Easing into Real Life 12 y
Post Cleanse
So I am happy to report that we did an 11 day pure juice fast. I had to ease into eating while celebrating my birthday. I was treated to a few fantastic raw meals. Now I am 85% raw, however, I am seriously considering going 100% raw.
I had some goat cheeze on a salad and woke up stuffy and sniffly: a very healthy adult reaction to milk products I am told.
A note on the virus cleanse: I had a cold sore outbreak and was very disappointed that the cleanse didn’t work. However, the outbreak was the mildest I ever had, without ever fully developing and has sort of almost disappeared, ... read more
Day 14 12 y
Day 14 of juice fast
Yay, we made it two weeks! Incredible.
I have to make a confession, however, the last 2 days we have been eating watermelon for dinner. No exactly juice fasting, but not exactly not doing that either. We were just sick of juice and wanted to taste the pure prana of the fuit. That being said, watermelons are pretty much all water and are fantastic as a kidney cleanse option.
JuicyQueen had a really intense detox kick on day 11. She said got really pale and was so ill, just laying there in bed she felt sick. She started having doubts about the cleanse. I urged her to just make i ... read more
Day 11 of Juice and Viral Cleanse 12 y
Day 11 of juice and viral cleanse, getting over a healing crisis
Wow, today I feel like myself again. Had a healing crisis yesterday, I felt nauseaous all day. Had a splitting headache starting at the top of my head with a shooting pain into my right ear that ended at the back of my teeth. Then I decided to have some weat grass juice and that just killed me. By the time I got back to the office I was so nauseous. So that’s it, no more wheatgrass for me. Yuck.
Today felt like having very light juice all day:
2 cups watermellon chunks
5 spears kale
5 stalks celery
2 inch piece of ginger.
visit the page
Day 9 of Juice Cleanse 12 y
Day 9 of juice fast
Finished off the day today with melon/cucumber juice. Super yum but am feeling hungry! I miss food.
Couldn’t resist the urge to weigh myself today: I lost 10 lbs. Yay! visit the page
Day 8 of Juice Cleanse 12 y
Moving into week 2 of fresh juice cleanse!
Yay, so we are officially on Week 2!
Today for lunch we made a raw version of V-8 juice:
1 purple heirloom tomato
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes
5 celery stalks
1/2 leek
a handful of arugula
a few spears of kale
1 large cucumber
1 small beet
2 inch piece of daikon raddish
1/4 inch slice of lemon with peel
2 types of red hot peppers
To the juice we added a bit of Himalayan salt (pink), curry powder, fresh ground black pepper and cayenne pepper. Hurray!
This morning Juicy Queen weighed 12 lbs less, Greenstar doesn’t want to weigh herself but ... read more
Day 7 of Juice Cleanse 12 y
Day 7 of Raw Juice cleanse, dealing with nausea and detox symptoms.
Yay! So we made it a week.
JuicyQueen, (GreenStar’s mother) wasn’t feel so good today. So finally I was able to convince her to take an Intestinal Drawing formula and Intestinal Movement formula. She felt relieved immediatly. Sounds like she was detoxing into her intestines but not carrying the waste out. I think I will make it a part of our regiment to take the intestinal drawing formula before bed and the movements caps two times a day. I am also going to pick up some chia seed powder today and will be adding it to the mix as well to keep things moving. I have never used chia s ... read more
Day 6 12 y
Day 6 of Juice Cleanse, personal thoughts, recipies and observations.
Day 6 feels amazing. I Skyped with my boyrfiend who is away in Europe this morning and his smile and his eyes (and some sweet comments) was wonderfully encouraging because he doesn’t know I am doing this.
For breakfast I had my ”Liquid Sunshine”
3 Carrots
1/8 Butternut squash
1/2 orange with peel
1/8 pineapple
1/4 mango
1 inch piece of turmeric root
It feels best if I have sweeter juice in the morning rather than at night so the rest of the day today, I am drinking celery, collard greens, lemon, ginger, green apple.
For lunch I had the water of a freshly cracked Thai coconu ... read more
Day 5 12 y
Day 5 of Juice Cleanse
Greenstar: well today I woke up feeling amazing! I must note that I have had difficulty falling asleep the first four nights so I took a melatonin and a deep sleep herbal pill. Last night I didn’t take one but fell asleep anyway after some obligatory turning. I think I will skip on the sleeping aids today again.
Last night I had an insanely delictious juice: carrot, orange, butternut squash, turmeric and pineapple. YUM. This morning I made kale, celery, cucumber, green apple and green mellon and ginger. Also very very yummy. However, my stomach is growling up a storm today. Maybe ... read more
Day 4 of Juice Fast 12 y
Mother and daughter journey into juice fasting and living foods. Background story with weight and health issues as well as first 4 days of juice fasting.
Day 4
Having searched many times about juice fasting or cleansing of any kind on the internet, we have come across so many posts full of passionate excitement going like this: ”Today is day 1 of my 90 day cleanse...” and that’s the only lonely entry out there. We make no such tall statement. But... having made it past the first 3 days and survived to tell the tale, decided to create this post to detail our journey in ”Juicyland.”
The reasons for juicing could be many. For JuicyQueen it is a search for better health as well as serious weight reduction (over 100 lbs). For JuicyStar ... read more