Re: Help weird things happening.
A stool sample will probably show negative since such tests are pretty much a worthless waste of time and money.
You might try to locate an infectious disease doctor who's familiar with Balisascaris larval migrans and see if you can get a PCR test for that, but based on the typical adversities of seeking help from a human doctor yourself first, you might entertain the thought of taking your dog to a veterinarian who's knowledgable about Balisascaris infection and get a PCR test for the dog.
Something like this test....
If the dog is positive for Balisascaris, it's 90% likely you are too, and your entire home and yard..... possibly your whole neighborhood..... is hypercontaminated and a potentially deadly place to even be around.
If this is the case, I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news.
Raccoon roundworm has become a serious, Serious, HUGE problem that's only just beginning to get any attention at all. As "cute" as raccoons are, they are actually nasty disease spreading varmints that their mere presence brings horrible disease and death to domestic pets and people. They need to be eradicated from all urban and suburban areas. You can literally die from horrible disease by merely breathing the air around where they've been dwelling, and I'm not exaggerating or bullshitting either.
Veterinarians know 1000x more about
parasite infections than human doctors. And what they've been observing over the past decade or so, frightens the hell out of them. Human medical schools in the USA ceased teaching in-depth knowledge about
parasites (except for the common stuff) pretty much after WW2 ended. Veterinary medical schools did not cease that. MDs and DVMs don't talk to each other enough either.
Listen to the podcast (YouTube link) in this article
It's one hell of a wake up call.