Still on the journey 17 y
juice fast to begin again....
Transition back into a Juice Fast.. so here I go....starting tomorrow.. September 28th... visit the page
transitioning.... 17 y
transitioning out of water to juice and then raw foods low carbs.
Transitioning over to juices and then low carb as much raw foods as I can... I lost 14 lbs on the water fast adn have been enlightened to myself on many levels it was a great journey full of learning and comprehension and self awareness...
I will fast again in a few months...
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day 10 adding a cup of juice a day.... 17 y
day 10 and adding some watered down juices....
Another day... here I go... I am going to stop my water only and add some watered down juices... starting today... I have 14 days until my appt with my surgeon.. if I feel I am not progressing with the juice I will switch back to water.. Right now though there is some fresh carrot and orange juice calling me....
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Day 9: 17 y
day 9 and the journey within.
I am mentally hungry today.. why you ask?? because I am bored perhaps.Since I am not so focused on making meals and such for 7 other people 8 if you include me.. .... I am finding I have those bouts of what shall I do with my life etc.. which one may have whilst you are fasting your mind body and soul.. I find it very thought provoking in general to have all this going on within my body...the allowance to shut down my digestive system to cleanse the infrasturcture etc.. and how it is effecting my daily thought process’ about life and love and purpose.....How I go for my walk that I intend ... read more
day 8: 17 y
day8 and my feelings and last night.
Well, my evening went better last night....I went for a 2 hour long walk to the ocean and meditated at the yacht club.. then walked downtown for a bit and all the way home again... it was lovely.. the sun was shining and it was nearing sunset.. lovely lovely.. then I laid down for a few hours and dozed was up at 2 a.m got some chores done.. went back to sleep for a few more hours and got the kids ready for the beach and now am on here.. it is noon...have a headache today.. had a stuffy nose last night.. but its since relieved itself..I think I will take some Garlic and Vit C.
so on to t ... read more
day 7 17 y
day 7 and having a hard one dealing with it all...
Turning points.. I am not having a ”positive”day.. I did some Matta meditation and tried to change my feelings however I seem to be still stuck.. Not sure of htis cause it could because I am at war with my mind today.. I am not sleeping in any real pattern and if I were living my life and days soley for myself this would not be a concern.. however having a husband children animals and visitors etc.. this is a challenge that is overwhleming me today...
I also am having a negative self image today..physically that is I feel Large and rotund..not svelte and slim..
I had a visit with a holis ... read more
day6 17 y
day 6.retiming my days...
Day 6; Well hubby is on his way home he called and is gonna be home a bit about 6 hours or so.... I am going to have to re-time things for myself.. since I have had nearly a week to do this on my own made schedule..when hubby is home and with him bringing oldest son back with him to visit... and the other kids starting school and all my animals and etc and Life...well I will either just get up earlier or go to bed
other than that.. on to my where is that glass of water??? visit the page
day 5 17 y
day 5 .
Not too much to report.. feeling alrighty was busy all day so no time to really spend on myself howeer was able to do my morning routine and will get my evening routine in...
emotionally: good and stable LOL
physically: a bit more thristy today but I tried to get in as much water as I could whilst i was out and about all morning meditation in for 10 mins and a quick short 1 mile run.
mentally; doing good.. considering I did not have time to ponder life on any level today other than counting monies and its dwindling from my account as i went shopping for school for the kids..I di ... read more
day4 17 y
day4 of mindbodyspirit
well I am up at the crac of dawn and did not go to bed until 3a.m I am not sure if this will wor for me much loner with Hubby coming home from his road trip on day 7 and the ids beginning school again... since i am the morning motivator.. not that i am not all of my pey self just I wonder if i will be able to still go full tilt every day.
Did not go for my run as yet this morning.. let my time frame slip however I have all day to do so.
I have had a few glasses of water today already.. my trips to the bathroom are seemingly endless.. bt everythign is clear adn smooth adn odorless..I will ... read more
Day3 17 y
Losing weight through fasting,achieving mental,physical and spiritual enlightenment and self awareness
I finally have started.. I am not going by weight on a scale. but I will put clothing size so it can give a round about idea for anyone looking for that type of info..
My main objectives though is for myself to Retrain Myself be better do better achieve betterness LOL...this is a lifestyle change not simply a short term change.
I am drining distilled water.. some times with Lemon squeezed in and sometimes with the electrolyte homemade mixture added.. every 3 days so far.. I had a glass of it today.. not tasty..but alas it serves its purpose.. I was not dizzy at all today..
Day ... read more