Day 4 13 y
day 4
Today is day 4 of my fast, I feel a bit dizzy and I have decided to stop doing Salt water flush. I find that after I do the flush I feel very weak and sick. So far everything is going pretty good, I do feel hungry at night and I find it hard to fall asleep. visit the page
Day 2 13 y
Day 2
Today is day 2 of my fast, yesterday night I was feeling very hungry. But today I woke up feeling really good and the hunger pangs are tolerable.
The good part about fasting is I feel great,What I mean is, I feel light, my mind is clear and I am spiritually connected. The worst part about fasting is being bored, I really don’t know what to do with myself. So whoever is starting a fast, just try to keep yourself occupied or focus on reading the bible or something. You will be surprised, how much extra time you will have on your hand.
So yesterday and today I did a Salt water flush. I ... read more
Day 1 13 y
Day 1
Today is day 1 on my early lent fast. Lent starts on March 9th and end on April 23rd. I have been trying to fast for awhile and found it very difficult to get started. But finally I made up my mind and ready to do this fast. I will do 40 days water fast at the beginning and then switch to juice fast after.
I want to fast for spiritual, cleansing, health, and weight loss reasons. I think fasting will teach me disciple and help me find myself again. I will try to post my progress on a daily basis.
I am a female
Current weight:244
Goal weight: Have no goal weight, just ... read more
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Last Activity: 13 y ago 3 Messages Last message 13 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 13 y ago
viewed 138,765 times Created: 13 y Feb 13 2011
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