Blog: 40 Day Juicing Detox
by RedFizz

Day 34

This is the last Sunday of my fast

Date:   9/27/2009 9:45:41 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2973 times

This is my last Sunday!

After my first fast, I lost an additional 40lbs by eating a mainly raw diet, which can be extreme to some people. But today I only eat fish, fruits and vegetables. The only grains I eat are gluten-free grains such as quinoa and millet, which are awesome. The only reason I started gaining the weight back was because of my excessive wine drinking (empty calories), cheeses (oh how I will miss those), and chocolate. Dave Ramsey once said, "If you want to be rich, watch how a rich person spends; if you want to be thin, watch how a thin person eats." I also learned, "If you want to be be thin, watch how a thing person eats, and then compare it to how a fat person eats." Really. If you go to a party or to a restaurant, be diligent about finding a large person and a small person. Watch and compare. It's astounding.

I am going through major cravings. Oh how I want those KFC fried chicken breasts! And Pizza Hut deep dish meat lover's pizza. I must be going through yet another cleanse.

Oh well.

Weight 129.4 / 27.2%

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Day 34 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 34 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 23 & 24 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 17 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 17 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 11 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 11 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 2 milanjl 15 y
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Blog Entries (12 of 37):
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Day 33  15 y
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Day 23 & 24  15 y
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