Day 3.. 12 y
Day 3 Over!
Okay so day 3 is over and I embark on day 4.
My water fast was going great until I began to have cravings..And someone bought home the same food I craved. Coincidence?? hmmmmm. I tried to hard. There was bit left over. I ate it. It was about 300 calories very small meal in the evening...and OMG!! It felt soooo goooooooooooodddd. made me feel so bloated, I was still able to maintain my 5 lbs weight loss thankfully. Next time I have to control the cravings no matter how good it feels at the moment.
It halts my detox, and weight loss progress..I could have easily lost about ... read more
Day 3.. 12 y
So far
Okay so this is day 3, I have made it this far, it is a first for me. It is almost evening time. Today was a very busy day with the kids running around, errands to run. All I had today was 2 classes of water.I am not thirsty yet, and my urine is still very light, when it starts to get to a darker yellow then I will have more water. I am not hungry and I feel great today.
Tomorrow I will report on the with weigh in. visit the page
Day 2: 12 y
water fast
On day 2 I end up eating a salad which wasn’t too bad, still continued my fasting. It’s a challenge to make dinner for the family, smelling yummy foods and not being able to eat it :( I know I need to do this. I have decided to cook foods that I don’t like too much, so I won’t be tempted. I have a family reunion to go dec 1. I need to lose as much as possible for that.
Today I embark on day 3:
Start weight: 170
current: 165
*still able to maintain the 5 lbs lost, yeahh!! I will do another weigh in tomorrow. visit the page
day 1 12 y
water fasting for weight loss
I am 40 year old mother of 2 wonderful kids. I was always fit and healthy. But after kids, so many things changes. I am now 45 lbs over weight. I suffer from hypothyroidism, high cholesterol, headaches, back pains, foot pains..and the list goes one. I also suffer from a food addiction for many many years. I have had enough..I have failed at fasting many times, hopefully this time I stick to it.
I had times of feeling hungry, then the hunger would disappear. I know it’s not real hunger, my body is used to eating all the time, so perhaps my stomach is just shrinking, which gives me the fe ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! Water fasting for weight loss, detox and healing. Not sure how long I will last, perhaps I will combine with raw foods on some days. more...
Last Activity: 12 y ago 4 Messages Last message 12 y ago 1 Comments Last comment 12 y ago
viewed 59,413 times Created: 12 y Nov 21 2012
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