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by kerminator

Paradigm of Nutrition

Life is about a constant renewal and support... Here is another view of somethings we could connect with to improve our pathway of life!!

Date:   11/1/2007 6:27:52 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3080 times

This is from a post on the forum @  Stop by!!

 Forum  Intercourse & Life;  God's Life Force starts on Mother Earth!
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:52:16 »

This is from Gabriel Cousens, book Conscious Eating, I highly recommend this book to anyone who would want to improve their Life.

A new Paradigm of Nutrition

Perhaps the most important way to understand and to commune with Mother Nature is to develop a nurturing relationship with her. Without the nutrients she supplies us we could not survive. In a basic way, what we eat and how we care for ourselves affects how we relate to the ecology issues of the planet. Ecological reform starts with us.

How can we possibly come into a meaningful harmony with the rest of nature if we pollute ourselves? If we do not take care of our own inner rivers and streams (circulatory system), our own inner atmosphere (lungs), and our own soil (skin and tissues) in a way that brings us into harmony with ourselves as a glorious manifestation of nature, how can we believe that we can take care of the planet?

As we change our attitudes about our attitudes about our own bodily ecology of the planet. Our own insensitivity to own inner nature begets insensitivity to the outer world of nature. Conscious eating doesn’t exist separately from the planet.

Our spiritual development is also linked to the quality of our nutrition. Presently we are part of what I perceive as a rising spiral of planetary consciousness that is bringing about an ever-increasing amount of spiritual awareness among the people of the world. In this process of awakening, if the body is not able to raise its vibration rate to keep up with the rest of the spiritualization process, it is possible to slip onto a state of imbalance. There needs to be a corresponding spiritualization of the body that keeps us in harmony with our expanding mental and spiritual awareness.

By consciously building the type of physical body that is able to be sensitive to, attract, conduct, nurture, and hold the hither spiritualizing energies, we become more capable of holding the full power pr God’s Light. This approach is what I refer to as “full body enlightenment,” in which we experience ourselves as the body rather than simply in the body. In this context, the body is not separate from spirit but is the manifestation of spirit. Spiritual development is an essential building block of the foundation with which to attain a full nutritional understanding.

Supreme Life without Earthly Food.

ALL COMES FROM GOD AND IS NOURISHED BY GOD. The energetic power of God is the ultimate source of all nutrition.

That He might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.(Deuteronomy 8:3)

In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

This Divine cosmic force, manifesting at various levels of density, is the most basic and primary nutrient on which our organism can nourish itself. From the perspective of these two biblical quotes, we can consider all levels of energy available to us as nutrients. This includes the pure, non material, cosmic force----or virtual energy, as some quantum physicists call it.

Sunlight is also a major nutrient, as well as radiation from the other stars (stellar) and moon (lunar energies), oxygen, electromagnetic radiation from the Earth, and the densest and most tasty condensation of energy, our material food from the vegetable kingdom. The expansion of our understanding to include the wide spectrum of nutrients that nature gives us broadens our knowledge of what, in fact, qualifies as a nutrient.

The aspect of this “new” nutritional paradigm that food is not only material but also energy is fully acknowledged in the Chinese, Tibetan, and Indian Ayurvedic systems of health. In our Judaic-Christian heritage there is also such a tradition that energy is the original, essential nutrient.

In The Forgotten Books of Eden, in the section called “Secrets of Enoch,” Enoch is said to have ASCENDED ALIVE for thirty-three days and then returned to share his teachings with his children. He said: Hear, child, from the time when the Lord anointed me with the ointment of his glory, these has been no food on me [material food], and my soul remembers not earthly enjoyment, neither do I want anything earthly.

Two famous examples of living on the direct, non material, nutritive energies of the divine are that of Moses, who spent a total of eighty days on Mt. Sinai without food or water, and Jesus, who spent forty days and nights in the desert without food or water. In John 4:31 when Jesus’ disciples said, “Rabbi, eat,” he said to them, “I have food to eat which you do not know of”.

Two major inferences from these examples can be made. One is that these great ones reached a height of spiritual transformation on a cellular level which allowed them to assimilate enough of the cosmic energy of the Divine directly into their bodies that they could survive solely on the energetic “manna from heaven.”

The other implication is that there is a relationship between the energetic of our nutrition and our spiritual transformation. As we transmute on the physical, Mental, and spiritual planes, we are more and more able to partake of the feast of God’s Divine sustenance on the primary level of the cosmic energy.

A nutrient, on this context, is what we absorb into our overall body-mind-spirit from the different density levels that have precipitated from the cosmic force. Material food is the densest, sunlight is the least dense on the material plane, and pure cosmic energy is the most subtle nutrient.



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