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    Master Cleanse for Mind and Body

Master Cleanse for Mind and Body
by peanut74

47 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 287,470 times
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  • Note about the liberties I've taken this MC   by  peanut74     18 y     3,920       12 Messages Shown       Blog: Master Cleanse for Mind and Body
    It seems to me I've seen two types of posters on the MC forum lately. Some are "strictly by the book" people and others want to try different things. I started out being strict but by my last fast it felt like I didn't get as much out of my system.

    Even now, I've discovered my liver is the culprit behind many of my issues (some is recent from depression meds) which wasn't improved much by my previous five fasts (my liver issue is possibly too much for the MC to deal with from long-term antibiotic use as a child). Don't get me wrong, I've seen a big change in my body/health since all this started but now I've started to be more flexible in attempt to increase the results of my fast based on my individual goals.

    What makes me sad is some of the threads are feeling like the strict people against the more liberal/flexible ones instead of just supporting each other. Why does one person's way have to the the "right" way? It is true that many MCers seem to make changes to their fast before even trying it by the book. To get the full effect I would suggest anyone try it without making changes first. It reminds me of something I say to my kids. You don't put salt (or whatever) on your food without tasting it first. You could be missing out on what it is suppose to taste like.

    Well I know I'm ranting and I know some don't approve of the different things I've tried this fast (i.e. a liver flush, detox teas), but this is my journey toward health.

    I respect where you are at in your journey please respect mine,

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    • I need to let this all go.   by  peanut74     18 y     1,484
      Last night on the MC support forum there was an angry poster upset because he had broken his fast incorrectly and didn't die therefore the whole MC book was a farse. He was extremely rude (I notified the webmaster and his comments were removed) and actually was staying hateful things directly toward me about how I'm an excellent spokesperson for *bleep*. Am I really bossy or something on the forum? Should I just stay out of it? I just don't know anymore.

      I shouldn't let these things bother me so why am I? This has been a very emotional fast for some reason. I feel like my depression is spiralling out of control. What happened to the strength I usually have?

      Feeling hopeless,
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      • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  need2cleanse     18 y     1,502
        OMG, Peanut, please don't feel hopeless. For every idiot there is one person like me that idolizes you! I have been following your cleanse from day one and on July 5th I started mine and it is all b/c of YOUR strength! I am on day 3 and though I thought I certainly would die on day one, I am doing it! My tongue is coated, I stink and the whole thing and I feel so good! Thank YOu! I just got out of the shower and you know how the water runs off of a car that has been waxed? Well, I must be getting rid off all kinds of crap b/c I am so oily and the shower water just ran and beaded off of me! Cracked me up!

        Please, please, continue on with your journey so that I may follow and find strength in you! I am sorry I did not write sooner. I just am kind of a behind the scenes kind of gal.

        God Bless and Happy Cleansing!
        chrissy :)
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        • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  peanut74     18 y     1,456
          Thank you, Chrissy, for your kind words. I shouldn't air my ill feelings in public but I do appreciate the support. I'm feeling a bit better already.

          Your shower description cracks me up. Isn't it funny the things that make us happy during our cleanse. I wouldn't think of staring into the toilet bowel to analyze where that stuff came from during my normal life LOL. It's great when we see tangible results from our hard work.

          Keep up the great work!
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          • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  need2cleanse     18 y     1,509

            I am here for kind words anytime. I saw you had posted in my blog before I had even posted kind words to you so you started it! That is what I mean about you. I am a newbie and I wrote some pretty personal things and you accepted me anyway. This is going to be really great having someone to write back and forth with through this journey. I hope it is ok.

            Here is to looking in the toilet, oily showers, smooth moves and lemonade.

            ps- Is it normal to be goofy and giddy on the 3rd day? I am laughing at everything and nothing today.


            chrissy :)
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      • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  seunim     18 y     1,460

        Hi Peanut,

        Consider these words:

        Taking Things Personally

        Every time you interact with others, you have the choice to listen to, acknowledge, and let go of their words, or you can take what they are saying personally. Taking things personally is often the result of perceiving a person's actions or words as an affront or slight. In order to take something personally, you must read negative intent in an individual's words or actions. But what people do and say has no bearing upon you and is usually based on their own experiences, emotions, and perceptions. If you attempt to take what they do or say personally, you may end up feeling hurt without reason.

        When you recognize that what anyone says or does doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you, you will no longer feel hurt or attacked. While it's easy to take things personally, you should never let anyone's perceptions or actions affect how you see yourself or your worth. Your life is personal to you, and it is up to you to influence your own value and sense of well-being.

        Peace and happiness


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      • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  th1366     18 y     1,368
        People can be jerks and since we're all anonymous here, it's easy to hit and run. I appreciate people like you and Zoe and have learned so much from all you've shared. This can be a very isolating experience since very few people understand or appreciate what we're doing so it's wonderful to have a place like this to turn to for support and encouragement. This is my first MC and I'm on Day 8. This is also the first time I've ever had a blog (th1366) and it amazes me that people are reading it!
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      • Re: I need to let this all go.   by  Elenna     18 y     1,440
        I missed the fellow in question, but I would have one question for him.... was he TRYING to kill himself? If he was angry because he didn't die from breaking the fast incorrectly, did that mean that he wanted it to be like the book, and he wanted it to harm him? How odd!

        Thank you for your blog - it is an inspiration!! Thank you for being open and honest. Don't feel guilty about 'airing your dirty laundry'. This is YOUR blog, and that's what Blogs are for! If someone is upset, they can chose not to read it.

        I, on the other hand, am thoroughly enjoying your blog. Thanks again!
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    • Standing in your own truth...   by  Zoebess     18 y     1,347
      There does seem to be times when the board can become contentious. While I appreciate that some need the structure, there are many who do not and also all the variables in between. I happened to grok to the beauty of doing my first cleanse by the book since it has worked for so many, so then I was able to re-evaluate what had happended and make some changes which would allow me to successfully fast again this year.

      For me, it is about choices and setting myself up to succeed. I cannot control what others say or do and certainly I do not feel like I have to make choices for others but I totally respect myself and my own ability to chose for myself what I can live with. I respect you for standing up for yourself and making choices you can stand by.

      Fortunately, for those who are focused on trying to prove that the cleanse will not work for them, we have a hundred or more who can extole the virtues. Like so many things, the energy you put into the cleanse will return to you proportionately.

      I am impressed that you jumped right into the liver flush and especially the first week since those first days can be rough. Its no wonder you feel a little wiped since a flush is a little like a mini-surgery. I am still waiting until next week to begin my post-fast flushes.

      Yay about your colonic though! That is such a good thing to do. My favorite colonic specialist is in Missouri and perhaps I could find the number online and make an appointment since I will be there this time next month. At the moment all I can remember is her first name...ggg.

      It sounds like you are making great progress though and are almost at your halfway mark!! My last week was really productive because of the cayenne amping per Detour's I wish you equal success. I am glad you are blogging since I have gone back over a number of my blog entries and thought, wow, I would not have remembered that! You will enjoy remembering back too I suspect...ggg

      Best of luck to you!!


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