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Colloidal silver, Nano-silver, Ionic silver.
With Ebola, Measles, and Flu in the news, people are very worried about the questionable efficasy of commercial pharmaceuticals. There are studies that confirm Colloidal Silver's effectiveness against some 650 infectious diseases. Contrast that with the average anti-biotic, which usually works against maybe 15 diseases. According to this report, Colloidal Silver is effective against hemorrhagic fevers including Ebola.
Given that colloidal silver cannot be patented and used for profit by the big pharmaceutical corporations, they have little interest in funding such research. Indeed the big pharmaceutical companies lobbied the FDA to totally ban colloidal silver in 1998, but a huge public outcry forced the FDA to allow it to be sold again, but only in very diluted amounts.
So, with the WHO announcing that experimental therapies may be tried during this crisis (even though it continues to block shipments of colloidal silver to Africa) , many people may be willing to "roll the dice" and use colloidal silver if Ebola shows up in their area.
Both Nigeria and Sierra Leone have told the US it does not have authority to tell them not to use colloidal silver and are treating Ebola patients with it, and reporting good results.
Here is how I make my own colloidal silver. Above all, cleanliness is imperative! I use vinegar to clean the beaker and the .9999 silver rods (purchased from eBay). Some websites say you can use silver coins in an emergency, but that will result in other metals being driven into the solution that you may not want in your body unless the silver coins are investment grade .999 pure.
After cleaning, fill the beaker with distilled water. Do NOT use bottled mineral water as you may get unexpected chemical reactions. Heat the water in the beaker to just below boiling as the hotter the water is the finer and more effective the particles of silver will be.
Insert the silver rods and connect to a 30 volt DC power supply. 30 volts is ideal, but you can get by using three 9 volt batteries connected in series. If you are using two silver rods, polarity does not matter.
Use a TDS meter (available for free when you buy a Zero Water pitcher or you can also find these on eBay) to measure the PPM silver count. We process to 25ppm in our setup. Because we are heating the water, the TDS meter will tend to overstate the true PPM, so we go to a reading of 75 to get a 25 end result.
Because distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity, it takes a while to start getting the silver into the water. Once the silver does start entering the water, the water will conduct electricity more easily and the process will accelerate. What I do is take 100ml of colloidal silver from a previous run and add it to the water as a feedstock, which greatly accelerates the process.
As seen in the above updated photo I have added an aquarium pump which pumps air into the solution through a stainless steel tube (glass would be even better) to stir the solution which further reduces particle size and precipitates.
This setup produces 5000ml of 25ppm colloidal silver in just a few hours.
The finished product should be very pale yellow and there should be no precipitates if your setup was properly cleaned. Filter and bottle in clean dark brown or blue glass bottles, do NOT use plastic or metal, and store in a dark place as strong light will cause the silver to lose its ionization and become less effective. If you start to see dark precipitates forming, your batch is contaminated, and the prudent thing to do is start over.
After you are done, clean the silver rods again using vinegar and store in a zip lock bag until the next time.
I spent about $150 building this setup (mostly for the power supply and large beaker) but an equivalent amount of colloidal silver from the local health food store would cost the same, so as of the second run, we are saving money.
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