Liberals know I'm Right and they can't stand it... 18 y
Just read the responses from liberals and how hateful they are. They help me make my case....I never go to other pages and constantly post
Thanks Liberals for making my job easier.
It is not hared to show the truth on what name calling, hate fascists you are.
your response remind me of a person who said
Sometimes it is best to shut your mouth and have people think you are ignorant
than to open your mouth and erase all doubt! visit the page
Democrats Paid Al "Tawana Brawley, Jews are interlopers" Sharpton to support Kerry 18 y
The Not-See party, err Democratic Party actually paid racist, bigot, Jew hater Al Sharpton to support John "another Jew hater" Kerry..It is falling apart for the party that has asked our troops to surrender in Iraq!
All of John Kerry’s one-time rivals in the Democratic presidential primary eventually lined up to support him as the nominee, but only one got paid for it — Al Sharpton.
this is a guy who called Jews Interlopers, Actually verbally attacked the Central Park Jogger who was a Victim of a wilding attack in Central park. Is there any doubt that Democrats are divisive?
or that John Kerrya nd his wife are Anti-Semites?
The Not-see party, err The Democratic National Committee paid Sharpton $86,715 in travel and consulting fees to compensate for his campaigning for Kerry and other Democrat ... read more
Imus Hosts Radiothon for cancer victims....which has raised more than $40 million since 1990 18 y
Imus Said There's a difference between premeditated murder and the gun going off," but the end result is the same, he said: "Somebody's still dead." Hear That Ted Kennedy? AL SHarpton remember Yankel Rosenbaum?
This may be our last Radiothon, so we need to raise about $100 million,” Imus said at the start of the event, which has raised more than $40 million since 1990.
There’s a difference between premeditated murder and the gun going off,” but the end result is the same, he said: ”Somebody’s still dead.” Hear That Ted Kennedy?
NBC who owns anti women lyric Rap Record Company and Nazi Saluter Keith Olberman dropped its simulcast of the ”Imus in the Morning” radio program and aired news instead on Thursday, though Imus still broadcast the show from an MSNBC studio.
Yes, Liberal Don I ... read more
Liberal MSNBC these people are making money off of bigotry says Jesse Jackson 18 y
Liberal Lilly white media also attacked by Jackson for lack of African American Anchors. NBC still allows snoop dog to spread racism.........MSNBC Lilly White All Night!
Chanting, “Imus must go and Rosenberg too,” dozens of protesters, led by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, marched in front of the Chicago offices of NBC here on Monday.
“These people are making money off of bigotry, so we must remove the profits earned from that bigotry,” said Rev. Jackson during the one-hour rally on the sidewalk outside the NBC Tower at 454 North Columbus Drive. “We must take the profits out of denigration.”
The protest initiated what Rev. Jackson said could be a long battle to pressure NBC, CBS (owner of WFAN-660AM, I ... read more
MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, All White All Night.
Time for White media anchors to resign. NBC,MSNBC,ABC,CBS are nowhere near equality..Liberals should show compassion at MSNBC and resign 18 y
White Liberals in media are exposed for the racists they are.
White Liberals need to end inequality at NBC, ABC, CBS,MSNBC
NBC peddles bigotry
=Chris Mathews, Keith Olberman, Tucker Carlson should resign so a African American can take their place. Isn’t it about time that hypocritical Liberals offer opportunities to
Minorities in the Anchor Chair? What about NBC? CBS, ABC, no blacks in Anchor chair.
Rally at Chicago’s NBC Tower calls for firing Don Imus and cohorts following ’nappy-headed hos’ comment
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Democrat Mike Nifong , the Most Despicable Man in America. 18 y
Nifong, a disgrace to a degree that is criminal, should be disbarred and publicly humiliated. Further, since no local Democrats have bothered to criticize him,
Why is it that Democrats want to hang someone without any proof of guilt.
Democrat Mike Nifong , did not wanna hear the evidence. He saw three white Republican students and wanted to prosecute them . He ended up looking like a total fool and show the vindictive attitude that exists in the Democratic party!
60 Minutes did a story on the Duke rape case that dismantled any semblance of credibility that Nifong had. Bradley clearly articulated that Nifong was in trouble in his re-election primary challenge and strongly implied he indicted three lacrosse players to help his campaign. I fir ... read more
an open letter to hillary clinton
by juanita broaddrick
'do you remember?'
sunday oct 15, 2000 18 y
Clinton did Osama Bin Laden a favor by bombing Kosovo to cover up of Democrat Juanita Broderick claims of rape at the hands of Bill Clinton. Clinton lied and innocent people died!.
SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000
As I watched Rick Lazio’s interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio’s views regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too.
I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on television, campaigning for ... read more
President Bush Discusses Iraq War Supplemental, War on Terror
American Legion Post 177
Fairfax, Virginia 18 y
While Democrats visit Terrorist nations Bush puts troops first.
HE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Good morning; please be seated. Thank you for your warm hospitality. It’s a pleasure to be here at Legion Post 177, Fairfax, Virginia. I appreciate you inviting me. And I’ve come to share some thoughts about service to our country, this war we face, and the need for the United States Congress to make sure our troops have what is necessary to complete their mission. (Applause.)
President George W. Bush emphasizes a point as he speaks on the Iraq War Supplemental during a visit to the American Legion Post 177 Tuesday, April 10, 2007, in Fairfax, Va. Said the P ... read more
President and Mrs. Bush Celebrate Easter Sunday at Fort Hood, Texas 18 y
President Honors Troops at Fort Hood
Fact sheet Easter 2007
10:00 A.M. CDT
THE PRESIDENT: Laura and I just had the honor of celebrating Easter Sunday with members of our Armed Forces. I had a chance to reflect on the great sacrifice that our military and their families are making. I prayed for their safety, I prayed for their strength and comfort, and I pray for peace.
President George W. Bush and his father former President George H.W. Bush stand with Sergeant Shenika Hampton after attending an Easter church service at Fort Hood, Texas, Sunday, April 8, 2007. White House photo by Eric Draper This is a joyous day f ... read more
Jesse Jackson Wrong Again..He hatefully and racially attacked Duke Lacrosse Players. Jesse Offered a scholarship to the women who lied about being raped by Duke Players. 18 y
Liberals were ready to hang these Duke Students. Rev Jackson should not have injected himself in this case. He should be sued by Duke Students
one said
Anyway, the usual suspects begin to ride into town, led by the Rev’rund Jaaaacksuuuuun. And what is his Rainbow/PUSH group going to do?
I’m sorry, do people still refer to Jesse Jackson as a “black leader”? Well…where in the world is the man taking his followers, then? As A reverend? is this what the religious left is about with Jackson, Al ”remember Tawana” Brawley?
Statement from North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper on the Duke University lacrosse rape case.
Good afternoon, everyone.
On Jan. 13 of this year, I accepted the request of the Durham district atto ... read more
Obama impressed me by not cow towing to Jesse Jerkson 18 y
Good for Obama
Barack Hussein Obama showed me that he can be his own man and secure in being who he is by offering Don Imus (a true scumbag) forgiveness for what Imus said...Believe me
if Imus were not supporting Obama. He would have ripped him to shreds during campaign.
BUt Obama ignored fools like Jesse ”Himeytown” Jackson and Al ”Tawana-Tawana” Sharpton..good for Obama visit the page
Stem cells offer diabetes breakthrough 18 y
again, Not Embryonic
Diabetics could be freed for long periods from the need for insulin injections by using stem cells transplanted from bone marrow, according to a groundbreaking study published on Wednesday.
visit the page
CBS News Fires Producer for Plagiarism-WHAT A SHOCK CBS LIED 18 y
CBS is more of a joke every day. Liberal media shows its true colors
”We were horrified,” CBS News spokeswoman Sandra Genelius said. ”It was almost verbatim.” .......LOL TEAH SURE YOU WERE
Democ-rats continue to praise a empty suit named ted kennedy
They need to redo the song Missippi Queen and subsititute the words
”chappaquiddick Ted” A Depressing Liberal Democrat who is loved so much by the left who are more than eager to embarce a bigot, after all the dems had Jesse Himeytown Jacksom forgive teddy and Bill Clinton...WHile Rev Jack-son was out cheating on his wife and getting a young gal pregnant? lol
and we must remember that anita hill a republican woman told the truth? yes dems said so...while the antional organization of whining white women who abort black babies forgave Bill Clinton for possible sexua| abuse of women. Afte ... read more
Don Imus, Reverend AL WHo listens to these democrats anyway? nobody! 18 y
nbc and democ-rats a long list of hate mongers.
This whole incident at mspms, oh its msnbc? the air america of cable tv. Nobody even watches this group of panty waist whiney racist liberals.
This incident has given ms-pms more publicity than it could have ever hoped for. Look at the characters on NBS Network, DAvid Letterman who is dumber than dirt and has worn the same ugly toupe for decades. This guy is so out of touch with reality. He is just a total m*o*o*n. On his show he presents a montage of mental midgets who have no clue about politics or government. Letterman comment about Iraq? What a joke. This guy is afraid of a mouse... ... read more
Healing children naturally 18 y
A Man ahead of his time, Michael Weiner offers advice on natural healing
Healing Children Naturally by Michael Savage
SKU: 855
Written by a parent and author of 17 books on the subjects of health and nutrition.
A-Z Natural Approaches for Natural Complaints.
Trade Paperback 5.5” x 8.5” 325 pages.
Reducing the Risk of Alzheimers
By Michael Savage Trade Paperback 6x9
his comprehensive manual for healing children naturally covers all common childhood ailments from infancy through the teenage years. It s ... read more
Can Mets win with current lineup? 18 y
Can Mets Pull Of Championship?
The mets have looked pretty good sometime this season. They ahve had two letdowns, once in the field and once with the bull pen.
Its a long seasona nd we will see if mets can keep it together? visit the page
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