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Dairy and peeling/cracking lips??
prosperous Views: 9,185
Published: 20 y

Dairy and peeling/cracking lips??

I had a peeling lips problem on and off for many years. It's been such a puzzle for since I wasn't able to figure out what causes it. It would come and go from bad to completely smooth, and I couldn't see any connection to anything I did.
One time that I could always count on my lips going berserk was when I went home (Europe) to visit my family. I usually stay for a month, and a week into my stay, every single time, my lips get terrible, peeling, cracking, the corners of my mouth cracking and red, etc. One thing that I eat a lot more of when I'm home is dairy (I have at least 1-2 yogurts a day, some cheese, kefir...because it's so yummy there), but not that much here. Just recently I started to eat yogurts here every day and my lips started to crack (after a long time of being perfectly fine, not since I was home for Christams did they peel or crack). That's when it occured to me that maybe there is a connection btw dairy and cracking lips. Anybody else??


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