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Apple cider vinager, good or bad?
Evan23 Views: 6,085
Published: 19 y

Apple cider vinager, good or bad?

I've been taking a tabelspoon of apple cider vinager with most meals for the last week or so. I heard it helps with digestion and has a number of other beneficial effects but would this be detrimental to maintaining a good PH balance?

Currently I am battling a very persistent case of facial eczema and I've been trying everythign under the sun to clear it up (but I'm staying away from prescription mediciine because thats what started it all in the first place). I just completed my 3rd Liver Flush and am now in the midst of a flare up from the die-off.

I have also been taking the lemon juice/molasses potion 2-3 times daily for about a week. Haven't seen a huge improvement physcially but mentally I am less anxious and my Depression is clearing.
Anyway this has turned into a ramble, I was mostly curious about the apple cider vinager so if anyone has any advice it would be most appreciated. Thanks


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