Day 5 17 y
Yesterday was unbearable...
Wow - someone said in another blog that Day 4 was the hardest, and they weren’t kidding! Yesterday was the hardest so far. I was fine when I posted in the morning. After my juice for lunch, I was absolutely starving all day! I had my ”dinner” at about 5:00 p.m., and I was still famished! I kept drinking a lot of water, but at 9:00 p.m. I got so nauseated from the hunger that I got up and made a protein shake. While standing in the kitchen making the shake, I nearly passed out. I was dizzy and had to hold on to the counter. Is this normal? At 11:30 p.m., I was still feeling a litte ... read more
Day 4 17 y
The liquid fast is going well...
Well, I’m sticking to it! I’ve had a great week so far. I’m doing a protein shake in the morning, fresh juice with spirulina for lunch, and vegetable juice heated up for dinner, and lots of water in between. After the first couple of days, I wasn’t starving all the time.
Starting weight: 217
Today’s weight: 214.5
Pounds lost: 2.5
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Day 1 17 y
Committed to the liquid fast today.
Monday, June 25th
After a couple of starts and stops, I am finally on my way. I weighed in at 217 today...ugh! I have less than a month before I leave on vacation. I had a great day on Friday - went all day with just fresh juices and one protein shake. Perhaps I should have classified this experiment as more of a liquid fast.
Anyway, I blew it over the weekend because we went to a festival and a BBQ at a friend’s house. Today, I started with a protein shake, then I had fresh juice, and tonight I’m going to juice a bunch of veggies and warm it up like soup. I also need to get in ... read more
Getting ready for the juice fast... 17 y
Getting ready to start a juice fast to lose weight and jump start metabolism.
I am a 37-year old woman and I am getting ready to start a juice fast to lose weight and jump start my metabolism. When I was growing up I was very fit, but since my 20’s I have been struggling with my weight. In 2002, I tipped the scales at 232 pounds. I felt so awful…I quit smoking, started eating healthy and exercised like crazy. I lost 60 pounds and was quite happy and comfortable at 170 and size 10 for a few years. I’ve never been a runner, but I taught myself to run and I was actually running 5 miles a day!
Since fall of 2005, I have gained back quite a bit of weight. I am b ... read more