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my "mostly" paleo diet
mindburnt Views: 8,587
Published: 22 y

my "mostly" paleo diet

Im already a lean athlete, 18 years old and just want the best diet I can get to meet my active demands. my sports are martial arts and snowboarding. Ive been on this diet for a few weeks and love it. my questions are under the diet:

12 oz apple juice + MSM
4 eggs=603

Post workout
2 scoops powerade mix in water=140

1 cup berry medly
4 ice cubes/1/2 cup water
scoop whey
1 banana
3 figs
4 eggs.=291

Slice Bread
Tbsp honey
2 eggs=270

Chicken breast, pork, or beef
Salad w/ Catalina dressing=175 +

6oz tuna
1 carrot
1/8 cup walnuts=290

1 orange
1 carrot
chicken breast=240

Seven pre-workout
36 grapes
scoop whey
8 oz apple juice=517

Post workout/last meal
2 scoops powerade mix in water=140
*Any meat
slice bread + 1 tbsp peanut butter
snack on cherries or other low GI fruit

Would getting rid of the bread completely make a big difference in energy levels and overall fitness and shape? I might take the whey out of the smoothie in meal two, and just eat more eggs or meat. I need the whey in seven because it digests and doesnt leave me farting and ready to puke during martial arts. but if its a no-no, I would be willing to replace it with tuna. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.


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