- "Swine Flu - The Final Jab" by Karlin
14 y
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Blog: Path of my Life
Jan 27 2010
"Swine Flu - The Final Jab"
This will probably be my final jab at the Swine Flu pandemic, but I hope there were some lessons learned that we will all remember for the next time we hear about a flu pandemic coming.
In the final tally, released this week, "there were only 14,000 deaths from the Swine Flu [H1N1], which is LESS than in a normal annual flu season".
So in general, it appears that what the natural health proponents were saying is true - flu pandemics are not going to kill massive numbers of people anymore. Decades ago, those flu pandemic's high death rates were all about factors that we can control now such as sanitation, how not to spread the virus, and taking good care of yourself at home when infected.
There are no figures showing how many of the 14,000 deaths worldwide from the 2009 Swine Flu [H1N1] virus were of people who had gotten the vaccine this year, or if they had gotten vaccinated in previous years. Those figures would be very interesting because it might reveal the truth about this statement: "those who get the flu vaccine are more likely to get the flu each year". Or, that "you are more likely to get seriously ill if your immune system has been weakened from annual flu shots".
Of course, some of those 14,000 deaths were in the "otherwise comprimised" patients who were susceptable to any new infection, and the H1N1 claimed their lives. They offer no stats about that either, but we should feel confident that unless we have underlying health problems, no flu bug will likely kill us. Flu is not a terrible threat [except to the weak].
The other conspiracy is about governments getting into bed with the pharmaceutical companies over the H1N1 flu pandemic. Governments ordered all those millions of flu vaccines on the basis that this was a serious pandemic, despite the fact that the threat of a flu pandemic is very low in our modern world, the "third world" included. They also ignored the fact that flu vaccinations are not effective and actually weaken immune systems. Governments went ahead and spent our taxpayer money on the vaccine anyhow, resulting in a windfall for the pharmaceutical corporations.
In conclusion, there was no unusual danger except from the vaccines, which carry 25 mcg. of mercury, plus squalene and other nasties. Even toddlers got that crap shot into them!! Also, we would do well to stop trusting in what the health authorities tells us, because their warning and advice have proven to be useless or worse.
-------------some links:
Swine Flu season is over:
"H1N1 case numbers plunge" -
- Re: "Swine Flu - I eat Aloe raw just about every day.
by rincliffe
14 y
I eat Aloe raw just about every day. I get big leafs at local supermarkets in the produce section imported from Mexico. I look for fresh healthy looking leafs with light or white spines. The ones that have dark or purple spines are not as good the gel/flesh is purple and not as good. The clear gel has very little taste some times slightly bitter, but not bad as most people say it is. These people most likely eat small aloe house plant that are very very bitter (the bigger the leaf the milder the flavor)
With that said enjoy it. Just about everything positive said about this plant is true. Safe for all parts of the body inside and out. If the burnt dried up washed out supplements or potions and lotions help people, just imagine what the full strength raw gel, fresh flesh from the leaf can do. Just remember no scientific studies have proven Aloe does squat, because quadruple blind tests have not been affirmed yet. For a plant that has been used for thousands of years as the medicine plant.
Most Doctors don't and wont recommend it. Aloe Vera farms don't pay for there vacations, schools, and hand out free Meds like the Drug companies do. They might say it will harm you mabe kill you . So bend over and turn around for the H1N1 the the great golden cow of medicine.
- Re: "Swine Flu - I eat Aloe raw just about every day.
by Karlin
14 y
Thanks for that good info on Aloe. Now I know how to eat it "whole" - I did not know that it was done that way.
Just the inside jelly. Big plants. Cool. I will ask my health food store manager to get some - but I do see that they have big bottles of Aloe Gel to be swallowed, which is likely pretty close to what you do but I agree that it is better to get it right from the living source without processing.