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Re: what on the earth causes those ew huge blue veins under eyes
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Re: what on the earth causes those ew huge blue veins under eyes

I would like to add to this! I feel a lot of the advice given is in good will, but will not fix this issue.

I also was a sufferer of this syndrome for the LONGEST TIME! It literally ate away all my self confidence. It consumed my day to day life, and thoughts. Every time I looked in the mirror, all i saw were big blue veins under my eyes, bad on both sides but extremely pronounced on the right. Bad to the point I stopped looking at myself in the mirror. I already have dark circles so with the veins at some points I literally got asked if I had been punched in the eye, sometimes in groups of people.

"No, my skin is just naturally like this."

Uggh, how embarassing! Im a guy so no make up no hiding it. I truly believe it also ruined my one chance with the only girl I ever met I thought I could marry. I bet if she saw me now.. things would be an entirely different story, but I digress..

Anyway, I used to search ALL these threads online and search google looking for help. I finally found mine!

Thuy Nguyen (her name is pronounced Twee) at Wake Up Beautiful at
30100 Town Center Drive #S
Laguna Niguel CA, 92677

I have gone in for several appointments for laser vein removal ( i had big thick visible veins, if this is the case, it can take several sessions to get them COMPLETELY GONE, although each session they will fade quite a noticeable bit)

She literally helped change my life! I just finished my last session recently and it feels SOOOOOO GOOD to be vein free. The confidence to know people are looking at my normal face when talking and not staring at my veins like I know they probably did before.

I highly recommend her services to ANYONE, I know if you have the same problem I did it sucks to go on with it.

I am just one ULTRA satisfied patient, wishing everyone with my same ailment could get the treatment I did. I didnt even know about laser eye vein removal until recently! Call her today to set up a consultation, if you did, tell her you heard about her from Christian (thats my name)

I really hope this post can benefit people, living vein free literally restored my confidence I had lost!

Also, feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I just want to allocate and help anyone I possibly can who has this same issue I used to. I know nothing is worse then this issue that is naturally caused yet you can do nothing about by yourself.

I tried the creams, lotions, therapies, ice packs, everything. The only way is laser removal and it will turn you into a new person


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