Blog: 40 Day Juicing Detox
by RedFizz

Day 39

This is my last Friday

Date:   10/2/2009 7:39:03 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1733 times

I am doing well. I think what I am going to miss most from my fast is the time that I have to myself each evening. My boyfriend refuses to eat in front of me, which I am forever grateful, so I have about an hour to myself. At the beginning of the fast, I was completely bored with this time. Now I clean up my apartment, light some candles and read. Or I will meditate, or take a bath. I am really going to miss that time. I guess I will need to find that time when I start eating again.

Hunger is not a problem for the most part. I did ride my bike to the grocery store yesterday. I am concerned about gaining the weight back, but I continually try to learn about food, myself, and behaviour while I do this. I am reading a great book, which I recommend to ANYONE - guys or girls: Japanese Women don't get Old or Fat by Naomi Moriyama. I like it a lot better than French Women don't get Fat. It's a lot more application, and truly a different way to look at things. I know that I lost five pounds in one week when I was in Japan in August, and everything she talks about in this book rings true from my experience there.

Well, tomorrow's it. Day 40. I am a little sad, but I am looking toward the future as an opportunity to learn new things about myself and kiss my old self and ways goodbye. The old foods I used to adore obviously didn't work for me, and I am learning that there is a world of options out there.

Weight: 128.8 / bmi 25.5%

Until tomorrow.

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Day 34 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 34 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 23 & 24 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 17 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 17 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 11 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 11 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 2 milanjl 15 y
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