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Re: Folliculitis on face due to C. Koseri and Staph
silverlight22 Views: 1,691
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Re: Folliculitis on face due to C. Koseri and Staph

Hi Thinker9,

Do you get the pustules on your mouth too like I do? Mine also show up on my body, scalp and back of my head but I am more concerned with the one's on my mouth.

Have you gotten a culture done? Did it show staph or gram neg bacteria? Antibiotics usually only have a suppressive effect in this case. From what I heard, if it is gram neg., then accutane is the way to go. However, being on accutane increases staph reservoir so you might get more pustules which are then staph related. It is a strange cycle.

I think you are right when you say it affects more people than what is reported, mainly since accutane has become the go to drug for any sort of acne, people usually confuse this condition with acne, get on accutane and it usually clears up their folliculitis.

I know someone who is actually trying out a probiotic spray on his face. He will keep me posted about the results!


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