About Breast Cancer and other Tumors!
Hi Ya'll,
It is all about the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles and how this effects the body!
As a follow up to Anna , which her questions are now in the debate forum, which she was seeking help and was getting good results from the different suggestions which she has been doing, which I and others have suggested for her!
To share some more info about this problem and what to do about the problem!
For this may I provide an example of how and why Hydrogen Peroxide may help reduce any Tumor in the body!
First we need to understand what a Tumor is!
Is a Tumor something which is swelled up bigger than normal?
Or is a Tumor something which drys up into a small size?
Now for those who have some Common Sense, it may be easy to see that a Tumor is then just something which is swollen up in size with to many body fluids in it!
Now just what do you suppose the pH of these body fluids is in this Tumor?
You are correct, they are Acidic!
So for the next example: Let us take a "WET" dish rag and hang it outside on the clothes line in the windy sunshiny day!
Does this wet dish rag soak up more water in this nice sunny windy day or does this wet dish rag dry up and get small again?
So what does this all have to do with spraying 3% Hydrogen Peroxide on your skin before your Bath and after your bath?
It just so happens that this Hydrogen Peroxide contains extra Oxygen in it!
So What! you may say, what does this got to do with anything?
Oxygen is an Oxidizer, and this may mean that it may Neutralize any Acids!
So what does this mean in relationship to the wet dish rag on the clothes line and the Cancer Tunor?
The wet dish rag, when put out in the air with the sunshine and wind, was also exposed to all of the Oxygen in the air, which is what dryed the wet dish rag down!
Isn't that simple?
So the same action may help you "IF" you have a Cancer Tumor of any kind!
All that is necessary to overcome "ANY" kind of Cancer Tumor, is to enable your body to "STOP" becomming too Acidic and supply your body with enough of the needed Alkaline Minerals , which may allow the body to carry more Oxygen in it's blood and elswhere in the body and this may duplicate the same thing as the wet rag on the clothes line and just dry the tumor up and away!
Now the reason the Hydrogen Peroxide works , may be because it may supply more Oxygen for you!
But this is just too simple and surely can not work for it doesn't have the "ESTABLISHMENT's" approval and it is too cost effective!
Smile Tis your choice.