My Juice fast Journey
by lucid_bedlam

Day 5-June 01, 2007   17 y  
6lbs in 4 days 'I'm ok with that'
Greetings all, Today is the start of day 5 So I did well and though I had a plateau yesterday: I awoke this morning weighing 162 lbs so 6 lbs in 4 day is wonderful. I felt exhausted and really grouchy but I had a sip of cranberry juice and it brough me back to spirits. I did something incredible ’ i drank zero coffee ’ I cannot say that i will not touch it but i am going to try as hard as I can Ok today is day five Day 5 here she blows!!!!   visit the page

Day 4 - May 31, 2007   17 y  
day 4 - 'bring it on'
Today is the start of fasting day 4. I weighed myself this morning and I have a plateau day today. I am still at 163. I’m definitly ok with this as I have experienced this in the past and early this morning I woke up with PMS cramps so I’m thinking I know the culprit but it is one week away so hmmm?? One thing that I may have foibled on yesterday was drinking too much juice and then while I was walking I was so thirsty that I went to the convenience store and bought those new ’AlOE VERA’ bottled water. Its so yumm but without thinking I didnt read thd lable saying it contained sug ...   read more

Day 3 - May 30, 2007   17 y  
5 lbs in 48hrs sa'good yes?
Hey All, its been 48 hours since I started my fast and today I am starting day 3. I walked about 45 min yesterday and got very hungry at one point but I remedied that with some beet juice...(dont drink too much people -you get the runs :o)) Anywho, I started the fast on May 28 weighing 168lbs Today I weighed myself and GREAT NEWS ’163lbs’ so a total loss of 5lbs in 48hrs. Oh to day 3 - I am going to sip a bit more water than juice today cause I may have had a bit too much juice yesterday. Day 3 here we go....   visit the page

Day 2 - May 29, 2007   17 y  
lost 2 lbs in 24 hrs...feel ok.
Good Morning, Phew day one all done. Yesterday at the same time in the morning I weighed 168 today I am at 166 so 2lbs in 24 hrs is not too shabby. I was starving at one point so I took a walk but I was really honesty just too lazy to do too much. I decided to make a great chinese stir fry for my boyfriend and while he was sitting and delecting I just breathed in the aroma...yummy I have to say that on day one I still somked and had 2 cups of coffee... Two things that I am trying to elimminate but I can only take everything one-day-at-a-time. On to day 2 of my water/juic ...   read more

Day 1 - May, 28 2007   17 y  
I'm sick and overweight and I have to go lose some weight. This is my 30 day Juice Fast
So this is how It goes: I am a 29year old smoker who goes on food binges and has no controll over them. I am 5’7 168 lbs medium build I have moments that I just open the fridge and start from the top shelf and work my way down eating everything in site. I smoke and I cannot even climb 2 sets of stairs without getting winded. What are my work out during this time as well and to get healthy and of course lose weight. How long for: ideally 30 days How much would I like to lose: ideally 30 lbs. lets see... Day 1 here I go!   visit the page


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I am starting May 28th 2007 my juice fast and will continue on till I cant any more. more...

Last Activity: 17 y ago
5 Messages   Last message 17 y ago
7 Comments   Last comment 17 y ago

viewed 47,674 times
Created: 17 y   May 28 2007

Comments (7 of 7):
Re: Coffee lucid_bedlam 17 y
Coffee katiemarie 17 y
Greetings vegeymom 17 y
Re: reply lucid_bedlam 17 y
Re: your fast lucid_bedla… 17 y
reply inyanskan 17 y
your fast gigisan989 17 y
All Comments (7)

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