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Re: Folliculitis on face due to C. Koseri and Staph
Thinker5 Views: 1,263
Published: 7 y
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Re: Folliculitis on face due to C. Koseri and Staph

Hi Silverlight. I've seen your posts on another website. I have battled folliculitis on my body. Took a long course of Antibiotics , and I'm waiting for them to come back, as it seems they do. All I know is mine is bacterial. I have not done Accutane. I think the issue is a due to a combination of skin barrier dysfunction, possible immune dysfunction, and bad bacteria population. I've tried to understand this condition. I think it affects more people than is realized or reported. I'm really interested in topical probiotics, but I feel research needs to be aimed in helping us repopulate with my good bacteria and restore skin barrier function, because it's obvious Antibiotics aren't a cure-all and Antibiotic resistance is a real concern.


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