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A Few More Questions!
ChloesMommy725 Views: 1,432
Published: 18 y
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A Few More Questions!

Thank you everyone for your helpful advice. I am currently on a parasite and Colon Cleanse from Dr. Nutura. It seems to be helping a lot with my back-up problems and I have been eating mostly raw for 3 days now. I bought Natalia Rose's book because her approach seemed very simplistic and ideal for someone who is starting out and doesn't want to complicate things too much just yet.
I've been feeling a bit lighter and clearer for the last two days. Day one left me feeling wretched at the end of the day and I had a monster headache so fortunately that was short-lived.
I've been eating a different fruit about every hour throughout the morning (trying to follow the guidelines of food separation) and eating veggies for lunch and a salad for dinner. I also eat some dried prunes or a lara bar after my salad in the evening and that all goes well.
However yesterday was the first day I ate anything cooked and I had a sweet potato with Cinnamon and a salad (oil & vinegar) and some veggies with guacamole. I did feel a bit bloated last night so did I miscombine this meal?
I am not necessarily looking for a 100% raw diet. I don't like meat that much but I do enjoy whole wheat pasta and sweet potatoes a lot and could see myself wanting to throw those in a dinner from time to time. Any suggestions on how to do that so I don't end up with the bloating afterwards?
Also I'm curious if anyone can recommend a good salad dressing. The one in my book is a mixture of lemon juice, raw honey, ginger, garlic and olive oil and I just didn't like it at all. I love oil and vinegar but I'm not sure where vinegar falls into play in the whole raw scheme and also it could get old eating the same dressing day in and day out.
Secondly I LOVE guacamole (didn't know that till now, but I do!) and I enjoy dipping my veggies in it. Is this ok to do often as I know avocados are higher in fat and I am hoping to loose some weight. I'm thin all over - about 127 lbs at 5'7" but I have a belly that won't budge!
I did order a juicer from Amazon so I'm waiting for that to come - I'm looking forward to adding juice in the mix. Also curious in the evenings sometimes I like to have the lara bars (raw nuts and dried fruits) as a snack or dessert is there anything I should not combine that with starches, meats etc. I'm a little confused on dinner because I tend to have more going on there ... the day time is pretty straightforward. Thank you!


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