As we go through this life, it seems that we many times see people, yet do not really know them!
Often what we know about someone, is limited to a few basic facts or some scant information...
Think of some people you think you know or have met recently... Make a list showing exactly what you know about them...
It is here you will find out that what you think you know is for the most part very limited or vague...
What do they seek or really dream about? Who do they see as close friends? Did they ever plan to do something which you
may not know about... Most likely you will find that you do not really know them!
To know someone you must first give up your impressions and then learn to see their true worth! "
" The real worth of a person is far beyond what the world sees..." a True-ism
So is it the power, the wealth, the fame or some other thing that sets a person apart?
You should seek the truth first then all the rest will fit your pathway of life... Then you can recognize those who were placed on your pathway of life!