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Secret Door To Success, Chapter 8, Florence Scovel Shinn

Chapter 8 - The Watchman at the Gate

Date:   12/27/2007 10:33:19 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1455 times

Chapter 8 - The Watchman at the Gate
"Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to
the sound of the trumpet." --Jeremiah 6:17
We must all have a watchman at the gate of our
thoughts. The Watchman at the Gate is the
superconscious mind.
We have the power to choose our thoughts.
Since we have lived in the race thought for
thousands of years, it seems almost impossible to
control them. They rush through our minds like
stampeding cattle or sheep.
But a single sheep-dog can control the frightened
sheep and guide them into the sheep pen.
I saw a picture in the news-reels of a shepherd
dog controlling the sheep. He had rounded up all
but three. These three resisted and resented.
They baahed and lifted their front feet in
protest, but the dog simply sat down in front and
never took his eyes off them. He did not bark or
threaten. He just sat and looked his
determination. In a little while the sheep tossed
their heads and went in the pen.
We can learn to control our thoughts in the same
way, by gentle determination, not force.
We take an affirmation and repeat it continually,
while our thoughts are on the rampage.
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can
control our words, and repetition impresses the
subconscious, and we are then master of the
In the sixth chapter of Jeremiah we read: "I set a
watchman over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of
the trumpet."
Your success and happiness in life depend upon the
watchman at the gate of your thoughts, sooner or
later, crystallize on the external.
People think by running away from a negative
situation, they will be rid of it, but the same
situation confronts them wherever they go.
They will meet the same experiences until they
have learned their lessons. This idea is brought
out in the moving picture, "The Wizard of Oz."
The little girl, Dorothy, is very unhappy because
the mean woman in the village wants to take away
her dog, Toto.
She goes, in despair, to confide in her Aunt Em
and Uncle Henry, but they are too busy to listen,
and tell her to "run along."
She says to Toto, "There is somewhere, a wonderful
place high above the skies where everybody is
happy and no one is mean." How she would love to
be there!
A Kansas cyclone suddenly comes along, and she and
Toto are lifted up, high in the sky, and land in
the country of Oz.
Everything seems very delightful at first, but
soon she has the same old experiences. The mean
old woman of the village has turned into a
terrible witch, and is still trying to get Toto
from her.
How she wishes she could be back in Kansas.
She is told to find the Wizard of Oz. He is all
powerful and will grant her request.
She starts off to find his palace in the Emerald
On the way she meets a scarecrow. He is so
unhappy because he hasn't a brain.
She meets a man made of tin, who is so unhappy
because he hasn't a heart.
Then she meets a lion who is so unhappy because he
has no courage.
She cheers them up by saying, "We'll all go to the
Wizard of Oz and he'll give what we want" - the
scarecrow a brain, the tin man a heart, and the
lion courage.
They encounter terrible experiences, for the bad
witch is determined to capture Dorothy and take
away Toto and the ruby slippers which protect her.
At last they reach the Emerald Palace of the
Wizard of Oz.
They ask for an audience, but are told no one has
ever seen the Wizard of Oz, who lives mysteriously
in the palace.
But through the influence of the good witch of the
North, they enter the palace. There they discover
the Wizard is just a fake magician from Dorothy's
home town in Kansas.
They are all in despair because their wishes
cannot be granted!
But then the good witch shows them that their
wishes are already granted. The scarecrow has
developed a brain by having to decide what to do
in the experiences he has encountered, the tin man
finds he has a heart because he loves Dorothy, and
the lion has become courageous because he had to
show courage in his many adventures.
The good witch from the North says to Dorothy,
"What have you learned from your experiences?" and
Dorothy replies, "I have learned that my heart's
desire is in my own home and in my own front
yard." so the good witch waves her wand, and
Dorothy is at home again.
She wakes up and finds that the scarecrow, the tin
man, and the lion are the men who work on her
uncle's farm. They are so glad to have her back.
This story teaches that if you run away your
problems will run after you.
Be undisturbed by a situation, and it will fall
away of its own weight.
There is an occult law of indifference. "None of
these things move me." "None of these things
disturb me" we might say in modern language.
When you can no longer be disturbed, all
disturbance will disappear from the external.
"When your eyes have seen your teachers, your
teachers disappear."
"I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the
sound of the trumpet."
A trumpet is a musical instrument, used in olden
times, to draw people's attention to something -
to victory, to order.
You will form the habit of giving attention to
every thought and word, when you realize their
The imagination, the scissors of the mind, is
constantly cutting out the events to come into
your life.
Many people are cutting out fear-pictures. Seeing
things which are not divinely planned.
With the "single eye," man sees only the Truth.
He sees through evil, knowing that out of it comes
good. He transmutes injustice into justice, and
disarms his seeming enemy by sending goodwill.
We read in mythology of the Cyclops, a race of
giants, said to have inhabited Sicily. These
giants had only one eye in the middle of the
The seat of the imaging faculty is situated in the
forehead (between the eyes). So these fabled
giants came from this idea.
You are indeed a giant when you have a single eye.
Then every thought will be a constructive thought,
and every word, a word of Power.
Let the third eye be the watchman at the gate.
"If therefore your eye be single, your whole body
is full of light."
With the single eye your body will be transformed
into your spiritual body, the "body electric" made
in God's likeness and image (imagination).
By seeing clearly the perfect plan, we could
redeem the world, with our inner eye seeing a
world of peace and plenty and goodwill.
"Judge not by appearances, judge righteous
"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore."
The occult law of indifference means that you are
undisturbed by adverse appearances. You hold
steadily to the constructive thought, which wins
Spiritual law transcends the law of Karma.
This is the attitude of mind which must be held by
the healer or practitioner towards his patient.
Indifferent to appearances of lack, loss or
sickness, he brings about the change in mind, body
and affairs.
Let me quote from the thirty-first chapter
Jeremiah. The keynote is one of rejoicing. It
gives a picture of the individual freed from
negative thinking.
"For there shall be a day that the watchmen upon
the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us
go up to Zion unto the Lord our God."
The Watchman at the Gate neither slumbers nor
sleeps. It is the "Eye which watches over
But the individual, living in a world of negative
thought, is not conscious of this inner eye.
He may occasionally have flashes of intuition or
illumination, then falls back into a world of
It takes determination and eternal vigilance to
check up on words and thoughts. Thoughts of fear,
failure, resentment and ill-will must be dissolved
and dissipated.
Take the statement: "Every plant my father in
heaven has not planted shall be rooted up."
This gives you a vivid picture of rooting up weeds
in a garden. They are thrown aside, and dry up
because they are without soil to nourish them.
But the individual, living in a world of negative
thought, is not conscious of this inner eye.
You nourish negative thoughts by giving them your
attention. Use the occult law of indifference and
refuse to be interested.
Soon you will starve out the "army of all aliens."
Divine ideas will crowd your consciousness, false
ideas fade away, and you will desire only that
which God desires through you.
The Chinese have a proverb, "The philosopher
leaves the cut of his coat to the tailor."
But the individual, living in a world of negative
thought, is not conscious of this inner eye.
So leave the plan of your life to the Divine
Designer, and you will find all conditions
permanently perfect.
The ground I am on is holy ground. I now expand
rapidly into the divine plan of my life, where all
conditions are permanently perfect.

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