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Coconut oil and eye parasites

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Coconut oil and eye parasites

First, let me say that I read long and hard to verify that it was safe to put liquid coconut oil in your eyes. I finally found a doctor from Barbados who said that people in the caribbean use it all the time to soothe irritated, dry eyes.

I have pinworms that have gotten into my sinuses and into my eyes. I took a round of Humaworm, but as soon as I stopped, they came back with a vengeance. I found an ayurvedic eyewash recipe with garlic, but it caused pain in my eyes after only two days, so I stopped using this.

Someone suggested coconut oil. I thought they were crazy! Why would I put coconut oil in my eyes? Then someone asked "Why would you put animal fat into your eyes? I never have, I replied. Yes, you have, every time you put eyedrops with glycerin into your eyes. Glycerin is a byproduct of processing animal fat for soap.

Made sense to me, and the more I read, the more sense it made. VCO is natural, it's Antibiotic and antifungal, it kills worms, and if it is safe to put in your eyes, it may just be the cure.

So I did it. I started putting two drop of coconut oil into my eyes at night, and today, I woke up with "sleep" in the corners of both eyes...only it wasn't mucus. It was worm larvae. Yes, tiny little hard, clear grains of what looks like sand...pinworm larvae...coming out of my eyes! I have had these same things coming out of my skin when I was taking the Humaworm, and I started collecting them and sent them to a lab, which confirmed they were indeed parasitic worm larvae, although they did not know what kind.

I only use the VCO at night, and only a couple of drops. I write for a living, so using it during the day is out, as it does coat your eyes and make it hard to see.

I've also ordered Dr. Christopher's Eyebright formula and will do eyewashes during the day with that, but I intend to continue to use the VCO at night.



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