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Path of my Life
by Karlin

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  • Sen. Kerry's "Rush to War" rings a bell   RRR   by  Karlin     12 y     12,405       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Path of my Life

      Just 10 days ago, there was a suspected chemical attack in Syria. Right now there are far more questions than answers about exactly what happened, but what is clear is that the United States is rushing ahead with plans for a military response.

        Maybe others have forgotten the US election campaign of 2011, but Sen Kerry's repeated criticisms of "Bush's RUSH to war" should be remembered now as Sen. Kerry takes the lead role in promoting a military response against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

       It is disturbing, and it is eye-opening, to see how Sen. Kerry has made a 180 degree turn since being elected. So now with BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties showing the same willingness to "rush to war" it becomes obvious that they are the SAME party, controlled by forces bigger than either of them, bigger than both parties put together.

       The USA's "rush to war" without the approval of important allies or the U.N., and against all advice, is a strong indication that invading Syria was planned long ago - just like "going all the way to Baghdad" was planned a few years before 9/11 happened.

       It is very clear to ME, and I don't have any special insight or analytical abilities - so why are most people ignoring this obvious similarity to the invasion of Iraq. Again, if the invasion of Iraq and the potential invasion of Syria are cut of the same cloth, it is strong evidence of pre-planning and with both parties doing it is strong evidence that the American government is being controlled by unseen powers, and therefore there is really no difference between the  Democratic and Republican parties.

    * UPDATE - Pres. Obama is "seeking Congressional approvals" before invading Syria - but will a rejection by Congress end the plans to remove the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad?

    PS - in general, there should never be "a decision on whether or not to go to war" - unless the enemy is crossing your borders with tanks, DON'T FIGHT.

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