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Re: Hijacked Hair

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acrinym Views: 5,691
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Re: Hijacked Hair

I've been collecting cures / remedies for Morgellon's for a while. Before I get it, or before anyone in my life does.

Morgellons research -

Morgellons -
Negative magnetism has shown to reverse bias electronic components to destroy nanotechnology.

Morgellons is being distributed with many different types of viruses, fungus and bacteria.
It is a combination of organic and inorganic materials genetically combined to form artificial life.
It's a combination of piezo-electric crystal, virus, fungus, plant and genetically modified insect.
It is activated by photo-ionization (light from the sun) and charged by radio waves in the environment.
It uses Tesla technology to pull in energy from its environment (the human body).
It creates a living antenna circuit within the body being very sensitive to almost all radio waves.
It has the ability to both send and receive signals creating a reactive living circuit.
The fibers are made up of cellulose and metal which act as conductors and antennas.
The dimensions of the fibers could allow communication with cell towers or the megahertz range.
Being microscopic, it is created to operate with very small voltages, millionths of a volt.
It is partially magnetic so it can be effected by any form of magnetism or pulsed magnetism.
Any large magnetic pulse will overload the nanotech microscopic circuitry causing it to explode.
It is radioactive giving off low level gamma radiation used for power generation.
It was created to be self power generating and to store energy in miniature nanotube batteries.
Using metallic crystals it uses radio waves in the environment to create voltage for power.
It is tuned to 50-60 Hz, the frequency found in the electrical system in every house in the U.S and Europe!
Basically it is using the energy around us, the EMF in the air to live and grow.

Recent Test Results
Morgellons organisms were subjected to the following tests and here are the results;

Test / Substance Results
Acetone ...............................................Organism turned red
Water ..................................................No effect
20 Mule Team Borax w/ water...........Absorbed the mixture, dried up, hardened and died.
Sulfuric Acid........................................Organism attempted to avoid but eventually died.
Hot water.............................................No effect
Fire......................................................Fire-resistant but melted
Fresh Squeezed Lemon.......................Absorbed the juice and died.
Glycerine.............................................Unable to breath, died.
Colloidal Silver ....................................Attemped to avoid any area sprayed.
Oil of Oregano.................................... Died quickly
Open wound........................................Attempted to move towards the blood to enter the body!
Electricity 110 VAC............................No effect
Microwave Oven.................................No effect

Placed Between Two Magnets...........Organism exploded in a puff of smoke throwing residue on the microscope lens!

Tests Conclusion - Magnetism Destroys Morgellons!



Thu, 05/15/2008 - 00:20 — Arthur Cristian


Forwarded from Oxyplus @ Sunday, 22 April 2007, 11:09 a.m.

MMS Stories

. . the Morgellon's disease of today is a totally NEW disease. The fibers are red, blue, white and other colors. These fibers DON'T BURN AT 1400 DEGREES F !.

We now know that Morgellon's disease is caused by some kind of nanotechnology. The fibers are grown by miniature machines. Maybe they escaped from some laboratory. (See article by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

Have a Bath with Sun powdered laundry detergent with Colorsafe Bleach PLUS Alfalfa tablets.

These seem to combine to produce something that is lethal to the machines. This cure for Morgellon's disease was discovered by accident.

This testimonial is from the person who discovered this cure: (Daisy Baleen) Posted on Health and Healing @

I have been Morgellons sufferer for over ten years. Recently, I discovered, quite by accident, something that is literally making it disappear from my BODY. I have experimented with various "super baths," filling the tub with hot water and putting in things like lemons, baking soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc. Well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath and I was pretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach into the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin.

Anyway, I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When I returned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak.

Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a morgellons sufferers' lifetime dream: those black and grey specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVES BY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE inch OF MY BODY!!

And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things "dissolving" in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things Morgellon out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour!

Brown flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers drifted off the surface of my skin like No Problema, see ya later, something I had NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH ANY OTHER TOPICAL AGENT.

THE MIGHTY ALFALFA HAS SINCE CONQUERED MORGELLONS IN MY BODY. The scabs are gone, the fibers are history, the patches of fibers are all taped to a piece of wax paper and about to be sent off to a research lab that has requested them.

I am sending you my testimonial in hopes that other sufferers will at least know some relief from the scourge of the skin.

Dandelion the Flame Point Siamese must be credited with this miraculous discovery. He is only three years old, but he's a hero to his long-suffering Mommy!

I've done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparently it creates an alkaline environment in the body in which things like CANCER and other diseases cannot survive. So, taking it internally can only be a good thing, also; but it's the BATHS that made all the difference in the world for me.

I also tried putting St. Johns Wort in the bath along with it, with even better results. And for some reason, using the Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach also helps facilitate the migration of the specks.

God, I really hope this helps even one person as it has helped me. It has cleared up my symptoms so completely that I kept forgetting to post this information on the morgellons websites!!!!

Thank you to God for this wonderful, freak discovery! Please spread this information far and wide.


Editor's note: The primary ingredient in this discovery was the laundry detergent with color-safe bleach. The bleach is an oxidizer similar to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . The boost from the alfalfa is not easily understood but clearly was helpful. Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream would be perfect targets for chlorine dioxide gas to destroy so a four-drop dose of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement taken internally would be a perfect compliment for this bathing process. Note also that Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can be used in swimming pools and also safely in a bath tub. MMS is a water purifier first and foremost. For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS for bathing (not drinking). Other Morgellons testimonials will be forthcoming.)


For MMS in Australia see:

Google MMS America Jim Humble:

Health Problems? Check out this site: Waiora Products

Remember this statement:

"When the government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people fear the government [or the IRS, for that matter], you have Tyranny."(Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence of the United States)

Thanks,Mike Golden aka RadioRebel


I'm not a Lawyer, this is not legal advice. Nor am I a Brain Surgeon, Pastry Chef or Indian Chief. This communication is private and privileged intended only to those individuals marked "To", "CC" or "BCC". To the snoopy government agencies, or anyone else this mail isn't being specifically directed to; you are cordially invited and instructed to PISS OFF!!



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