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Re:Eat Right For Your Type helped me
obewan Views: 2,559
Published: 18 y
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Re:Eat Right For Your Type helped me

I have found this ERFYBT diet has changed my life and health... all for the better. This man is a genius and far ahead of the new genetic research now going on regarding diet. The future of nutrition and the impact on health is now unraveling as is the genome of man. He is the first to directly relate diet to health. Failing health and disease and cancer take years to surface....and follwing of this diet can reverse these problamtic health states.

I have to laugh when 98% of all medications are taken orally and do have a direct impact on our health systems ...yet people still do not understand the direct impact of diet on their immune system and that it too will achieve like results,,positively and yes many that are negative if our of the ERFYBT diet.

i have been rresearching the cure for cancer off and on now for 10 years and in all my research of thousands of web sites inclusive of all the manipulation of the cells structures by pham companies.... all research returns to diet as the main cause of cancer and disease. Imporper diet allows the parasitic invasion of the body allowing of scrambling to the DNA of the cell structures and considered mutations....... in all disease states.

He is the first to supply you with the basis of understandings of what your blood type really attention and stay abreast of new discoveries regardings the expansion of his exisitng concepts......



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