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Excerpt,The Official Guide to Living Successfully on Planet Earth, by Barbara Gilman

Every time you lose it in your life--get mad, feel guilty, feel not good enough, feel abandoned--whose feelings do you think you're experiencing?

Date:   12/27/2007 1:45:22 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1322 times

Introduction: In the Beginning...

...there I was, working as a therapist for many years, when I realized that most people do not need therapy! Now clearly, this is not what you want to hear if you have just been through ten years of therapy. What I did find is that in order for people to create successful lives, which I believe is why most people go into therapy in the first place, they simply need an understanding of how they relate to the universe which, by the way, is what you will receive by reading this book. So all is not lost. But what do I mean when I say that people just want to understand how they relate to the universe? In the back of our minds, most of us have questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? How do I relate to others? How do I create a successful life? Or, actually, how do I create any life for myself! These might seem like rather odd questions to ask, but these are the secrets that most of us have been missing.
You might be thinking, "Oh, come on, Barbra, How do I, little old me, create my life!" And I'll admit, the chances are pretty good that this was not a topic discussed at your dinner table when you were growing up. Which may help explain why the world is in such a mess. Well thank God that life is different now! My greatest prayer is that these questions will now be the kinds of questions asked at dinner tables all over the world. Before we get there, we need to start at the beginning, which of course, is why I'm writing and you are reading this book.

While on this adventure I noticed that in all people there is a series of programs (information) based on our original understandings of life, as learned when we were children. This information is, by the way, mostly false, and herein lies the problem: it all needs to be worked on.
When we start to work on these programs by changing, deleting, editing, etcetera, we end up with new programs, and these new programs are what start to create a new level of success in our lives. How do we do that? That is what this book is about!
When I use the word metaphysics in these pages, please don't be intimidated. I teach children and adults the same way. I believe in being simple, the way life really is, the way my brain works, without the very human impulse to complicate things. My goal in this book is to help you change your life, if that is what you desire. I'm giving you the simplest version of an incredibly complex field of information. I've added a good serving of fun to the mix. I've discovered in my workshops that this material really can be fun and this playful spirit opens us all up so that we can more easily take in this information.
I have been to many seminars and read many books. As I am taking in all the information and my brain is frying, I begin to realize that everything presented could have been said in one-quarter of the time! Of course, that's me: I like to learn in a way that is as quick and simple as possible. There are many people, I know, who don't feel they're getting their money's worth unless they chew endlessly on the issues. And, of course, some people just like to cram their heads with lots of information. Whichever of these categories you fit into, I do pray that this book will help you. Don't worry, your brain will still fry from all the information! So have no fear, you can always go out and get a book on quantum physics after you understand!
Are you ready?
Great. Let's Begin! Where and how? Your constant companion as you read the pages ahead will be this book and a personal journal that will become your permanent record of the work you'll be doing here. There are some 38 exercises distributed throughout these pages. Do you really need to do them? The answer is yes, do them if you want to change your life. Do them if you want to experience success. Do them if you want to create a sense of fulfillment and joy in your life. (I know you heard that still small voice in your head, telling you to do them, to really get into these exercises. Come on now, don't deny it!)
You will discover that the exercises are like light switches. When you do them, the power comes on and you are showered with light!

Miracles, Magic and Joy

We are living in the most exciting times on our planet Earth. For awhile I was believing that our mother (Earth) was in menopause. I can't remember if I read that somewhere or if it was because I'd been surrounded by friends who were experiencing this overwhelming, ever consuming dread of an apocalypse just around the corner. If I once halfway agreed with them, I must say that on closer inspection I have changed my belief. (By the way, it is actually good to change your beliefs every so often. I mean, come on now, wouldn't you feel rather silly if you were still waiting for the Easter Bunny each year! Surely you've changed that belief.) I now believe that our moody, excitable and ever-changing mother is actually in the process of giving birth! And it seems that her children are wrestling with all the jealousies and fears that older siblings usually exhibit as they anticipate a new family member coming into their lives.
Well, take heart dear siblings. We are not going to have to experience the 2 a.m. feedings or diaper changes that most of us would expect with younger siblings. This birth I'm speaking of announces a new paradigm shift in consciousness. This shift forces us to revise all the old maps of what life was about, how you live it, why you're here and how our lives are created. The changes we're talking about here are concepts that only a handful of people ever think about. But probably the only reason these ideas haven't been common knowledge is because there has never been anyone talking about them in ways that the rest of us could relate to!
The thoughts and ideas I'm talking about here are important not so much as abstractions for people to think about, however. Rather, it's important to learn what they are and to start living them in our daily lives. If you can do that, they will make your dreams come true and make your reality the success that you want.
It is now time to bury the past with all the lies that we were brought into--such as, "father knows best" and the Cinderella mentality that our prince will show up with his golden carriage one day and make everything perfect. Clinging to these beliefs has only created the mediocrity and fear that we all live in now. Moreover, we have been so well programmed that we can't even see the lies any more. Not only did we accept them, we also educated ourselves in them, built our worlds around them, to the point of arrogance, defending them as the Truth. And now, to come face-to-face with the truth, is more than a little painful and scary. Admitting that we made a mistake or that we--God forbid!--might be wrong, is difficult .That old thing called ego gets in the way. I think you've heard of it!
Did you ever stop to think that we are living in a civilization where the wives do not know who their husbands are, the husbands certainly don't have a clue to understanding who their wives are, the parents can't figure out their own kids, and the kids haven't got the foggiest idea what their own parents are about. About the only place any of us can experience unconditional love is with our cats or dogs! (Or birds or lizards or hamsters, etc.)
I invite you to step out of your little mud puddle (we all have one) and into the vast landscape that awaits you. Out in that bigger landscape you might just catch a glimpse of new possibilities for your life, possibilities that allow for miracles, magic and joy. If Turkey Hill could come up with Mint Oreo nonfat yogurt that tastes as good as Ben and Jerry's ice cream, anything is possible!

Change Is Wonderful!

Do you ever wonder what you'll be like 10 or 20 years from now? Well, here's news; you'll be exactly as you are today, just 10 or 20 years older-unless you choose to change. And learning to change your programming is the key to making it happen. Boy, aren't you glad that you picked up this book!
Here's the good news. Now that we've begun to learn how to operate our computers we can take out or rewrite the old programs that prevent us from achieving what we want. That's responsibility at its best! We can install new programs that will create the lives that we desire! However, it does take effort. (I will not use the word "work" because of the way that word is programmed in us, and I do not want to find you hiding under the bed!) But making the effort is the most important thing that you can do for yourself. It will set you free!

Choosing A Path of Change

This change takes work, I won't lie to you. It takes leaving your safe little mud puddle and venturing out on the most important exciting and scary adventure of your life. On this journey there will be times when you want to run and hide, or when you will break up in hysterical laughter. But isn't that what being here on Earth is all about?
Now, we could learn all our lessons on the high road, through love, joy, and fun. However, we human beings are not built that way. As long as we are here on this planet we have stuff. You know what I'm talking about. That stuff acts like a door, closing us off from the world, creating a barrier between you and what you desire. Think of a beautiful house on a magical tropical island, surrounded by magnificent foliage, wonderful aromas, the sounds of the ocean gently rolling on the shore, colors so beautiful that you can only imagine them in the dream world. Well, as long as your stuff is controlling your life you might as well be a prisoner inside that magnificent house, with the doors locked and heavy curtains drawn over all the windows. You would never be able to enjoy any of the beauty and joy of life. You might as well be living in a garbage dump because you have no access to any of it.
That is exactly what has happened to human beings. We have all our windows and doors shut. No one ever taught us there was another way, a way to open up to the magnificence of the world and who we really are; we are spiritual beings who are here having a physical experience so that we can remember and learn who we really are. We are here to discover the magic and miracles that we can create. All that we need is the intent and the willingness to grow, to open up all those windows and doors. We'll just start by opening a few locks. That's not too scary, right?

Coming From Your Truth

By allowing ourselves to be conditioned by fear, instead of taking responsibility, we give away our power. We allow our polluted beliefs to create our reality. I'm not telling you that you have a terrible life. But no matter how good your life, believe me, it can get better. Once you take back your power and regain command of your life, you will start to learn a little bit more about who you really are. You will start seeing the puzzle of your life coming together in a way that makes perfect sense.
You will begin to look at your beliefs and question them. I would recommend that every few months, you look at any new beliefs that might have crept up on you. They are pesky little things. "Where do they come from?" you might ask. "Do they sneak up through the drain?" Sorry to say, the answer to that one is no. That would be too easy. The funny thing about beliefs is that when you start pulling them apart and taking a real good look at them, you might just find out that the life you have been leading until now wasn't even yours! Wow! Rather, you were accepting the default settings that life handed you. You had allowed these to determine who you are, your frequencies, without being response-able for checking them out and consciously choosing to keep them or change them. Until we take responsibility for our lives back, it is as if we are living our lives possessed. "Well if this isn't my life, whose is it!?" Indeed. Good question. Now think about that: You've been living your life based on someone else's thoughts and feelings. Talk about feeling foolish!

You Are Not Alone!

Once you start building a relationship with your higher self, the pieces of your puzzle start coming together rapidly. If you have ever done jigsaw puzzles you probably know how you always want to get the corners finished first, and then the borders. Imagine working on a puzzle of a forest and every piece of the puzzle is a leaf. Now, how frustrating is that! Well, that's what it's like to go through life not having a relationship with your higher self. Without your higher self it's as if you were doing a jigsaw puzzle where every piece looked the same and you couldn't even find the pieces that make up the corners and the borders.

Working With Your Inner Child

Would you send a little five-year-old child out into the world to drive your car, do your work, and take care of all your relationships? You might think that's a ridiculous question, but you do it every day. Every time you lose it in your life--get mad, feel guilty, feel not good enough, feel abandoned--whose feelings do you think you're experiencing? Mine? Your next door neighbors? I know that you want to say yours but most of the time these feelings come from that little child or adolescent within you, the ones with all that unfinished business. They're out there, doing your life. It's true!

In all of my years of working with people, I have seen the most profound changes come through work with the inner child. To create a wonderful, new, successful life on paper, all you need to do is create new beliefs, hold the resonance of those new beliefs, and be willing to receive. However, it is often easier for most people to start by healing the past. Think of it this way: If you carried around a hefty bag all day, filling it with garbage as you went along, then came home in the evening and placed it by your bed, only to get up in the morning and start all over again, how good do you think that bag would smell? Now think of that bag as your life! See what I'm getting at here? Wouldn't you be better off to throw out all the garbage from the day, including the hefty bag, get a new bag and start filling it with flowers? Now you have a pretty sweet smelling life. So let's get started.

Remember, it's all a movie!

Did you ever wish you could be a movie star? Well most of us, at one time or another have had that wish, and I'm sure you will be glad to know that your wish has now been granted. But then, you have been one all along. You just didn't realize it. Our planet serves as the largest theater in the galaxy. Each one of us has a vast repertoire, and each part we play contains a lesson which, when learned, rewards us with a gift. But please don't be expecting a free three-day getaway to Hawaii. Not only are you the actor/actress, you are also the screenwriter, the director, the producer, the set designer, the fashion designer, and the casting agent.

Change Bodies and Dance!

Fasten your seats belts, we don't want to lose anyone! We spoke before about energy and how it cannot be destroyed: it simply changes form. And since the form we are now speaking of is our physical bodies, guess what? That means we are going to be talking about reincarnation! So let's look at it this way: yes, reincarnation is real. Okay, that's that! We're finished! Let's get on to the next chapter. Actually, I'm just kidding. But the truth is that every holy book ever written speaks or, at least, originally spoke of reincarnation. The only thing is, it was either edited out or through translation ended up having a different meaning. Hmm, I wonder how that might have happened. Could it have anything to do with political or religious control?
Getting on with our story, think of it this way: You're 105 years old. ……..
Okay, let's recap here: you've left your body back on planet Earth because you wanted one of those newer models. So here you are with your higher self on that plane of reality we will call home. Both you and your higher self have just been going over all of your past lives to see which lessons you have learned and which ones you still need to learn. In between a cup of carrot juice and a veggie burger, your higher self shows you all your past lives so that you can now start creating your script for the next adventure back on planet Earth!

Understanding Fear

I don't have to tell you that when fear comes into your life, it can twist your arms, your neck, and your heart. Then it will hang you up by your toenails and make you do all kinds of things, none of which you would probably enjoy...and most of it will never help you in any way, shape or form to create value in your life. But having said that, there are those times--doing the material in this book, for instance--where your handling short periods of fear will lead to an awakening and a liberation to have the quality of life you long to have. While fear might be an initial reaction, you will move forward to hear what your higher self has been trying to get you to understand.

Getting Ready for Completion

You will get to a certain point in your spiritual work when you will experience a feeling of completion. You have done your job and now the time has come for you to let go, release it all into the hands of God/Goddess, " knowing," that it will be done.
Now, choose to do something each day that will bring love into another person's life. It'll make them and the Angel's smile!

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