radiation belt, called the Van Allen belt. This disrupted the magnetic field globally in an unprecedented way. The Hong Kong flu, which killed millions, began in July 1968.

Since 1968, two landmarks events in the history of EMFs occurred: the introduction of the wireless cellular technology, followed by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The dates and the flu pandemics associated with these events are not as clear as in the previous four, and it's also possible that these were not marked by a flu pandemic as much as the dramatic increases in diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. It seems that humans (actually all living things) have adapted to a new but lower level of health.

After the Hong Kong flu epidemic, doctors and scientists, not suspecting a link between the electro-magnetic environment and these pandemics, investigated whether influenza was caused by a contagious agent, such as a virus.

("Studies Failed to Provide Any Support That Influenza Was a Contagious, Microbial Disease.")

However, the flu broke out in many places at once around the globe, spreading faster than any living thing could travel. Finally, the Public Health Department in Boston decided to investigate just how contagious influenza was. Here is what they found:

"In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose, and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second and third day of the disease. NONE of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way ... All of the volunteers received at least two and some of them three 'shots' as they expressed it."

Simply put, these and many other studies failed to provide any support that influenza was a contagious, microbial disease. It is true that in SOME people with flu-like symptoms, one can find evidence of an influenza virus. This finding in no way constitutes proof that the virus caused the illness. For one, no study has ever found that people with influenza all have evidence of a virus. Furthermore, Rudolf Steiner, when commenting about the 1918 pandemic, apparently said the "virus" they were finding was just a mineralized excretion of the cells. In other words, the cells were poisoned (he thought by some part of "sub-nature"), which caused changes in the crystalline water of the cell, thereby producing illness. The body tries to detoxify itself by ridding itself of toxins, which we have been led to believe are contagious viruses.

This understanding of the cause of influenza has many practical implications for your health and the health of your family. For one, it puts the abysmal record of the "flu shot" into a new context. It also means that paying attention to your EMF exposure, the quality of your water and all the other things I talk about in my books to foster a healthy, internal milieu become relevant for flu prevention.

Finally, we are on the cusp of the next big step in the history of the EMF exposure on earth. That is the upcoming 4G/5G rollout.[7]

March 24, 2020 -

"The dosage that Arm & Hammer had on it’s packages during the Spanish Flu pandemic was:
For people less than 60 years of age, 1/2 tsp seven (7) times per day. The dosage for people 60 and older, 1/2 tsp three (3) times per day."[8]

October 31, 2009 -

Category: Nutrition & Dieting

Question: "I've heard when a person gets a virus, the body 'cleanses itself'. What does that mean?"

Answer: Thank You Linda (in Chicago) for posing a question that (IMO) is truly worthy of enormous consideration!

When speaking of the function of a virus in the way that the body "cleanses itself" it means the body neutralizes and/or eliminates wastes and especially the toxins that are either coming into it (in large part from all the environmental conditions that we are exposed to in our modern day lifestyles) or that are created within the body from "stress" and in other ways.

"Environmental" in large part includes the food we eat. If food comes from conventional agriculture then most likely it has petro-chemical substances. Sodas, although not really food, contain chemicals. Ideally anything put onto the body would be food or food-like however, most toiletry and so called "skin-care" products that people put on their skin and hair contain chemicals that the body does not recognize as food. All of these are toxins that the body then needs to "cleanse itself" of (just like all the other waste products) only in this instance many of these toxins require biological helpers that the body manufactures to deal with these foreign, synthetic waste products.

The "virus" that is most attributed to this extraordinary cleansing process is commonly called the "flu virus". Aajonus Vonderplanitz describes what the flu virus is as well as it's cleansing function in a most informative interview: "The Swine Flu Vaccination Hoax - Explained":

He says: "A flu is a solvent detoxification. (Whereas) A cold is normally a bacterial detoxification where microbes eat damaged tissue that is of a waste product and when they consume that tissue they can consume about fifty times their weight in twenty-four hours and have a waste product of one to five percent. That is a good janitor! Flues occur when people are so toxic that bacteria can not break down the toxic waste products because there's inorganic substances like chemicals from pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, food additives, pepsicola ..."

The main point is that the need for all of us to see the true purpose of the virus in a new light beyond that of the standard medical paradigm's germ theory launched by Louis Pasteur:

"The Dream and the Lie of Louis Pasteur"

The conventional wisdom speaks in terms of "catching" things (colds, flues, viruses and other "bugs"). Conventional wisdom also views "bugs" as pests and it support a war strategy of killing these bugs using real poisonous substances. Then when this attack strategy is applied to the human body there's an inherent risk with the poisonous substances that the good, essential, life-giving bacteria will be wiped out! On his death bed Pasteur is attributed to refuting his theory and essentially saying the microbe is not the enemy but rather the terrain is everything. This means we need to focus more on building up inner terrain as the basis for our health and a great part of that terrain is in the gut and the good news is that we have choice over what goes into our gut! Therefore we can determine the condition of our own terrain and have faith in it's intelligence. There is a saying "trust your gut". There is a lot to that!

From a new medicine perspective the "flu" can be viewed as a healing phase and in particular part of the category of cold diseases. This indicates that the flu virus is simply another "biological program" that is manufactured by the body's own innate intelligence. The body can create this after it has initially resolved a previous shock conflict experience. Either way we look at this the virus is manufactured within the body and not "caught". Knowing that can eliminate the fear of "catching something"! The more fear-less we become the less vulnerable we are to propaganda that is manufactured by certain vested interests. The only way that a virus can enter the body is via vaccination. For that (and for a number of other reasons) we are seeing more and more reports, articles and warnings against getting flu vaccinations. Although your question was not focused on vaccinations, if anyone is interested - the Internet has these articles and they include insider reports that the mainstream media (for the most part) will not pick up as it is in conflict with the corporations that own and/or support. However, there was a three-month investigation done by one major network on the swine flu and it revealed that the pandemic declaration was manufactured fear-based hype and hysteria with an agenda of promoting vaccinations.

I hope this information can begin to inspire you to look further into the truth of viruses, the biological purpose they serve (when created by the body) and especially the importance for the body to be allowed to cleanse itself.

Be Very Well!

Chef Jemichel

October 18, 2019 - "New Guide to Health; Or, Botanic Family Physician" -

Introduction -

"There are three things which have in a greater or less degree, called the attention of men, viz : Religion, Government, and Medicine. In ages past, these things were thought by millions to belong to three classes of men, Priests, Lawyers and Physicians. The Priests held the things of religion in their own hands, and brought the people to their terms; kept the Scriptures in the dead languages, so that the common people could not read them. Those days of darkness are done away; the Scriptures are translated into our own language, and each one is taught to read for himself. Government was once considered as belonging to a few, who thought themselves 'born only to rule.' The common people have now become acquainted with the great secret of government and know that 'all men are born free and equal,' and that Magistrates are put in authority, or out, by the voice of the people, who choose them for their public servants.

While these, and many other things are brought where 'common people,' can understand them; the knowledge and use of medicine, is in a great measure concealed in a dead language, and a sick man is often obliged to risk his life, where he would not risk a dollar; and should the apothecary or his apprentice make a mistake, the sick man cannot correct it, and thus is exposed to receive an instrument of death, instead of that which would restore him to health had he known good medicine."[5]


Truly great strides have been made in the two (of three) quintessential spheres that include government in the one and "religion" in the other. However, "Medicine" truly is another story! Given these "great strides" one may only wonder what forces may be at play and that hinder the people from knowing "good medicine."





[4] Pasteur/Bechamp/Bernard/Hamer/Dean + On Microbes & Germs

[5] Pgs.183-184 in: New Guide to Health, or, Botanic Family Physician: containing a complete system of practice, upon a plan entirely new; with a description of the vegetables made use of, and directions for preparing and administering them to cure disease; to which is prefixed a narrative of the life and medical discoveries of the author (1822).
Discovered at:
among search results for: "thomsonianism"definition, the first term of which was mentioned in:
"History of Public Health in New York City", 1625-1866, Volume 1, By John Duffy and part of this blog-writer's research regarding the start of the American Medical Association with intent to identify the extent that nutrition might have been included by the medical doctors of that day. According to Samuel Thomson it was negligible.

[6] Contagion is the spreading of a particular disease by someone touching another person who is already affected by the disease.:

[7] In subscription email with subject: "The Startling Link Between EMFs and Influenza".




virus, body cleanse, flu virus, terrain is everything, Virus Mania, Medical Industry, Epidemics, colds, Vitamin C, Orthomolecular, DPT, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b, antipyretic, fever reducer, antibiotic, antiviral, antitoxin, health, medicine, Physicians, cure disease


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