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Why does Western medicine hate homeopathy? Since the 1800s, conventionally-trained medical doctors have been taught that homeopathy is quackery, even 'devilish.' Mind you, these are the same people that thought bloodletting, leeches, mercury and lead were good to "treat" disease conditions.
A sinister plan to suppress the truth. Since the 1800s, despite its popularity among the most respected people in society, the American Medical Association (AMA) has done everything it can to wipe out homeopathy. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman, and Ronald Whitmont, M.D. talk about how homeopathic remedies can help to resolve infections plus many other chronic disease conditions.
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Talking about homeopathy, John D. Rockefeller once said it's "a progressive and aggressive step in medicine." In fact, J.D. Rockefeller took many homeopathic remedies throughout his later years. Maybe that's why he lived to a ripe old age of 97 – despite having many health issues. Unfortunately, thanks to the Flexner Report and the destructive efforts of the AMA, all homeopathic colleges were wiped out by 1950 and most U.S. citizens know little about its healing potential.
For nearly 200 years, advocate like William James, Daniel Webster, Britain's Royal Family, Charles Dickens, Wolfgang Goethe and Pope Pius X supported the health benefits of homeopathy. But, never mind all that, the agenda of Western medicine is clear: Convince a gullible public that suppressing (and treating) symptoms with toxic drugs are "better" than looking at the cause of disease.
Thankfully, the public is waking up. And, homeopathy is growing (again) in popularity. Don't forget to join us for a great show about natural remedies that work!
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Simply put, oil tycoon J.D. Rockefeller was determined to control the pharmaceutical industry and 'modern' medicine – but, first, he had to get rid of the competition such as, naturopathy, homeopathy, herbalists or any other physician associated with holistic medicine. To do this: Rockefeller funded Andrew Flexner to create the "Flexner Report" - by 1910.
In this bogus report, Flexner visited all the medical schools in the United States and determined that we had 'too many' physicians and medical schools. Ultimately, in a classic strategy of "problem, reaction, solution" – Rockefeller (through his media connections) generated enough public outcry to motivate Congress to declare the AMA – the only group authorized to grant medical school licenses in the U.S.
Of course, this suited Rockefeller just fine – as he now had the ability to control all of Western medicine in the United States. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman invites one of the top experts in homeopathy to discuss the real value of homeopathy – don't miss this great show!
This week's guest: Ronald Whitmont, M.D., an expert in classical homeopathy
Understand the real cause of disease and the power of homeopathy - Sun. Dec. 13
Ronald Whitmont, M.D. has been practicing classical homeopathy for the last 20 years and is board certified in Internal Medicine and a founding diplomat of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine.
A second-generation physician and homeopath, Dr. Whitmont choose homeopathy out of direct personal experience. He has a very thorough understanding of the important role that homeopathic medicines play in providing safe, effective therapeutic choices in a wide variety of illnesses and conditions.
As the movement to legalize cannabis continues to gain momentum, and as more research is conducted, we are discovering that this easy-to-grow plant is effective in treating many difficult illnesses, and surprisingly many types of deadly cancers. Cancer treatment in the U.S. has become its own industry, and even though chemotherapy admittedly over-prescribed and is known to have many devastating side effects, chemo and radiation are still the treatments most touted by doctors and the medical establishment.
Many people are seeking out medical marijuana as an alternative to conventional cancer treatment, and success stories are easy to find. Yet, underage cancer patients sometimes find that their legal rights when fighting cancer are unclear, and that when the state decides to intervene, their personal sovereignty may be compromised.
A 17 year-old girl’s plea to the Connecticut Supreme Court was recently rejected, and now, against her personal will and that of her mother and legal guardian, the state will resume forcing her to undergo chemotherapy as treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She had already been ordered by a lower court to undergo chemotherapy, however, due to the negative side-effects, she skipped several sessions. When she took her plea to the Supreme Court, they rejected her argument, saying that by skipping treatment she had proven herself to be too immature to decide for herself, and that she must resume chemotherapy.
“The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled on Jan. 8th that a teenager diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who declined treatment with chemotherapy will be made to undergo treatment anyway. The 17-year-old female, who cited chemotherapy’s adverse health effects as her primary reason for refusing, is now in protective custody at Connecticut hospital where she will be forced to undergo treatment against her will, and the will of her mother, her legal guardian, who supported her decision.” [Source]
Forced chemotherapy for minors is nothing new, and those who have been watching the rise in the use and study of cannabis for treating Hodgkin’s lymphoma have an excellent question for those charged with this case: Is chemotherapy for childhood Hodgkin’s lymphoma really as life-saving as is claimed?
Interestingly, as government intrusion becomes more of an issue when confronting health decisions, the movement to legalize cannabis for medical purposes is steadily gaining strength. Long stigmatized, cannabis, unlike chemotherapy, is anarchic in nature and cannot so easily be controlled by the corporate/government paradigm, for it is merely a hearty seed which grows medicine for whomever will tend it. Nowadays growing your own cannabis is not difficult, as it is now legal in many places, and getting getting started is as easy as visiting an online cannabis seeds store. Methods for converting the plant into potent medicines like cannabis oil are readily available online, thus effectively privatizing a potential cure for cancer.
Connecticut is a medical marijuana state. Doctors can prescribe it, and patients can legally buy it at state regulated dispensaries. Research and personal testimony is available to support the case that cannabis can effectively treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma, yet in this recent example, the Connecticut Supreme Court failed to acknowledge the fact that chemotherapy is not the only treatment known to fight this deadly cancer.
As laws regarding medical cannabis evolve, more states are ratifying a minor’s right to have access to cannabis. Last year in Chicago, for example, Illinois state lawmakers passed legislation allowing minors access to medical marijuana with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. Many other states are following suit.
As evidence mounts that cannabis treats cancer and that chemotherapy is dangerous, should children be allowed to try cannabis before chemotherapy if they or their guardians so desire?
Access to medicine that works is a human right, especially so when that medicine is as cheap and natural as cannabis. Empathy is a quality that individuals possess and bureaucracies don’t understand. Medical treatment without consent is torture, and withholding natural and cheap medicines in the struggle against cancer is just cruel, especially so when the lives of children are at stake.
"Cannabis suppresses your immune system."
Where did you come up with this idea? On the contrary.
Truth is...
"Recent published research on CD4 immunity in AIDS patients found no compromise to the immune systems of patients undergoing cannabis therapy in clinical trials.[11]"
Patients have long told us that cannabis has been helpful to them in the treatment of their arthritic conditions. Science has now demonstrated that the THC component of cannabis is a very effective analgesic (pain killer), and that the CBD (cannabidiol) component has unique immunomodulatory benefits as an antagonist of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, supporting benefits in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as Crohn's disease and psoriasis. It appears that cannabis-based medicines will likely be an important component of arthritis treatment in the 21st century.
...Cannabis has also been shown to have powerful immune-modulation and anti-inflammatory properties,[23-26] suggesting that it could play a role not just in symptom management but treatment of arthritis. In fact, one of the earliest records of medical use of cannabis, a Chinese text dating from ca. 2000 BC, notes that cannabis "undoes rheumatism," suggesting its anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects were known even then.[27]
Modern research on cannabidiol (CBD), one of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid components of cannabis, has found that it suppresses the immune response in mice and rats that is responsible for a disease resembling arthritis, protecting them from severe damage to their joints and markedly improving their condition.[28-29]
...The immuno-modulatory properties of a group of fats found in cannabis, known as sterols and sterolins, have been used as natural alternatives to conventional rheumatoid arthritis treatments that employ highly toxic drugs to either suppress the entire immune response of the body or to palliate pain and the inflammatory process without correcting the underlying immune dysfunction.
Cytokines play a role in either fuelling or suppressing the inflammation that causes damage in rheumatoid arthritis and some other diseases. The release of selected cytokines is impaired by cannabis, but the findings differ by cell type, experimental conditions, and especially the concentration of the cannabinoids examined.[38-41] A sterol/sterolin combination has been experimentally demonstrated to reduce the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines controlled by the TH2 helper cells and to increase the number of TH helper cells that regulate the secretion of antibodies from the B cells. This selective activation and inhibition of the immune system results is an effective control of the dysfunctional auto-immune response.
The cannabinoid system and immune modulation
Studies on the effects of marijuana smoking have evolved into the discovery and description of the endocannabinoid system. To date, this system is composed of two receptors, CB1 and CB2, and endogenous ligands including anandamide, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, and others. CB1 receptors and ligands are found in the brain as well as immune and other peripheral tissues. Conversely, CB2 receptors and ligands are found primarily in the periphery, especially in immune cells. Cannabinoid receptors are G protein-coupled receptors, and they have been linked to signaling pathways and gene activities in common with this receptor family. In addition, cannabinoids have been shown to modulate a variety of immune cell functions in humans and animals and more recently, have been shown to modulate T helper cell development, chemotaxis, and tumor development. Many of these drug effects occur through cannabinoid receptor signaling mechanisms and the modulation of cytokines and other gene products. It appears the immunocannabinoid system is involved in regulating the brain-immune axis and might be exploited in future therapies for chronic diseases and immune deficiency.
With the battle for the legalization of marijuana being considered one of the more prevalent issues in today’s society, it is upon scientists and researchers to now look deeper into the chemical makeup of marijuana and indicate whether smoking marijuana yields less dangerous side effects than consuming alcohol.
In this article by NBC, marijuana is grouped first among nine other drugs including heroin and hallucinogens and was considered the safest by a landslide. Then, when compared to alcohol and tobacco, marijuana was considered “by far…the safest, even when compared to alcohol and cigarettes.”
The article then follows to discuss the long-term effects of both recreational and chronic use of marijuana as compared to alcohol and tobacco. The findings showed that chronic tobacco and alcohol consumption led to serious intestinal problems and cancer, while chronic marijuana use was loosely linked to some lung problems and early onset psychosis. The only threat that chronic marijuana usage poses is developmental issues in young adolescents.
If marijuana were to be considered legal, it would likely be regulated by the ATF, just like alcohol and tobacco, and these factors would be taken into consideration when determining what the legal consumption age would be, dosages available, and so forth.
The US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health have provided details and statistics regarding “illicit” drug usage. For more information about the statistics and scientific reasoning behind the findings listed in this article, see here for more information.
See the simple meme below for the common-sense comparison of marijuana versus alcohol:
Keeping to the topic of regulation, the thought of legalizing marijuana becomes a little less intimidating to some, but not all. April M. Short posted an article on Salon.com that recounted the impression that a commercial about marijuana shown during a NASCAR race left on its viewers. Essentially, the commercial advocated that marijuana was a safer and more health-conscious alternative to drinking beer, with beer drinkers being one of NASCAR’s targeted audiences.
The goal was to show marijuana in a more positive, appealing light, but it was quickly pulled due to negative responses by the viewers. The MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) stated that its intentions were good and that their goal is “to ‘wipe the slate clean’ and replace fiction with facts about marijuana use.”
By providing statistical evidence through the length of the article, especially focusing on illness and death counts, Short’s aim is to convince her audience through scientific findings that marijuana is pinned as the “bad guy,” but in reality is actually less addictive and poses no recorded overdose, abuse, or fatality risks, while alcohol and tobacco have annual numbers in the thousands.
By accessing the official MPP website, those who are curious to read statistics about marijuana use and its comparison to alcohol and tobacco use are welcomed with straightforward, research-based facts. Addiction is one of the points that is repeated throughout marijuana research, and the results were recorded as:
A comprehensive federal study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine arrived at a similar conclusion: ‘Millions of Americans have tried marijuana, but most are not regular users [and] few marijuana users become dependent on it … [A]lthough [some] marijuana users develop dependence, they appear to be less likely to do so than users of other drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), and marijuana dependence appears to be less severe than dependence on other drugs.’
Low addiction rates yield more welcoming reviews when posed next to other drugs, such as alcohol, which has a high addiction rate as well as higher rates of illnesses and death. Marijuana has been pinned as a “gateway” drug to harder substances such as pills, heroin, and hallucinogens, and has also gained a “lazy” stereotype, leaving people with the impression that marijuana users do nothing productive; they just kick back on the couch and smoke for days on end. Even if they did, which is not recommended, there is no documented “overdose amount” for marijuana. There are not any DEA categories for marijuana-related causes of death to date.
Using mortality as an attention-grabbing basis for research, this article written by Justin Alford discusses the rates and causes of death that are brought on by drug and/or alcohol use. The opening statement ends with the credited phrase “alcohol is the deadliest, while marijuana is the least risky” which is used to uphold viewer engagement and encouraging them to keep reading.
The article proceeds to discuss how these marijuana statistics are out for the public knowledge, but are not advertised because they are not what the government wants the public to see.
With an anti-marijuana legalization mindset, the government wants to uphold the “lazy,” “deadbeat,” and “dangerous” lifestyle terms that are pinned on marijuana users. Alford ends the article with a though-provoking message: “time would be better spent focusing on managing the risks of alcohol and tobacco, rather than illegal drugs”, which is directed toward the policing of marijuana usage. Which, after reading through articles about legalization, makes perfect sense.
Why is the federal government focusing so intensely on a substance that does not yield any life-threatening issues, when tobacco and alcohol provably cause illness and death counts in the thousands?
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