Day 9 15 y
I became aware of triggers and how 'untempting' they were today
When things are going slowly, and i log in and post the days that have passed, I am elated. 9 days have gone by quickly.
Today, i noticed certain things, I was at a professional workshop about 2... read more
Day 8 15 y
day 8, not hungry
Last night I had a strange dream that I was having surgery in my stomach/intesinal area. The doctor said something about it being an alternative to a gastric bypass. It was supposed to help me in w... read more
7 Days 15 y
Urine and bowel movements red from beets. Smooth move
Last night around midnight I drank another Smooth Move and went to bed. At 4:00 am I went to the bathroom and emptied. There was a lot of red, it must be have beent he beet in the juice I had last ... read more
changed the name of my heading 15 y
changed heading name
ok, so there is something officially called a Juice Feast of which I was not aware. So i changed my heading to Juice Fiesta! Now back to the Juice Feast website, Ciao! visit the page
Morning of Day 6 15 y
I did the Saltwater flush and drank smooth move tea.
ON Wed. day 3 i did a saltwater flush at 9:45a 2 tsp of celtic salt in 32 oz of lukewarm water, basically i put the water as warm as I could stand to drink it without burning myself or feeling disc... read more
DAy 2Juicy juicing gal 15 y
slight headache and nauseum
Last night I dreamed of a dream distorted version of something distressful that happened several weeks ago. And I woke up feeling a little like something is happening in my bowels but nothing has ... read more