The identity crisis of Christianity prevents a true love.
I'm convinced that the most common personal problem in the world is "the identity crisis". It keeps us from being conscious of who we really are (realizing and establishing a "SELF"). Not being able to discover/establish "who" we really are prevents us from BEING that person (being who we really are).
Date: 3/9/2008 6:00:26 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3513 times
I'm convinced that the most common personal problem in the world is "the identity crisis". It keeps us from being conscious of who we really are (realizing and establishing a "SELF"). Not being able to discover/establish "who" we really are prevents us from BEING that person (being who we really are).
This causes all kinds of problems because we will not be able to relate to reality PERSONally, we won't be able to relate to strangers, aquaintances, friends, or lovers personally.
This has a very subtle and unrecognized effect on the subconcious, but also a 'multi-faceted' effect on everything we do, think, and feel (emotion and sensation,..."pain" is an "emotion").
Since "attitude is everything" (semi-popular expression which is 'neglected'), it is the emotion of insecurity/low self-estemm that causes pain (otherwise we would simply feel "sensation" when we get hurt).
Humanity (as a whole and as individuals) has never really accepted or felt comfortable about not being perfect (few have accepted that fact). Humanity has always been very prudish about 'properness'/propriety (desiring to be better than the other person by berating them) for the sake of VAIN ego, and perhaps also, depending on the individual, redeeming a 'seared' conscience.
So, it is largely for the sake of VAIN ego (many good deeds are done because we have an "ego", but VAIN ego damages our humanity and harms others) that we lose touch with who we really are. Technically, this betrayal of SELF is 'poetic justice', but we don't realize it as "betrayal of self" because we were taught by previous generations that didn't recognize that they themselves surrendered "self" to "vain ego" ("all is vanity", Ecclesiastes 2:17).
Our creator gives 'wise counsel' (good advice) and insight concerning human nature and reality/life, but humanity has always chosen to FEAR Him as though He is a 'taskmaster' and substitute 'commandments' and 'commands' for His "wise counsel", there is no more law of commandments or a law of commands, we are now under the law of liberty.
Humanity never did truly understand God because of 'self abasement'.
This world certainly is not 'user friendly' (with all it's corruption, resentment/hatred, wars, etc.) and that alone is enough reason for depression, but add this 'loss of SELF', and it becomes virtually impossible to discover the cause for depression.
After acknowledging God's strangely curious name ("I am who I am"), I began to do more introspection "in my inmost self" (Romans 7:22), I found myself, and was rewarded with a more personal relationship to the creator, but also found the true understanding of Him that nobody person on earth should want to reject. My current understanding of scripture (I've been a Christian for 22 years) is so utterly different than was ever taught (scripture is not the word of God).
In the last days, "...I will pour out my Spirit"…Galatians 5:16 and 25…”walk by the spirit”…”NEITHER thirst”, Revelation 7:16..
This is very important information for all of humanity. The Lord has taught me ("the depths of God", 1 Corinthians 2:10).
Mankind has always very conveniently replaced the three gifts of God's grace to humanity (creation, salvation, Godliness teaching of the spirit) with the teachings/protocols/rituals of the sixth day creation (the spirit of 666).
I have never used the New King James Version, but when I saw the cover of it in the American Bible Society bookstore, I couldn't believe it. The "LOGO" (God never used a logo) has 3 points and 6 lines. God is “one”, (Galatians 3:20) and in Jesus lies the “whole fullness” of God, (Colossians 2:9).
We read "the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 1:13, John 14:6), not the word that we should live by ("sword of the spirit", Ephesians 6:17). The introductory doctrine of Christ (Hebrews 6:1) is only for learning the 'self' discipline, etc. that is necessary in a relationship/devotion (as all babes in Christ, "men of the FLESH" must learn, 1 Corinthians 3:1).
The god of confusion has always blinded humanity (lest we "have eyes to see" and "ears to HEAR", "My sheep HEAR my voice", John 10:27) so that we never really understand how to move on and mature in our relationship and devotion. Satan's first strategy is "self abasement". This is a BIGGIE. Without a "SELF", there can be no 'true' PERSONal relationship (no "matter of the heart", Romans 2:29). God should no longer be called "Jehovah", etc., His name FOREVER is "I am who I am" and the only way to truly relate intimately to Him is to imitate "I am who I am" as His offspring (SELF is NECESSARY).
The ‘identity crisis of Christianity’…
Man's doctrines of 'COMMANDS/SIN/LAW/TEXT/FAITH' yield nothing of the heart. My dad never "commanded" me, he never had to, I wanted to do right. He taught me well and offered me all his wise counsel (scripture is wise counsel for those who choose to learn). He wasn't particularly bothered when I sinned against PROPRIETY (dress codes, codes of etiquette, table manners, etc.), but he taught me not to sin against PEOPLE (because that would cause THEM consequences, pain and SUFFERING). Sometimes, my misdeeds didn't really cause physical harm, but my actions just weren't right (like the prodigal son, that was a sin against HEAVEN), yet there was no physical harm to heaven, but it was the dad who was the true VICTIM (in which case, it was the victim's right to react by serving either a penalty, or overlook the offense with loving kindness).
We are no longer under the law of "Ten Commandments" or the ordinances ("commands" of the New Testament, but under the "law of liberty" (James 1:25 and 2:12) that is fulfilled by LOVE.
The person at the well (women are more likely to desire the finer things in life",… "living water") more easily recognized God's saving grace than the disciples (who still called Him "Rabbi") and also desired to drink of The Lord's spirit (tears of sorrow compassion, John 7:38, Revelation 7:16) .Coming to The Lord out of hunger and simply eating of the bread of life is not what makes a GODLY Christian, it is that we should learn from God's eternal spirit how to divide/distinguish between good and evil/wrong so our conscience will also be purified (Hebrews 9:14). When we develop/acknowledge a CONSCIENCE, we divide CLEARLY between right and wrong/evil (as with a sword) so that the "change" from good to evil is clear and abrupt 'with no middle ground' ("no variation or shadow due to change"). We must drink of His spirit that our conscience can also be purified (by rejecting conscience, some people make shipwreck of their relationship). Jesus did not come to bring peace on earth so that everyone could simply feel comfortable continuing to do whatever they wish. He came to produce a division in our hearts and minds between right and wrong.
We should be transformed into a new creation by the renewal of OUR MIND (a SELF is necessary for this). It is impossible to think with only the HEART (a "mind" is formed by a "self", “in my inmost self”, Romans 7:22, the mind controls the heart, Romans 12:2).
Faith should be borne out of LOVE ("the GREATEST of these", 1 Corinthians 13, the LOVE chapter has always been largely ignored, but God is LOVE). I am not a God-FAITH-er, I am a God-LOVER. I have faith in the laws of physics, but I don't love them. People always say "I don't know if I would have the faith to do what Job did", but it's not about faith. The book of Job is a LOVE STORY.
In Mark 12:30, God is not telling anyone to love Him (love cannot be made a rule or 'legislated'), He is telling us to use every fiber of our being to love Him (leaving no room for fear, 1 John 4:18, Isaiah 29:13). Unbelievers should learn to fear not having The Lord in their life (the fear of God is only the BEGINNING of true wisdom), but once we come to know The Lord, our love should make us a "friend" of God (like Abraham was).
God constructed scripture so that conscientious and just people would be able to receive the spiritual message, but those of reprobate mind would "see but not understand". Nothing in scripture is happenstance/random occurrence. All events in scripture happened exactly as they were supposed to and were recorded the way they were supposed to so that we could learn from those events and words if we choose to. Even the crucifixion happened as it was supposed to (so that the unjust have will choose the controversy of where to place blame), but those who are just and Godly will realize that it was the crowds who rioted when militancy was encouraged by humanity's 'mob mentality' (666).
Adam and Eve ate of the tree of conscience and we need to learn to use that knowledge properly (Hebrews 5:14).
Our relationships should NOT be identical to each other, they should be PERSONAL (with all of our idiosyncrasies, habits, attitudes, shortcomings, etc.) so that "God may be everything to everyone", 1 Corinthians 15:28 and so that He can also have a personal relationship with us.
May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.
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