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Re: I have a question?
JoyceF Views: 4,251
Published: 21 y
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Re: I have a question?

Hi again Grog,
Oh there is no doubt in my mind that if for some reason I was unable to get my LDN, I would definitely continue on the usual path that having MS would mean. MS is very much a progressive disease. There are periods of remission but after a certain number of years, usually about 10 I think, you start to go downhill and it becomes much more progressive and less remissions. That is where I was at the time that I found the LDN info. I had my first bout of Optic Neuritis around 1985? So you see, I am not new to MS. This is rather an important bit of info because of the usual nature of relapsing remitting MS. You see, my great condition is only good as long as I am taking this pill. As far as the medication improving my condition per se, I think that it is the fact that my body is no longer attacking itself and my own body is doing its usual repair, not the medication. Oh boy, as to the theories of what causes MS, I'm afraid that I do not. Not sure if anyone has any other theories but I think that Dr. Bihari is theorizing that it seems to have an endorphin deficiency base and thus the help from this endorphin producing therapy. I too have heard of the Amalgam removal theory but am still not sure about just how much that comes into play. I've heard stories pro and con about that so therefore am just not sure how much that plays into it. Just wondering why then not more people are stricken as most people have amalgams. LDN is the only therapy I have ever taken for my MS. I kind of avoided all those MS injectables for years because I was never that comfortable with shooting that stuff into my veins and since I was doing so well for so many years, I said that until it was time that I would not do that. Well this is another thing that I should mention. I spent a good 10 to 15 years doing quite a bit of aerobic exercise which we all know produces endorphins. I only started to go downhill once I slacked off of the exercise. I strongly suspect that my lack of attacks during that time was a direct result of the endorphin producing exercise. If only I knew then what I know now....*sigh*.


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