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Re: Hijacked Hair
Amelie83 Views: 4,895
Published: 6 y
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Re: Hijacked Hair

Omg! This can't be real! I have the mm black hairs like things coming out of my skin too! What really got me about your post was the insects with the hairs coming out of their mouths! I have noticed this too and thought I was losing it. I've seen multiple species of insects now with these little wavy light tan hairs sticking out of their mouths. At first I thought it was just one of my dogs hairs stuck on the bug but then I saw a bunch more and I caught a cricket in a glass jar that seemed like it was on its death bed near my sink! After examining it, I saw that it was actually coming out of its face!
I showed someone who acknowledged the weirdness of it but also seemed to think I was completely nuts! I wish I kept it to see what happened but I set it free and tried to get it out of my head. Telling myself it was just a coincidence and couldn't possibly be related to my symptoms.
I've extensively researched nematomorpha. There are some very rare cases of them.infesting humans but in most that I've read, they were pretty self-limited.
I wondered if they affected pantry pests. I thought for a while that I had drugstore beetles or another tiny beetle I wasnt able to identify it though. It was as small as a drugstore beetle. Could these have also been infested with nematomorpha and I accidentally consumed some. Ew.
I have moved since and no longer see evidence of pantry pests but I still have symptoms and find the mm hairs and crawling and lesions and something is eating my hair mid-shaft. I also have severe anemia that I'm having difficulty getting a handle on even after multiple transfusions and infusions.
How the hell do I treat this internally? Fenbendazole and ivermectin seems to help a little bit.
Topical ivermectin, thyme, and salt water helps temporarily for external symptoms as well.
My life is completely on hold. I'm not able to function. I went from working full time and in nursing school full time, maintaining a 4.0 easily to barely being able to force myself to get out of bed and do simple household tasks. I'm running out of money now and Idk what else to do. Not well enough to work, not enough money to get well.
I'm trying to stay positive and not lose it completely but its getting really hard to maintain.


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