Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth 15 y
(Architects & Engineers)AE911Truth - our new fellow professional truth group, the Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth and
"Mainstream Media Implodes on 9/11 along with WTC 7"
Mar 25, 2010
AE911Truth Welcomes New Partners in 9/11 Science—the Medical Professionals
Given the 800,000 practicing physicians in the US (about half the number of architects and engineers) we believe that Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth has the potential to rapidly expand its numbers.
We encourage all of you to forward the website link
to all medical professionals that you know – for doctors, nurses, dentists, and allied health professionals are generally great listeners and have receptive scientific minds.
Co-founder, together with three ... read more
The Tribal Circuitry and The Channel of Community in Human Design 15 y
Community from the perspective of the Human Design System.
”Living together intimately usually includes conflict (Gate) 6, and we know how emotional that can be. (Gate) 59 responds to the emotional turbulence of conflict and seeks to disperse it – thereby restoring the connection between people.”[1]
So, conflict is something natural and possibly to be ”expected” when people live together! Wow, what a concept! Fortunately I have this channel defined in my Human Design! It is activated both consciously and unconsciously and now that I know about the conflict part I believe that I can begin to make this connection more conscious!
April ... read more
Soy - Fermented vs. Unfermented 15 y
Search results at Weston A. for edamame.
”Let’s be clear that the unfermented soy products such as soy milk, soy burgers, sausage and meat substitutes, tofu, edamame, aburage (deep fried tofu) will require your body to supply or produce the enzymes to process these foods that may be further compromised if the natural enzyme inhibitors are not deactivated. A caution and warning to all those who use unfermented soy products on a daily or regular basis! Some may not be harmful in moderation but please be responsible in researchi ... read more
The Dragon’s Head 15 y
A personal contemplation on destiny as pointed to astrologically by the North Node of the natal moon and possibly the "Human Design" moon as well.
I know at least two people who [according to ”The Secret Language of Destiny” (SLD)] were born onto ”The Way of Extension” subtitled ”System Builders to Spirit”.
The reported ”goal” on this karmic path is ”To structure metaphysical or theoretical ideas into a format easily understood and used by others.” ”Notables on this karmic path” include: Edgar Cayce, Mary Baker Eddy (Founder of Church of Christ Science), Hermann Hesse (Siddhartha, Steppenwolf). Also: Sting, Buster Keaton, George Burns, Yono Ono, Quincy Jones and many more!
One’s destiny path is indicated astrologically by the p ... read more
"A Communal Field of Transparency and Mutual Support" 15 y
"Building a communal field of transparency and mutual support".
”... are you ready for this kind of a transformation? ... a true reflection of exactly where you are right now in your life ... it requires that you look at yourself with real honesty. It takes courage to be fully present in your Shadow patterns, and for many it takes even more courage to see yourself living at your highest Divine potential. It is because of this that we will be putting a major emphasis on building a communal field of transparency and mutual support.”
This inspires my vision of the kind of community that goes deeper and hi ... read more
A Divine Plan For This Cosmic Moment In Earth's Evolution Toward It's Ultimate Destiny Of Heaven on Earth 15 y
Invoking the "Violet Flame" (plus the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event took place over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 14-19, 2010).
”I AM my I AM Presence and I AM ONE with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. I now invoke the full power of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to transmute cause, core, effect, record and memory every thought, feeling, word, action or belief Humanity or I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects anything less than the infinite perfection of God’s Divine Love.”[3]
Patricia Cota-Robles wrote:
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles[1]
Every single day there are billions of people on t ... read more
Relationships In Light Of "Human Design" 15 y
From a transcription of "HOW WE CONNECT" February 14, 2010. The Valentine Day’s Event by Ra Uru Hu
”Human Design is not a belief system,
it’s about taking charts of people you know
and look for yourself because you will discover so much about
what is there in those bonds,
just from the simplest level.
... to be able to see the kind of
mechanisms that are there so that you can let go.
... without awareness
there is not much you can do. In order to really have relationships that are correct for you,
you’ve got to enter into them correctly or confirm that they are correct for you in a way that is according to your Strategy and Authority. Otherwise there’s no point in putting you ... read more
"Explosives of military origin, probably in the United States, had been involved in the World Trade Center collapses." 15 y
The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Part II: A Survey of Attitude Change in 2009-2010
by Elizabeth Woodworth
”In the past year, in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic programs investigating the official account.
Increasingly, the issue is treated as a scientific controversy worthy of debate, rather than as a ”conspiracy theory” ignoring science and common sense.
This essay presents these media analyses in the form of 18 case studies.
’The material we found is super hi-tech frontline military research. It’s not a mixture of random chemicals. It’s an advanced material which is difficu ... read more
Exercise Your Right To Speak Freely, Honestly & In A Legally-Meaningful Manner When Falsely Accused. 15 y
Quote from a study guide for "Cracking the Code" plus an article "The Rule Of Law Under Assault" in Lost Horizons newsletter by the author.
”This case is a speech, due process, and core Rule of Law case, pure and simple -- not a “tax case”. All real Americans should be galvanized to action...”
Also ”Beware of Tricky Definitions and ’Words of Art’ as Written Law!”
”... a legal term might be defined as follows: ’For purposes of this paragraph, the term ”Fruit” includes apples, pears and oranges.’ That means, that for the length of this paragraph, cherries are not included in the definition of fruit, nor are bananas, nor anything other than what is included in ... read more
Mini-biography 15 y
My mini-biography
The mini-biography below was originally written about eighteen months ago with my daughter in mind and was preceded with a ”forward” addressed to her. At the time that I sent off the original version to my daughter I was really wanting to hear back from her about what I wrote. That did not happen and eventually I let go of pursuing this with her and essentially ”forgot” about what I wrote. My revisiting this now comes with some additional understanding of Human Design, Chinese Astrology and possibly more perspective/s that I may refer to in the course of the biographical narrative.
Als ... read more
“Greatest Medical Scandal Of The Century” 15 y
Article by Steve Watson at
”International Hearings Begin On ’Falsified’ Swine Flu Pandemic”
“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines. The ’bird-flu’-campaign (2005/06) combined with the ’swine-flu’-campaign seem to have caused a great deal ... read more
The Center Of Your Own Life 15 y
"Free download from DailyOM: Learning to Live"
I like: ”... spend more time
at the center of your own life,
rather than hovering like a planet
around the sun.”
”Free download from DailyOM: Learning to Live”:
DailyOM features a universal approach to holistic living
for the mind, body, and spirit and supports people
who want to live a conscious lifestyle. You can find more
DailyOM, register for a free daily inspirational newsletter,
or take online courses that can help you on your journey
of healing and awareness on the DailyOM Website:
This is ... read more
"A Complex Constitutional Representative Republic" 15 y
Website on "The American Constitutional Paradigm"™
The American Constitutional Paradigm™
”The Framers intelligently designed The United States of America to be a complex constitutional representative Republic not a Democracy.”
”The government [of the United States] was set to protect man from criminals—and the Constitution was written to protect man from the government. The Bill of Rights was not directed against private citizens, but against the government—as an explicit declaration that individual rights supersede any public or social power.”
[”Man’s Rights,” The V ... read more
Lead 411 15 y
Search results at Lead 411
Re: ”City Of Escondido”
”Lead 411” says: ”Company is no longer verified.”
visit the page
The Healing Power of Meaning In Disease 15 y
Discovery of "The Healing Power of the Deep Heart" with German New Medicine in mind.
”Deep inside, we know there is a sacred meaning in disease, even if we have not been able to put this feeling into words.
We have a choice in how we face and treat our human conditions.
We can choose to heal by finding the deeper significance in our challenges.”
I found this book in searching for ”meaning in disease”:
”The Healing Power of the Deep Heart: A Guide to Healing Disharmony and Disease” By Anne Bertolet Rice
I was inspired to search this out in my on-going studies of German New Medicine (GNM) where one of the basic laws says how ”disease” is truly a meaningful biologica ... read more
"The Right of the People to Alter or to Abolish it" 15 y
The restoration of the most Lawful government that is completely confined within Constitutional limitations.
Before the ”United States” had actually come into existence as a central federal government, there were the united states of America. Those originally were thirteen independent (AKA sovereign) states! Simply speaking, these ”states” were self-governing. These states all rejected the external and foreign government (if the British Crown) and for good cause: that government became extremely oppressive to the people! (Read the Declaration of Independence)
Later when the Constitution was written it was ”written in this manner: ’The Constitution for the united states of America’.”
http:// ... read more
"We Hold These Truths ..." 15 y
Special broadcast of "Take No Prisoners" on Sunday, January 31st, 2010
Special broadcast of ”Take No Prisoners” on Sunday, January 31st, 2010, ”a day that will live in history ... the day we begin the process of reclaiming the American Continent from corporations posing as legitimate governments.”
”Restore and re-inhabit ... the free Republics” as per the our Divine, inalienable Rights as memorialized in our sacred documents.
From Sam Kennedy:
”To my friends, fellow patriots and lovers of freedom worldwide,
Some time ago I promised a final remedy to enslavement ... read more
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